Su Yaotian seemed to have aged by a dozen years in an instant, with a pair of turbid eyes with bloodshot and a pale face.

Fang Chen sighed as he looked at Su Yaotian's appearance.

Although he was the leader of a martial arts alliance, a ninth-grade master, and had unlimited glory, he was still a father after all.

The stronger he was, the more he knew how weak he was.

Su Yaotian knew very well that once the matter of Qin Tian's inheritance was exposed, he would definitely not be able to protect his daughter.

"So you know everything, right?" Fang Chen asked

"Yes, I was just a small grandmaster back then. I took over the Taiwu Alliance from my father. Yi'er was only five years old. Her mother was from the Nine Swords Alliance. In my small alliance, I couldn't provide Yi'er with a good training environment, so I took her with me and wanted her to follow her mother."

Su Yaotian sneered and glanced at Su Xinyi in the distance. Su Xinyi was also looking at this side.

Fang Chen frowned.

The Nine Swords Alliance is where the Sword Emperor Qin Tian is located. It was founded by him. It was one of the top ten alliances back then. Because of Qin Tian's sudden death, it has now fallen out of the top ten alliances and has been replaced by the later ones. However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Now the strength of the Nine Swords Alliance should not be underestimated.

He didn't know that his mother-in-law was from the Nine Swords Alliance.

That alliance is very exclusive of outsiders. They live on the Nine Swords Island and basically do not marry outsiders. It seems that this father-in-law had an earth-shaking love story with his mother-in-law back then.

"But when we first arrived at the Nine Swords Island, we met Senior Qin Tian, who was already dying at that time. He saw at a glance that Yi Er had the blood of the Nine Swords Island, and he did not ask for our opinion and forced the inheritance to Yi Er, and then he died."

"I didn't know what the Sword Emperor inheritance meant and what kind of danger it was, so I didn't dare to send Yi'er to Nine Swords Island again, and brought her back directly. After I came back, I found that Yi'er seemed to have no memory of the inheritance at all. In addition, no one else saw it at the time, so I wanted to forget about it completely."

Speaking of this, Su Yaotian's face was more regretful.

"After receiving the inheritance of the Emperor-level Celestial Being, both her talent and physique will undergo a huge qualitative change. Even if the inherited magic and supernatural powers have not yet appeared, the inherited memory will be restored over time. Once the natural disasters and disasters are used, her identity will be completely hidden."Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

The inheritance of the Emperor-level Celestial Being is not a joke. As long as you can withstand the inheritance, you can at least become a Grandmaster in this life, and there is a high probability that you can even reach the Emperor level.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to die at the Emperor level, even if the life span is thousands of years, and there is also the existence of the second life soul. It is as difficult as ascending to the sky to completely kill, so there is basically no inheritance like Qin Tian's life.

However, Fang Chen also knew the situation at that time. Qin Tian had no possibility of survival, because his second life soul was also broken, and he even had no second life soul before he met the netherworld.

Therefore, there is a traitor on Jiujian Island!

This also explains why Qin Tian did not immediately go back to Jiujian Island to find his relatives and disciples for inheritance, because he knew very well that he would completely perish before he arrived at Jiujian Island.

"I thought I could hide it, but what you said just now made me realize that I took it for granted."Su Yaotian laughed and cried

"You also knew that there were traitors on Jiujian Island, so you didn't take your daughter with you, right?" Fang Chen asked. Su Yaotian nodded.

"Yes, I can't think of any other way to make the emperor-level heavenly being fall, except for the cooperation from inside and outside. There may be no traitors in Nine Swords Island, but I dare not bet. Once they find out that Yi'er has obtained the inheritance of the Sword Emperor, she will definitely die."

Fang Chen smiled.

Basically, he already knew the general idea, and there was nothing to ask Su Yaotian.

""Okay, I understand." Fang Chen nodded.

Su Yaotian looked at Fang Chen, pleading in his tone:"I don't know who you are that made you become a grandmaster at such a young age, but I know you really love my daughter, because a person's eyes can't lie, you look at Yi'er I know the look, I know what that look means, so I entrust her to you, you take her away!"

From the beginning, Su Yaotian noticed the look Fang Chen gave Su Xinyi.

He had also seen this look before.

"If we leave, you and the Taiwu Alliance will be gone." Fang Chen said with a smile. Su

Yaotian opened his mouth slightly, his eyes became desperate and sad, then he smiled sadly and said:"I will disband the Taiwu Alliance. As for me, it's gone. I can't watch my only daughter being killed, right? I can't take revenge. I'm just a master waste.……"

The last sentence expressed Su Yaotian's sadness and unwillingness.

To outsiders, the Grandmaster realm is absolutely amazing and is the goal that warriors strive for all their lives.

But only when you reach this level do you realize that Grandmaster is just the beginning.

Now Su Yaotian is only one level away from being a Grandmaster, but this one level has made him see no hope.

Father's love is like a mountain.

Fang Chen was not interested in Su Yaotian at first, but now he has changed his mind.

"Don't worry, I'm here, no one in heaven or on earth can hurt her." Fang Chen said confidently and firmly.

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