Su Xinyi looked at Qin Ziyu in disbelief, tears welling up in her eyes.

In her memory, her mother had passed away when she was five years old, and now she suddenly appeared again, which made her completely unable to accept it.

"Wake up?"Qin Ziyu's eyes were red, and her voice was choked. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

She felt guilty.

Su Xinyi sat on the bed blankly, unable to speak.

"I know your father must have told you that I passed away. This is also for your sake. Don't blame him."Qin Ziyu said softly

"Why?" Su Xinyi asked.

Qin Ziyu quickly wiped away the tears that had just flowed out of her eyes, squeezed out a forced smile and said:"Because I am the Saint of Nine Swords Island, I cannot marry an outsider. Only by leaving can I protect you and your daughter from harm."

Qin Ziyu looked at her daughter with guilt, smiled sadly and said:"I don't ask you to forgive me.……"

"I don't hate you, I don't have any feelings for you."Su Xinyi replied.

She lost her mother when she was young, and she was very unfamiliar with the role of a mother. She was not very sad, nor was she very happy. She was just shocked and couldn't accept it for a while, but it would be fine after she got over it.

Blood is thicker than water, but the distant family affection still makes the two feel distant.

For Su Xinyi, Qin Ziyu is just a relative who is closer than a stranger.

Seeing her daughter gradually regain her composure and the strangeness in her eyes, Qin Ziyu felt heartbroken, but she knew that this was the punishment she deserved.

""Why am I here? Where is this?" Su Xinyi asked.

She clearly remembered that she was contacting Fang Chen, waiting for Fang Chen's message, and then she was lying here the next moment.

"This is Jiujian Island, I took you here from your father." Qin Ziyu said.

Su Xinyi frowned, touched his pocket, and asked hurriedly:"Where is my cell phone?"

"I didn't bring it, and your phone has no signal here on Jiujian Island. Our communication signals here are encrypted, and only people from Jiujian Island can use them." Qin Ziyu explained.

""Can you lend me your cell phone?" Su Xinyi said anxiously.

She didn't have time to ask about other things, she just wanted to know how Fang Chen was doing.

Qin Ziyu naturally knew why Su Xinyi was so anxious to get the phone, and said:"Don't worry, your husband Fang Chen is fine, and he also knows that I brought you to Nine Swords Island."

After listening to Qin Ziyu's words, Su Xinyi still had some doubts, but did not continue to dwell on this issue, and asked:"Why did you suddenly bring me to Nine Swords Island?"

Of course she knew where Nine Swords Island was, and there was no one in the world who didn't know the existence of Nine Swords Island

"Many things cannot be explained for a while. Yi'er, do you know the true identity of your husband?"Qin Ziyu looked a little worried.

The incident in Shenwu City was so big that even she was afraid. Fang Chen was related to this incident and would definitely not escape the investigation of the Royal Association. She didn't want her daughter to be involved.

But deep down, she knew that the reason why things had become like this was ultimately because of her daughter.

Fang Chen was just protecting Su Xinyi.

"I just need to know that he is my husband and that he loves me."Su Xinyi said with certainty.

She believed in Fang Chen. Even if Fang Chen was an enemy of the world, even if Fang Chen had many secrets, as long as he truly loved her, she would be willing to accompany Fang Chen to face all difficulties.

She has already decided on Fang Chen in her life.

Looking at her daughter's determined and serious look, Qin Ziyu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

She saw herself in her daughter, but she didn't have the courage of her daughter, and Su Yaotian didn't have the strength of Fang Chen. In the end, the two could only bow to reality.

"Well said."

At this moment, a powerful voice reached the ears of the mother and daughter.

Qin Ziyu's face changed drastically, and he looked behind him fiercely.

He saw a middle-aged man with a full beard and a very rough and burly appearance walking in with big strides, followed by six old men.

This man is the current island owner of Jiujian Island, Qin Wei!

And following him are the six elders of Jiujian Island.

Seeing Qin Wei, Qin Ziyu subconsciously blocked in front of Su Xinyi, and scolded in a cold tone:"Island owner, you broke into my palace without my permission, what do you want to do?"

Qin Wei turned his head to look at Su Xinyi behind Qin Ziyu, laughed and said:"Saint girl, you are too polite, I came to see why my Sword Emperor inheritor is not okay? And didn't you notify me to bring her to Jiujian Island? Then what do you want to do?"

(The flowers are almost 10,000, and the evaluation is almost 2,000. Can the big ones make up?)

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