Su Yaotian's phone call was simple, asking Su Xinyi to return to the Nanlong Armed Forces Management Bureau immediately.

From his tone, Su Xinyi could tell that he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

Obviously, Su Yaotian already knew about Li Rubin and Long Sihai, and he was now in the Armed Forces Management Bureau.

Things had to be faced after all, and Su Xinyi did not evade, and directly took Fang Chen to the Nanlong Armed Forces Management Bureau.

It was already late at night, but the Nanlong Armed Forces Management Bureau was brightly lit and crowded with people.

All the people from the Nanlong Armed Forces Management Bureau came over, and everyone's face was very pale, lowering their heads and not daring to speak.

Su Yaotian, with a head full of white hair, stood at the door with a sullen face, looking up at the starry sky, his deep eyes full of anger and murderous intent.

On the ground in front of Su Yaotian lay a headless corpse, it was Li Rubin's.

Shang Lisi and the others knelt on the ground with pale faces, lowered their heads and trembling. Next to them stood several masters, all of whom were high-ranking officials of the Taiwu Alliance General Administration, and their faces were also filled with murderous intent.

A murderous aura filled the entire place, oppressing everyone so much that it was difficult for them to even breathe.

Su Xinyi drove the car and stopped in front of the Wu Management Bureau.

The couple slowly got out of the car. Except for Su Yaotian, everyone looked at them with different expressions.


Su Xinyi walked behind Su Yaotian and called softly

""Hello, father-in-law." Fang Chen followed with greetings.

Hearing the word"father-in-law", Su Yaotian trembled all over, turned around suddenly, stared at Fang Chen with gloomy eyes, and a strong pressure swept over, pressing the ground to crack and explode, and the crackling sound was extremely harsh.

But Fang Chen still smiled calmly, unmoved. Su Yaotian was stunned, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He had just arrived here, and then under interrogation, he learned that Li Rubin was killed, so he immediately asked Su Xinyi to come over. He didn't have time to ask who killed him and why he was killed.

Shang Lisi and her group were not worthy of Su Yaotian's interrogation, and Su Yaotian knew that asking his daughter was the fastest and most truthful way to know the truth.

Su Xinyi said on the phone before that Fang Chen was just an ordinary person. Su Yaotian was of course very angry that an ordinary person actually kidnapped his daughter. Especially when he heard the word"father-in-law", his blood pressure rose, and he wanted to teach him a lesson.

But it seemed that his master's aura was not a threat to Fang Chen at all, which had to surprise him.

""You are Fang Chen?" Su Yaotian asked coldly.

Fang Chen still kept smiling and nodded:"Yes, I am Fang Chen, your daughter's husband."

Su Yaotian's blood pressure rose again when he heard Fang Chen's words. He really wanted to slap Fang Chen to death. At the same time, he regretted it very much. He regretted why he let Su Xinyi manage Nanlong.

Now, Li Rubin died inexplicably, and his daughter got married inexplicably, and even he, the father, didn't know.

"I'll settle your affairs later! Yi'er, can you tell me why Li Rubin died? Who killed him? Why did you conceal it?"Su Yaotian looked at his daughter and shouted angrily.

If he hadn't come in person, he wouldn't have known that Li Rubin was dead!

Now the entire Nanlong Branch has been taken over by his daughter, who is loyal to her. Everyone has concealed Li Rubin's death for her, which makes Su Yaotian not know whether to be happy or angry. He is happy that his daughter can make a branch as united as an iron, which is enough to prove her ability.

And he is angry that Li Rubin is no different from others. He is his last disciple and the future helmsman of the Taiwu Alliance! When he died, no one in the Nanlong Branch secretly reported it. Doesn't that mean that this place is already Su Xinyi's world? They are all her people, and they are no longer under the jurisdiction of the Taiwu Alliance headquarters.

Hearing Su Yaotian's questioning, Su Xinyi subconsciously looked at Fang Chen next to her.

She was a little speechless.

Her husband killed her father's student...

Although Li Rubin's death did not touch Su Xinyi too much, and she even felt relieved, but after all, he was her father's student, and the second best in the Taiwu Alliance. It was a bit unreasonable to be killed by her husband.

"I will answer. Fang Chen smiled at Su Xinyi.

"You answer? What qualifications do you have to answer? You don't have the right to speak now! Stand aside!" Su Yaotian shouted angrily.

Fang Chen laughed and looked at his furious father-in-law, and slowly said:"Of course I have the qualifications. I killed Li Rubing, and I also killed Jin Changhe and several vice-leaders and disciples of the Yuhua Alliance."

"What did you say?"

Su Yaotian stared at Fang Chen, and the people at the Taiwu Alliance headquarters also looked at him in shock.

""What the hell did you say?"

As Su Yaotian and the others were shocked, a loud shout came from the sky, and then a figure landed in front of them. The icy murderous intent instantly swept the whole place.

This person was Fang Yuhua.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets~)

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