Jiujian Island is located in the North Sea. It used to be an uninhabited island. Since the invasion of demons, humans have started the era of cultivation. Sword Emperor Qin Tian brought his people to this island.

Jiujian Island does not belong to the human warrior alliance, nor is it subject to any regulation.

The territory of the emperor-level strong is the absolute domain, just like the transcendent forces in novels.

There are many similar to Jiujian Island. They are all the territories of emperor-level strongmen. Basically, they rarely participate in human affairs. They will only go out when powerful demons appear or the emperor-level falls like now.

The emperor-level forces also have an alliance, called the Emperor-level Association. As the name suggests, only the emperor-level and above can join.

This Emperor-level Association is the most mysterious and powerful organization in the world today. It can even be said that the ten major warrior alliances are tools of the Emperor-level Association. The real master of this world is the Emperor-level Association.

Jiujian Island joined the Emperor-level Association back then, but later because Qin Tian fell, Jiujian Island was disqualified because there were no new emperor-level members, and it has not been able to join until now.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even though Jiujian Island is no longer a member of the Emperor Class, it is still not something that other warrior alliances dare to offend. It is rumored that the new island owner Qin Wei is now an Emperor Class, and it is only a matter of time before he rejoins the Emperor Class.

Qin Ziyu brought Su Xinyi to the outskirts of Jiujian Island.

The sea water below was surging, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, which seemed very depressing.

Three hundred meters ahead is the forbidden area, and it is impossible to move forward.

The entire island is shrouded in a powerful forbidden magic circle. It cannot be opened without a ban-breaking spell, and even the Emperor Class will take a lot of time to take action.

""Sister, do you want to report to the island owner first?" a subordinate asked in a low voice.

Qin Ziyu looked solemn. Su Xinyi had been sleeping all the time, and she was not ready to face her daughter.

After taking a look at her daughter and thinking of the mysterious son-in-law, Qin Ziyu said,"No, just go in, and I will report to the island owner later.""


The woman nodded, and then the two people next to her stood up at the same time, quickly making hand seals with both hands, and the power of true energy permeated their bodies.

The three of them shouted and pointed in the direction of Nine Swords Island.


A series of buzzing sounds were heard, and three blue true energy forces gathered into a straight line and sank into the space in front.

Then, a huge circular barrier began to emerge, slowly rippling circles, and a gap that looked like a water curtain door appeared in front of everyone.

Qin Ziyu and others immediately went in.

After the last person went in, the water curtain door closed instantly, and everything returned to its original appearance.

As soon as we entered the island, the sky was suddenly clear and cloudless, which was completely different from the dark weather outside just now.

What came into view was a huge island with various buildings standing on it, including high-rise buildings and buildings similar to ancient ones.

The combination of modern and ancient times looked very different and novel.

From time to time, there were people flying on swords, and the port was also bustling with people coming and going.


Two guards appeared in front of Qin Ziyu and looked at Su Xinyi suspiciously.

"This person is not from my Nine Swords Island. Do you have the island owner's permission to bring in outsiders?" the guard asked.

Qin Ziyu took out a token from his arms.

When the guard saw it, he immediately bowed and stepped aside:"Please." He moved forward unhindered, flying on the sword.

When the people below saw Qin Ziyu, no matter what they were doing, they would stop, put their right hands on their hearts, and bow their heads slightly to show respect.

Ten minutes later, Qin Ziyu returned to his palace.

There are three huge peaks on Nine Swords Island. The main peak is where the island owner is located. On the left is where the elders of Nine Swords Island live, and on the right is the palace of the saint. Below the island owner is the saint, followed by the elders. You can imagine how high the status of the saint is in Nine Swords Island.

"Everyone, leave."

Qin Ziyu carefully placed Su Xinyi on her bed and covered her with a blanket, her eyes filled with guilt and relief.

She hadn't seen her daughter for nearly sixteen years.

Sitting on the bed, Qin Ziyu gently stroked her daughter's hair and murmured,"The little girl has grown up and is married.……"

Su Xinyi's eyebrows suddenly frowned slightly, and her eyelids moved.

Qin Ziyu looked flustered, and quickly pulled back his hand. He stood up in a somewhat embarrassed manner and turned his back to Su Xinyi.

With a whimper, Su Xinyi slowly opened her eyes.

She looked around in confusion, and suddenly thought of something, and sat up suddenly.

"Who are you?"

When she saw Qin Ziyu with his back to her, she immediately looked alert.

Qin Ziyu trembled slightly when he heard Su Xinyi's voice and slowly turned his head.

When Su Xinyi saw the other person's face, she was stunned.

This face, she had dreamed of countless times, it was so clear and familiar, but it felt so strange.

"Mother... Mother?" Su Xinyi's eyes instantly turned red, and her voice trembled.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets~)

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