The three eighth-rank masters were sent by Damen Ya and Sang Yu.

Their original mission was to kill Fang Yuhua, but Fang Chen took action instead.

When negotiating cooperation with a businessman, one must be clear about the differences, so Fang Chen directly asked for an extra 10% of the profit.

However, from these three people, it can be seen that Damen Ya and Sang Yu's power should not be underestimated. At least they can have three eighth-rank masters attack at the same time, which is not something that ordinary alliances can match. The only masters above the eighth rank in the Taiwu Alliance and Yuhua Alliance are their leaders.

"Are you a Grandmaster?"Su Yaotian looked a little embarrassed.

He was against Su Xinyi and Fang Chen's marriage at first, and even thought about getting them divorced after learning about their marriage.

But now it seems that they can't get divorced...

The Grandmaster no longer needs to look at Su Yaotian's face.

""Yes." Fang Chen admitted with a smile.

Su Yaotian didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Then why did you want to kill Li Rubing? He is the future leader of our Taiwu Alliance, a strong man that our Taiwu Alliance has cultivated for so long. You have married Yi'er, and you are also half a member of the Taiwu Alliance. Wouldn't your killing greatly reduce the strength of our Taiwu Alliance?"Su Yaotian said with a long sigh.

He was still very uncomfortable.

After all, Li Rubing was his student, and he was able to position him as the future successor. It can be imagined that their relationship was still very deep.

But Fang Chen was his daughter's husband, and he was also a grandmaster. Because of this relationship, he could not hate Fang Chen, nor was he qualified to hate him, let alone take revenge.

"I will kill anyone who covets my wife." Fang Chen said with a smile


Su Yaotian's face was distorted.

He didn't know whether he should be happy or worried for his daughter.

"What about the people from the Yuhua Alliance? Why did you kill them? Jin Changhe was said to be just passing by, so you killed him?"Su Yaotian asked with a headache.

Now Fang Yuhua is dead, and all the masters are dead, which means that the Yuhua Alliance is finished.

But is this a good thing?


If Fang Yuhua were alive, he would know Fang Chen's master's cultivation, so he would at least choose to swallow his anger and continue to develop the Yuhua Alliance.

But he is dead now, which means that the Yuhua Alliance is leaderless. What will be the result? It will be taken back by the Shenwu Alliance!

But this taking back is not so simple. If all your people are dead, I will take it back. I will uphold justice for the Yuhua Alliance!

As a subordinate alliance of the Shenwu Alliance, although it is autonomous, if it is destroyed, it must make decisions for the other party.

The grandmaster is indeed very powerful, but the Shenwu Alliance also has grandmasters! And there is more than one. It is still very likely that the other party will take down Fang Chen. This is what Su Yaotian is most worried about now.

So we have to find a reason, a legitimate reason, to make the Shenwu Alliance think that the Yuhua Alliance is asking for death.

""Father-in-law, can I have a word with you?" Fang Chen asked.

Su Yaotian was stunned for a moment, then looked at his daughter.

Su Xinyi also looked at Fang Chen in confusion, wondering why he wanted to talk to his father alone.

""Okay!" Su Yaotian nodded.

Then the two of them came to a quiet place nearby.

"Can I tell you now? Why is it so? You and my daughter are already married, so I have nothing to say. Just get married, and I bless you. But you have destroyed the Yuhua Alliance, what do you want the Shenwu Alliance to do? They will definitely attack you to maintain their dignity, so what will they do then? You are going to wander around the world with my daughter? I don't want my daughter to be homeless all her life."

Su Yaotian's words made Fang Chen want to laugh.

This old man changed his mind very quickly?

Now he doesn't object to his daughter marrying him? He even gave his blessing. Ten minutes ago, he looked like he wanted to slap himself to death!

"What happened to your daughter fifteen years ago? Fang Chen didn't want to talk too much with his father-in-law, so he went straight to the point. If

Su Xinyi didn't remember, then Su Yaotian, as a father, must know.

"Why do you ask that?"Su Yaotian's face changed instantly, and he stared at him with great vigilance.

Seeing Su Yaotian's reaction, Fang Chen knew everything in his heart.

He really did inherit Qin Tian's inheritance!

And it was not like what Damen Ya said that Su Yaotian didn't know, this old man knew a lot!

"All of their deaths were caused by something that happened fifteen years ago. Father-in-law, are you sure you still want to hide it and not say anything?" Fang Chen asked with a smile.

Su Yaotian looked flustered, staggered, and his face was full of regret and remorse.

"I knew I couldn't hide it...I knew I couldn't hide it……"Su Yaotian murmured in pain, then raised his head abruptly, looked at Fang Chen with a determined look and said:

"Fang Chen, take Yi Er away immediately! The farther the better! The matter of Qin Tian's inheritance has been known by others. By then, not to mention the Grandmaster, even the Emperor level may get involved! You can't protect her, take her away immediately and find a place where no one is to spend the rest of her life!"

(Seeing that the data didn't move, I know, it turns out that no one is watching it, right?)

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