Fang Yuhua was filled with murderous intent, and even the air around him was slightly twisted and trembling.

A cold chill swept across the entire place. His cultivation was the same as Su Yaotian's, both were ninth-grade masters, and they were only one step away from becoming a grandmaster.

Of course, this step was not so easy to take.

Some people are stuck at this level all their lives and cannot enter the realm of a grandmaster.

"You said you killed all the people in my Yuhua Alliance?" Fang Yuhua's eyes flashed with murderous intent as he stared at Fang Chen.

Su Yaotian frowned. Although he didn't like Fang Chen and had nothing good to say about him, he was his son-in-law after all, so he naturally couldn't let Fang Yuhua question Fang Chen like this.

""Fang Yuhua, now is not the time for your Yuhua Alliance to ask questions!" Su Yaotian shouted in a deep voice. Fang Yuhua looked at Su Yaotian coldly and said,"Su Yaotian, people from my Yuhua Alliance have met with accidents one after another in your Nanlong. I will settle this account with you later!"

After that, Fang Yuhua looked at Fang Chen again and shouted,"Boy! You said that you killed Jin Changhe and other people from my Yuhua Alliance. Is that true?"

After Fang Yuhua finished speaking, a brutal true energy rushed out of his body, which directly bound Fang Chen and dragged him in the air.

"Let go!"

Su Xinyi saw Fang Yuhua attacking Fang Chen directly, and immediately became furious and wanted to fight back.

"Wife, I'll do it. Fang Chen persuaded Su Xinyi.

Su Xinyi was stunned for a moment, looking at Fang Chen with a helpless expression. She forgot for a moment that Fang Chen was a grandmaster. How could Fang Yuhua hurt Fang Chen?

Shang Lisi and others beside him also looked strange when they saw this situation.

A word popped up in their minds: this son-in-law is trying to play the pig to eat the tiger……

"You are Fang Yuhua?" Fang Chen asked, looking at Fang Yuhua with his eyes wide open.

Fang Yuhua's face darkened and he shouted coldly:"Answer my question! Otherwise, I will kill you and no one can stop me!"

Su Yaotian, who was standing next to him, became even more annoyed when he heard what Fang Yuhua said. Just as he was about to speak, Fang Chen spoke first.

"I will count to three. If you don't let me down after three times, you will die, believe it or not?" Fang Chen said with a smile. Fang Yuhua laughed and said

,"Where do you get your confidence from? Do you rely on Su Yaotian? Or other people from the Taiwu Alliance? An ant dares to bully me? You were still wearing ripped pants when I was killing people!"

Fang Chen grinned and said,"Three..."


"call out——"

A sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard.

The expression on Fang Yuhua's face gradually solidified, his eyes widened with fear and horror, looking at Fang Chen in disbelief.

A blood mark slowly appeared between Fang Yuhua's eyebrows, and then the blood mark appeared from his nose all the way down. Two seconds later, his whole body split into two.


A dull sound rang out.

Then there was a dead silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone stared blankly at the body on the ground that was split into two.

Fang Yuhua opened his bloodshot eyes, and his pupils gradually became dilated, without any life.

Su Yaotian felt his whole body go cold, and a sense of powerless fear arose in his heart.

He and Fang Yuhua had the same cultivation level, and if the two of them were really fighting to the death, it would be hard to say who would have the last laugh.

But now Fang Yuhua was dead, and in front of him!

He didn't even know what split Fang Yuhua, and it was split into two directly after Fang Chen said the word"three".

This can no longer be described as fast!

There is no speed at all!

The only explanation is the power of the divine essence!


Su Yaotian looked at Fang Chen in horror, and was so scared that he couldn't speak.

Was it really this son-in-law who did it?

Is his son-in-law a grandmaster?

Su Yaotian now felt his mind was blank.

Fang Chen slowly fell from mid-air, with a calm and elegant smile on his face as always.

""League leader! League leader!"

The master of Yuhua Alliance finally came to his senses, and his eyes were red in an instant.

At this moment, three men in black suddenly appeared in the distance, holding long swords and flying in the air at a high speed, landing in front of the strong men of Yuhua Alliance, and attacked without hesitation.

These three people are all eighth-grade masters!

Seeing this lineup, Su Yaotian was even more frightened.

Three eighth-grade masters! If the opponent's means are stronger, they can kill the ninth-grade!

The most powerful one Fang Yuhua brought was only a second-grade master, a total of ten people, and they had no power to fight back against these three eighth-grade masters, and they were all killed in an instant.

After killing the people of Yuhua Alliance, the three men in black turned around and walked in front of Fang Chen, bowing to him at the same time.

"Sorry, Master Fang, we are late and you have to do it." One of the men said.

Fang Chen waved his hand and said,"Tell Sang Yu that I want an extra 10%"

""Yes, goodbye!"

The three of them left immediately after saying this.

They came quickly and left quickly.

This made everyone unable to react. Even Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen in shock.

How come her husband seemed to have subordinates of the eighth-grade master? And there were three of them?

This stinky man, is he hiding something from her?

(Please give me flowers, comment and monthly ticket!)

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