As soon as she stepped onto the altar, Su Xinyi could clearly feel the agitation of her inner Qi. She was so excited that her blood began to boil, and her entire face instantly turned red, like an apple. The nine giant chain swords began to make sword sounds, flames burned, and the connected chains began to tremble slightly.

Su Xinyi was a little scared and glanced at her mother behind her.

Qin Ziyu nodded slightly to her daughter, signaling her not to worry.

Su Xinyi took a deep breath and came to the Fire Crystal Throne without any hesitation.

As soon as she approached the Fire Crystal, Su Xinyi instantly felt a trance, as if something was pulling at her soul, trying to tear her soul out of her body.

Su Xinyi staggered and put one hand on the edge of the throne.

This touch instantly made her whole body tremble.

At this moment, everything around her changed.

The sea of fire filled the sky, accompanied by the interweaving and roaring of red lightning, and the people behind her disappeared, as if she was the only one left in this space.

"Sit on it!"

Qin Wei's voice came from all directions. It was not very loud, as if it came from far away.

Su Xinyi bit her red lips and sat on the Fire Crystal Throne.


As soon as he sat down, his head was buzzing.

The nine giant swords broke into pieces, turning into red spots of light that filled the entire space. Then these spots of light quickly rotated above Su Xinyi's head and finally injected into her body. It was a heart

-wrenching pain.

Su Xinyi groaned in pain, clenched her fists and closed her eyes.

At this time, from the perspective of Qin Ziyu and others, the nine giant swords were still there, and the surroundings were not spread by the sea of fire. Su Xinyi sat on the Fire Crystal Throne with a red face, looking painful, and circles of red ripples appeared around her body.

Qin Ziyu's face was tense. This was the awakening of the inheritance. The process was very painful. He had to activate the inheritance that was sleeping deep in his soul.

Qin Weixu squinted his eyes and then glanced at Qin Hai behind him.

Qin Hai nodded slightly, looked at the other elders, and then everyone walked to the sides.

Qin Ziyu naturally noticed their movements, frowned, and asked,"What are you doing? The inheritance is in progress and cannot be disturbed!"

Qin Wei smiled and said,"It's okay, they are just taking protective measures."

Qin Ziyu's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he urged the true energy in his body and shouted coldly,"Qin Wei, you'd better not have any bad thoughts! Now that the inheritance has continued, if it is interrupted in the middle, you should know very well what the consequences will be!" Qin Wei smiled and said,"

Don't worry, now that my Nine Swords Island has regained natural disasters and disasters, I will definitely not let her get into trouble."

Qin Ziyu still did not relax her vigilance. She was now a hundred times worried about Qin Wei.

At this moment, several elders suddenly made hand seals with both hands, and then the true energy in their hands turned into streams of light and burst out, converging into a hexagram array that quickly attacked Qin Ziyu.

Qin Ziyu's face changed drastically, and she wanted to resist with her backhand.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The hexagram array fell on her and trapped her in an instant.

In an instant, Qin Ziyu could not move at all.

""Qin Wei! What do you want to do?" Qin Ziyu glared at Qin Wei.

Qin Wei laughed and said,"Saintess, the inheritance of my Nine Swords Island cannot be taken away by a bastard. She has the blood of an outsider, which is impure! The master of my Nine Swords Island must have pure bloodline!"

"Do you want to deprive me of my Yi Er's inheritance?" Qin Ziyu's face changed drastically, and his angry eyes seemed to be able to devour people.

"A bastard, you want to inherit my Nine Swords? Do you think that if you bring her back, she will be able to become the new island owner? Qin Ziyu, you have a beautiful idea!

Back then, you ignored the island rules and left the island privately, and had an affair with the scum outside to give birth to this bastard.

You deliberately led them to the Nine Swords Island to meet my eldest brother and then accept the inheritance.

You really have a good plan!

"Qin Wei's expression also became distorted and hideous.

Originally, everything was so perfect, so seamless, but because of Qin Ziyu, he failed.

But fortunately, there is still a chance now.

Su Xinyi has already sat on the Fire Crystal Throne. As long as he deprives him of the inheritance, he will not be considered a failure.

""Beast! Stop it! Father predicted that Yi'er would inherit the inheritance! Do you think that father doesn't know what you did?" Qin Ziyu shouted angrily.

"Count? Does he really think he is a god?" Qin Wei sneered, then looked at Su Xinyi on the throne, his eyes gradually turned ferocious and fanatical

"This inheritance should have belonged to me, Qin Wei!"

After saying this, Qin Wei's figure flashed.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Su Xinyi.

Qin Wei slowly raised his right hand, with a strange inscription on the palm of his hand, as if it could devour and assimilate everything, very evil and strange.

"No! Stop it!"

Seeing this, Qin Ziyu screamed heartbreakingly, her eyes full of despair and regret.

She now regretted bringing her daughter back, but it was too late.

"Accept the reality, don't worry, I won't kill you and your daughter after I get the inheritance." Qin Wei turned his head and looked at Qin Ziyu, grinning.

Then, he slapped Su Xinyi's forehead with his right palm.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets!)

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