
Qin Ziyu's face was pale and heartbroken.

She was now controlled by the elders and could not move at all. She could only watch Qin Wei slap his daughter's head with one palm.

Qin Wei's expression was ferocious and his eyes were fanatical.

As long as Su Xinyi was killed when she awakened the inheritance, he could seize the inheritance through secret methods and graft the inheritance onto himself!

One palm!

Only one palm is needed!

He could even foresee the scene of Su Xinyi's head shattering in the next second.

But... when his right palm was only a hair's length away from Su Xinyi's forehead, he stopped.

It was not that he wanted to stop because of his conscience, but that he could not move any further.

It was as if he was frozen.

Qin Wei's pupils gradually shrank, and his eyes changed from fanaticism to astonishment, and then to horror and disbelief.

The next moment, Qin Wei turned his head and looked to the right.

An extremely handsome and expressionless man stood beside him at some point.

This man was Fang Chen.


Qin Wei had just said one word when

Fang Chen raised his hand and slapped him.


The next moment, Qin Wei felt dizzy and his whole body flew to the left uncontrollably.


There was a loud noise.

One side of the cave collapsed instantly, and the entire Nine Swords Cave trembled.

Qin Ziyu and other elders also saw Fang Chen. It all happened so fast that none of them reacted. They all stared at Fang Chen in a daze.

""Island Master!"

The first elder came to his senses first, exclaimed and wanted to attack Fang Chen.

But just as he moved a little, he suddenly broke into pieces, as if his whole body was made of pieces of meat, and fell to the ground with countless pieces.

Seeing this, the other elders gasped in fear, and they all released the trap and jumped away.

The trap was lifted, and Qin Ziyu was able to move instantly, and immediately came to his daughter and son-in-law.

""Look." Fang Chen said calmly.

Qin Ziyu looked at Fang Chen with complicated eyes and nodded.

Fang Chen walked towards the elders.

"You... who are you? How dare you break into my Nine Swords Island?"The second elder looked fierce but was actually weak, his face twisted with fear.

Fang Chen turned his head to look at Qin Ziyu behind him and asked,"Are these elders all Qin Wei's men?"

Qin Ziyu knew what Fang Chen meant by asking this question, and his expression was struggling, but when he thought about what they had done just now, if Fang Chen hadn't arrived in time, his daughter would have died long ago. He immediately became angry and nodded,"Yes!"

Fang Chen's eyes were stern, and he looked at the elders in front of him.

"Yes, that will be much easier."

When the elders saw Fang Chen's expression, they were immediately frightened and felt cold all over.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Fire crystals scattered all over the sky and Qin Wei rushed out from it.

"You bastard! How dare you sneak attack me?"

Qin Wei's eyes widened with anger, and his hair stood up, like an angry lion.

"A sneak attack? Fang Chen laughed:"Are you worthy of my sneak attack?"

Qin Wei stared at Fang Chen with a resentful look. He was also extremely afraid of Fang Chen. He was able to enter the Nine Swords Island without anyone noticing, which in itself required a lot of skills. In addition, the attack on him just now completely caught him off guard.

This is a master!

"Who are you? Why are you trespassing on my Nine Swords Island? Do you know that my Nine Swords Island is different from the secular world? Anyone who trespasses will be killed without mercy!" Qin Wei gritted his teeth and shouted. Fang Chen chuckled

, pointed at Su Xinyi who was still awakening the inheritance behind him and said:"I am her husband, my name is Fang Chen"

"What did you say?"

Qin Wei's face changed.

He had heard the name Fang Chen just now!

"If there is anyone on Blue Star who is likely to be the first to break through the Demon God, that person must be him."

This sentence instantly echoed in Qin Wei's mind.

Fang Chen looked at Qin Wei and said with a teasing smile:"Looking at your expression, it seems that you still have some understanding of me? Oh, I forgot."

Fang Chen pretended to be suddenly enlightened, patted the back of his head, then looked in the direction of the cave entrance and said:"There is a little waste beside you, so naturally he has heard of my name."

After Fang Chen said this, Qin Wei's face became even uglier.

The other elders and Qin Ziyu didn't understand what Fang Chen said, and looked at Qin Wei in confusion.

"What are you going to do?"Qin Wei asked in a cold voice.

Some things cannot be exposed.

"I am only here to help my wife get back what belongs to her. This Nine Swords Island is hers. Isn't the Sword Emperor's successor the future owner of the Nine Swords Island?" Fang Chen said with his hands spread out. Qin Wei

's expression was even more gloomy. He couldn't see through Fang Chen's cultivation and didn't dare to act rashly. However, if the stalemate continued, Su Xinyi might complete her awakening.

Once Su Xinyi completed her awakening, he would no longer be able to deprive her of her inheritance.

""Two-Elephant Sword Formation!"

Qin Wei's face was full of murderous intent, and he shouted angrily.

He couldn't wait any longer! He must get rid of Fang Chen quickly!

After hearing Qin Wei's words, several elders looked at each other, and then they all used their true energy and quickly made hand seals with both hands.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets.)

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