Su Xinyi was a little confused now.

Although the demon in front of her was in tatters and looked completely different, judging from its aura, it was the one they were looking for.

But why was it dead?

From the noise just now to her arrival, it was only eight seconds. In such a short time, it killed a demon lord-level demon beast?

How powerful was the other party?

"Minister...are there other experts in the alliance coming to help?" Shang Lisi swallowed her saliva and asked in a low voice.

"Isn't this too fast? We heard a loud noise, and then we arrived. One-shot kill? That would require at least a ruthless character like Li Rubin, right? But with his flamboyant personality, how could he kill a demon lord-level demon and leave without saying a word?"Zhang Baihan said with a smack of his lips.

He couldn't imagine how a person could kill a demon lord-level demon in a second. It was simply too exaggerated.

Su Xinyi was also puzzled. She had already made up her mind to fight this demon to the death, and even Jinzhou was ready to give up.

Now tell her that this demon died inexplicably?

Are you kidding?

"Regardless of who did it, bring the body back to report to the headquarters, and the others will double-check to see if there are any other demons in Jinzhou."Su Xinyi gave the order


Everyone obeyed.

Su Xinyi looked at the meat paste in front of her, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and suddenly a look of surprise flashed across her eyes.

""Jiang He, go check if the demon's inner core is still there." Su Xinyi said.

Jiang He was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The demon's body had completely decayed, emitting a disgusting stench that was very pungent. Jiang He pinched his nose with one hand and used the other hand to move the demon's abdomen.


Countless black blood mixed with sticky liquid gushed out, and the people around vomited.

"There is no inner elixir!"

Jiang He turned around and looked at Su Xinyi and said.

Shang Lisi looked at Su Xinyi and said:"Minister, is it a bounty hunter?"

"There are not many bounty hunters in this world who can kill demon lords instantly. Okay, let's do our work."Su Xinyi said, and turned to leave the scene.

Su Xinyi went straight back to his office, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


An old voice came from the phone.

"Dad, did you send someone to kill the demon in Jinzhou?" Su Xinyi asked doubtfully.

"No, what happened? Was the demon killed by someone else?" Father Su's tone was quite surprised.

Su Xinyi frowned, she always felt that something was wrong, so she told her father everything.

"It's quite interesting. Father Su laughed.

"The ninth-rank demon that breaks through to the demon lord level is still relatively weak and cannot fully exert the full strength of the demon lord demon. However, if it is a human who can kill it with one blow, then its strength must be at the master level. It is estimated that it takes three grades or above to have this ability."

"What if it's a human?" Su Xinyi heard the meaning behind her father's words.

"Demons are not relatives, they only care about strength, and the inner elixir of demons is also a good thing for their kind. It is not ruled out that it was killed by a demon king. I will let Li Rubin go and take a look. Things are indeed strange."

Hearing the name Li Rubin, Su Xinyi showed a look of disgust on his face and said,"Dad, I'm married."


There was a clattering sound coming from the phone.

"What did you say?"

"I said I got married a week ago."Su Xinyi took a deep breath and said loudly.


The other end of the phone suddenly fell silent.

After a moment, a sigh came.

"What's that guy's name? Where is he from? How strong is he? How long have you known each other? What does he look like? How is he to you?"

Father Su asked several questions in a row.

"His name is Fang Chen, from Nanzhou, just an ordinary person. We have known each other for three months. He is very handsome and treats me very well."

Su Xinyi answered the questions one by one, and at the end of the conversation, she couldn't help but smile.

She missed Fang Chen.

"Ordinary people? Confused! I don't agree!"Su's father shouted in a deep voice

"We are already married and we are husband and wife. You promised mother that you would not interfere with my marriage. I will make the decision on my own. Su Xinyi was firm.

"But you can't just find someone to marry, right?" Father Su was so upset that he wanted to kill someone! He wanted to smash Fang Chen to pieces.

"I love him, and I will only be with him in this life, that's it."

Su Xinyi hung up the phone directly after she finished speaking.

After hanging up the phone, Su Xinyi walked to the French window, looked at the scenery in the distance, and thought of every little thing about herself and Fang Chen, with a smile on her face.

Maybe it was fate, maybe they were lovers in their previous lives, anyway, in Su Xinyi's heart, Fang Chen was hers in this life, and no one could object.

"Ah cut——"

At this moment, Fang Chen suddenly sneezed.

"Who is saying bad things about me?" Fang Chen rubbed his nose, then looked up and looked forward.

He was now in the suburbs.

In front of him was a cave. The dark entrance of the cave seemed like a huge abyss, which made people palpitate.

Inside the cave was the largest underground black market in South China.

Fang Chen was going here to sell the inner elixir he had just obtained.

(Is anyone watching? I beg you to give me flowers, comments, and monthly tickets! If you don’t have any, just leave a comment~)

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