As soon as Fang Chen finished speaking, the beautiful woman and Feng Ruyi's expressions suddenly changed.

The surging and roaring sea suddenly stopped, looking particularly strange.

"So, you are the Demon God, right? In recent years, no emperor-level has been born, and we don’t know you at all. Apart from the Demon God, I can’t think of any other possibility."Feng Ruyi asked in a cold voice.

They naturally hate the Demon God, because at the level of the Emperor, only the Demon God can threaten their lives.

It is basically impossible for human emperors to kill each other.

The auras of the three people locked Fang Chen, as if three invisible chains had entangled Fang Chen's body, so that the space around his body was faintly distorted and unclear.

Fang Chen took a look at his body and laughed:"You said that no emperor-level has been born in recent years, so what about Qin Wei from Nine Swords Island?"

The man with the feather fan narrowed his eyes, glanced at the Nine Swords Island not far behind Fang Chen, and asked:"Are you sure Qin Wei has entered the emperor level?"

��What a joke! When promoted to the emperor level, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers to temper the body and build the god. How could we not know about such a big fluctuation?" Feng Ruyi sneered.

The beautiful woman also said:"Since the death of Qin Tian, Jiujian Island has been stripped of its qualifications for the emperor level. If Qin Wei really entered the emperor level, why didn't he choose to join the emperor level again?"

Fang Chen looked at the three people who refuted him one after another, and immediately shook his head and sighed, and said:"So, you are all simple-minded and strong-limbed. What's the use of such a high level of cultivation? Aren't you still living in a dream?"

"What's the point of arguing? This is not Nine Swords Island's business, it's your business. Do you want us to do it ourselves, or do you want us to follow us back to the Royal Club? We are two celestial beings and one divine palace. Do you think you can be our opponent?"Feng Ruyi said in a deep voice.

Their mission is to investigate the incident in Shenwu City and find out the murderer who killed Ren Yidao and give an explanation to the Royal Club and the human world. As for Qin Wei, they have no control over it and are not interested in it. As long as

Qin Tian is on Nine Swords Island, they will still pay attention to it. Now that Qin Tian is dead, it is just a second-rate force and can't make any waves.

In this world, the Royal Club is the most powerful alliance. It does not accept any rebuttal and is not afraid of any enemy.

"What if I say you are not my opponent?" Fang Chen asked with a smile.

The man with the feather fan laughed, fanned his feather fan and said meaningfully:"I, Lin Changye, have lived for so long, but this is the first time I have met someone as confident as you. Could it be that you are really a demon god, and an infinite demon god?"

Cangdi, Futian, and Wuliang correspond to the human beings' Tianren, Shenfu, and Wuzun.

Lin Changye's strength is in the realm of Shenfu, and his strength is through the sky and the earth. In the entire Emperor Class Association, his strength is among the top three. Above him are the two Wuzuns, and those two don't care about human affairs, so now the Emperor Class Association is actually managed by Lin Changye.

It is equivalent to Lin Changye being the head of the Emperor Class Association now, and other emperors must obey his orders.

Feng Ruyi sneered:"Don't waste your time talking to him. It seems that he won't cry until he sees the coffin. Take him down."

Then he exchanged a glance with the beautiful woman, and the divine power in both of them was activated. Two auras with murderous intent instantly enveloped the eight directions, pressing the sea water to boil and roll again.

Lin Changye frowned, because he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a while.

Fang Chen looked at Feng Ruyi and the other two who were about to attack him, and he was not panicked or afraid at all. He still smiled and said,"Don't you think something is wrong?"

These words made the three people more alert. Feng Ruyi and the beautiful woman also sensed it, but like Lin Changye, they didn't know what was wrong.

"A rookie is a rookie." Fang Chen shook his head and sighed, then slowly raised his right hand and placed his palm on his temple.

"You only saw me with your naked eyes, but have you ever felt my presence?

Fang Chen's words startled the three of them at the same time, and then Lin Changye waved his feather fan.

A layer of brown light flashed out from the feather fan, instantly encircling all of them, including Fang Chen.

Then, Lin Changye's expression became extremely gloomy.

"Are you plotting against us?"

Fang Chen laughed, looked at the three people with a playful look and said,"I'm wrong. I just want to see how chaotic the world is now. Of course, if I can kill someone with a borrowed knife, I will borrow it. It's so tiring to do it myself."


As soon as the words were spoken, a huge black crack suddenly appeared above the sky, and the surrounding spiritual energy began to become extremely violent, rushing out of the crack frantically.

Fang Chen raised his head and looked at the crack in the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he looked at Lin Changye and the other two and said,"Whether you can resist it depends on your luck." As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Chen's body gradually collapsed inch by inch, and finally turned into ashes.

Lin Changye and the other two had no time to pay attention to Fang Chen at this moment, but raised their heads in horror and looked at the crack in the sky.

"That is……"A trace of fear flashed in Feng Ruyi's eyes.

Lin Changye looked pale and gritted his teeth and said,"Out-of-bounds shadow demons! They actually broke through the barrier and invaded!"

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