Fang Chen was in the outer sea area of Jiujian Island at this time.

The whistling sea breeze carried a hint of saltiness. Fang Chen stood in the air with his hands behind his back.

Five hundred meters ahead was the forbidden area of Jiujian Island. If ordinary people broke in by force, they would be directly repelled by the magic circle, and in serious cases, they would be seriously injured and die.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Fang Chen took out his phone, and the space around his body seemed to be isolated into an independent space. The whistling sea breeze just now suddenly stopped making any noise, and it was quiet.

""Hello, wife." Fang Chen answered the phone with a smile.

He also guessed that his wife should be awake and would definitely contact him as soon as possible, and only Su Xinyi knew his phone number.

""Where are you?" Su Xinyi's voice came from the phone, aggrieved and worried, even with a hint of crying.

The smile on Fang Chen's face disappeared instantly, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"I'm outside the Nine Swords Island. What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Fang Chen asked with concern.

"You are outside the Nine Swords Island?"Hubby, I don't want to stay here, I want to leave." Su Xinyi choked.

She missed Fang Chen very much, and at this moment she really wanted to hug Fang Chen.

Fang Chen asked:"Mother-in-law is on the Nine Swords Island, don't you want to stay with her for a while?"

"I don't know. I'm very confused now, and the island owner of Nine Swords Island seems to be hostile to my mother and me. He asked me to go to Nine Swords Cave to identify the inheritance. My mother didn't want to, but Qin Wei gave a death order. I must go to Nine Swords Cave tomorrow."Su Xinyi said.

After hearing Fang Chen's voice, Su Xinyi's mood gradually eased up, not as helpless and scared as before.

Fang Chen smiled slightly and said softly:"It's okay, your husband is here. This Nine Swords Island originally belonged to your grandfather. Your mother should have been the next island owner, but your grandfather had an accident and Qin Wei became the island owner. Now you have obtained your grandfather's inheritance, so you are the next island owner. This is your territory, don't be afraid of Qin Wei"

"Is Senior Sword Emperor really my grandpa?"Su Xinyi still couldn't believe it.

Who doesn't know the reputation of Sword Emperor Qin Tian? Su Xinyi had also heard the legend of Sword Emperor since she was a child, but she never dared to think that he was her grandpa.

If Qin Wei hadn't told her that she should call him Second Grandpa, she would have no idea.

"According to the information I believe, it is genuine, which is why the Sword Emperor passed on the inheritance to you."Fang Chen affirmed. Su Xinyi was confused:"You all say that I am the successor of the Sword Emperor, but I really have not seen him? I don't even know when it was passed on."

When Fang Chen went to hunt down He Luocheng, Su Yaotian told Su Xinyi about the identity of the Sword Emperor's successor, but Su Xinyi's memory is now sealed and she still can't remember anything.

She now feels like everyone in the world knows about this, but she herself doesn't know, and she doesn't even have any impression at all.

"You will remember it when you enter the Nine Swords Cave, don't worry." Fang Chen comforted

"Then...should I really go tomorrow?"

"Of course, it should be yours, why don't you want it? This Nine Swords Island is a good place. If you become the island owner, it will be nice for us to live here in the future."Fang Chen laughed. Su

Xinyi hesitated for a moment and asked worriedly:"Then...will there be any accidents? I don't think Qin Tian is a good person. I'm afraid he will do something bad to my mother.……"

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you. Your husband is very powerful."

Fang Chen said and turned to look behind him.

Behind him, three figures appeared.

"Husband...Will you come in now? I want to be with you, talk to you, and ask you a lot of questions.……"Su Xinyi's tone was a little coquettish.

Fang Chen looked at the three people behind him and smiled slightly:"I'm afraid it's not possible now. Tomorrow, when you enter the Nine Swords Cave, I will definitely come. Don't worry, I will take care of everything. I have something to deal with now. I'll hang up first. Love you muah"

"Well, then you should be careful and love your husband.

Fang Chen put away the phone and looked at the three people in front of him with a smile.

These three people were Feng Ruyi and the other two.

"If I guessed correctly, you were the one who killed Ren Yidao, right?"Feng Ruyi looked at Fang Chen with interest and asked.

Fang Chen chuckled and said,"You are quite fast. I estimated that it would take at least the day after tomorrow to reach Jiujian Island. I didn't expect you to come today."

Feng Ruyi sneered and said,"If you don't answer my question, does that mean you agree?"

The beautiful lady and the man with the feather fan on the side kept their eyes on Fang Chen, as if they wanted to see through him completely.

The man with the feather fan said in a light voice,"There are only so many emperor-level people in the world, why haven't I seen you before? But, you seem familiar."Fang Chen chuckled,"Then you must have made a mistake. All the people who are familiar with me are gone."

Fang Chen emphasized the word"people".

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets!)

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