A powerful evil spirit instantly gushed out from the cracks, and the sky and the earth changed color, and rolling dark clouds covered the sky.

Lin Changye's face became very ugly.

He only realized now that he had been tricked! He had been tricked by Fang Chen!

In the outer space of Blue Star, there is a huge shadow, and nothing can be detected in the shadow through scientific means.

Until Feng Sihai, the strongest man in the human race, achieved Wu Zun, he used his unique magical powers to go to the depths of the shadow alone.

Then he discovered a terrible thing, that is, there is another world inside the shadow.

In that world, demons are rampant, and countless powerful demons can be seen everywhere.

Blue Star was invaded by demons because of the existence of this shadow!

It's just that there is a powerful defensive barrier outside the shadow, and the demons inside cannot break in. Only a few low-level demons have infiltrated.

But it is these few low-level demons that brought a nearly devastating blow to the planet as soon as they appeared on Blue Star. The damage of hot weapons can still be used at the beginning, but as the demons' strength increases, the effect is getting lower and lower.

So, the warrior appeared.

When Feng Sihai escaped from the inner realm of shadow and returned to Blue Star, he informed the world's strong men of this matter.

Afterwards, the Emperor Level Association was born. Their mission was to guard the shadow and prevent the demons inside from invading Blue Star.

In fact, many emperor-level strong men were skeptical and had private doubts.

Why could Feng Sihai enter the barrier and turn back, and why couldn't the many demons inside come over?

This is a mystery that no one dared to ask.

It was only because the other party was Feng Sihai. He was the first warrior since the demons invaded! He was also the first master!

The first grand master!

The first emperor!

Even the names of these strength levels were named by Feng Sihai.

He is a legend of mankind.

"It's impossible, let alone the demon god, even the demon king level monsters can't cross the barrier and invade my Blue Star!" Feng Ruyi shook his head violently, unwilling to believe that the defense barrier was broken.

"This pressure is undoubtedly from a demon god."The beautiful woman's eyes revealed a trace of fear.

Lin Changye frowned and fanned the feather fan in his hand.

The sea water under his feet instantly boiled, like boiling water, with hot steam rising. Then several roars like dragons came, shaking the earth.

The boiling sea water condensed and turned into nine water dragons hundreds of feet long, rushing towards the crack fiercely.


The nine water dragons had just reached the crack when a giant hand covered with black scales suddenly stretched out from the crack.

This hand, as huge as the sky, grabbed the nine water dragons fiercely.

""Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the nine water dragons disintegrated and turned into heavy rain.

Then, the big hand slammed towards the location where Lin Changye and others were.

Lin Changye shouted, and the feather fan in his hand spun and threw, directly into the giant hand.


The sea of rain surged, and the thousands-foot-high waves rose and fell, causing the surroundings to tremble with a huge momentum.

The waves that were thousands of feet high rushed towards the Nine Swords Island, but were completely dissolved by the defensive formation and turned into steam. In an instant, the surroundings were shrouded in a white mist.

Lin Changye's face sank, and he immediately shouted:"Let's go! The other party's target is not us, but the man just now! Don't pull with him! There is something strange about this Nine Swords Island!"

Feng Ruyi and the beautiful woman were stunned and looked at each other.

They did not make a move, but they felt how terrible the game between Lin Changye and the giant hand was just now. The two did not dare to ask more questions and followed Lin Changye to leave quickly.

After a while, the white mist dissipated, and the sky was still raining, and the sea surface was roaring and rolling.

The crack began to shrink and finally disappeared.

Fang Chen was watching from a distance at this moment, with an indifferent expression.

As I said, Fang Chen wanted to leave, and no one could stop him.

Not long after Lin Changye and the others appeared, Fang Chen felt something was wrong, so he left first and let Lin Changye and the others see what was going on.

The result surprised him a little.

This Nine Swords Island is not only a defensive formation, but also has the protection of the shadow outside the realm.

From this point of view, it is very obvious who betrayed Qin Tian.

Someone on the Nine Swords Island colluded with the shadow demon outside the domain!

Qin Tian is the biggest suspect

"Next, Nine Swords Island will be bustling."Fang Chen smiled.

The next moment, he appeared outside Nine Swords Island again.

Fang Chen still wanted to force his way into Nine Swords Island.

No one could stop him from doing what he was going to do!

Even the Shadow Realm couldn't do it!

He said he would kill Qin Wei and let Qin Ziyu be the island master, and that was what he had to do!

Fang Chen looked up at the sky.

The dark clouds surged again, and the cracks slowly opened again.

(Seeking flowers, comments, and monthly tickets!)

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