Su Xinyi came to Jinzhou with a frosty face and a terrifying aura all over her body, making people dare not look directly at her.


Shang Lisi saw Su Xinyi coming and hurried forward.

Su Xinyi looked around coldly. The pressure had subsided when she arrived, and now she couldn't find the direction.

"Minister, maybe that guy also sensed your arrival and withdrew his pressure."Zhang Baihan said nervously.

The other people were also pale, with a hint of panic in their eyes.

They really couldn't deal with the demon lord level monster.

Now the clues are broken again. It is too difficult to find a demon with the strength of a demon lord in Jinzhou.

Even if he finds it, Su Xinyi will definitely fight a big battle with him, and who knows what Jinzhou will be like by then.

"Evacuate everyone in Jinzhou, now!" Su Xinyi shouted coldly.


Shang Lisi and the others immediately took the order and left.

They did not dare to neglect it.

Once the minister found the demon, the two sides would fight.���, which would affect countless citizens, so now we must disperse the citizens of Jinzhou.

Su Xinyi looked around, and then locked her eyes on the top of the tall building where Fang Chen was just now. Her figure flashed, and she appeared there the next moment.

This is the center of Jinzhou. There is no trace of the demon now. She can only stand here and observe. When evacuating the crowd, if there is any unusual movement, she will know it immediately.

"Where are you?"

Su Xinyi frowned, her eyes flashed coldly, and a layer of frost covered her beautiful face.

On the other side, Fang Chen came to a house.

He had found the whereabouts of the demon.

It was hidden in the basement of the house.

""Little bastard, you dare to cause trouble for my wife. The reason for overtime tonight must be because of you!" Fang Chen cursed angrily.

After learning about Su Xinyi's identity, he left that place immediately.

Jinzhou was not very big for Fang Chen, and it didn't take long to find the place where the demon was hiding.

Having just been promoted to the Demon Lord, its breath was relatively weak, which was why it had been hiding.

This family was eaten up by it, not even a hair was left.

Fang Chen opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the house, he could smell a strong smell of blood.

This place is located on the edge of Jinzhou, next to the river waterway. The Taiwu Alliance's investigation has not yet been carried out here, so it's no wonder that they can't find it.

If the investigation is carried out here, as long as you approach the house, you will find something strange.

The room was in a mess, there was nothing good, and there was a lot of sticky liquid on the ground, emitting a fishy smell.

That was left by the demon licking the blood on the ground.

Fang Chen walked into the house and found the only small wooden stool that could still be sat on and sat down.

"Are you going to come out by yourself, or do you want me to do it?" Fang Chen said to himself, crossing his legs and facing the floor.


The floor suddenly cracked and rose up, and then a huge eye full of mucus poked out from below.

The eye was the size of a ball, full of bloodshot, and the orchid pupil exuded a violent aura, staring at Fang Chen intently.

""Are you a human or a demon?"

A hoarse voice came.

Fang Chen glanced at it and said,"Is there any difference?"

"You have murderous intentions towards me"

"Because I want to kill you. Fang Chen chuckled.

"You can't kill me, I'm under the command of the Blue Flame Demon God."The other party shouted coldly

"Qing Yan?"

Fang Chen laughed, slowly stood up, walked to the front of his eyes, and leaned down slightly to look into his eyes.

"Do you know who I am? Fang Chen said with a playful smile on his face.

"I don't know, but I know you are also a demon, a demon that can transform into a human form, and your cultivation is higher than that of the demon lord."The other party replied, with a very fearful tone.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly opened them again.

A pair of golden pupils appeared in front of the other party, and the circles of blood-red lines in the pupils looked extremely weird and terrifying.

"Blood-patterned golden pupils!"

"Who are you——"


Before the other party could finish his words, his entire eye exploded instantly, and then the ground shook violently, and the entire house collapsed. The sky was filled with rubble and dust.

Fang Chen stood in the ruins and stretched out his right hand. A dark blue demon inner pill slowly floated out from the ground and landed in his hand.

"The inner elixir of the demon lord level is not bad. Fang Chen nodded with satisfaction and put the inner elixir away.

The movement here instantly attracted Su Xinyi's attention. At the same time, her subordinates also sensed it, and everyone rushed here as soon as possible.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Su Xinyi's face was cold.

Shang Lisi and the others were also confused.

"What a strong smell of blood, could it be that the demon is hiding here?"Jiang He asked in astonishment.

Su Xinyi frowned and walked to the waste, his whole body was full of energy, and he made an open gesture with his hands and pulled hard.


The ruins in front of them split into two parts, and then a devastated demon corpse appeared in front of everyone.

"This... this is the one-eyed blood demon we are hunting! Dead?" Zhang Baihan cried out.

(Please give me flowers and comments, and all your support. It is not easy to write a new book. A flower, a comment, or a review is a great support to me. It is my motivation to continue. If you are reading this, please give me some, please!)

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