The overwhelming killing intent instantly filled the entire Nine Swords Cave.

A long sword of Fire Scales was suspended above everyone's head, flashing a strange red light.

Swords rang out in all directions, and spiritual energy was in chaos.

The long swords above the heads of several elders instantly moved, colliding fiercely, and turned into two brown-red giant swords. The strange red light made the entire area a fiery red, and the temperature rose sharply, scorching the air as if it was about to melt, distorting it unreal.

"Be careful! This two-elephant sword formation is a combined attack formation, and its power is enormous! Now with Qin Wei joining in, even the emperor level may not be able to handle it!"Qin Ziyu hurriedly reminded.

Fang Chen looked at the two giant swords in front of him with a playful look, and then directly opened his arms.

That formation was telling everyone, I will not resist, please come and attack!

Qin Wei saw Fang Chen so arrogant, his face suddenly twisted and spasmed, he felt naked contempt

""One elephant breaks the essence, two elephants break the soul! Go!"

Qin Wei roared.

The two giant swords seemed to come alive in an instant, the swords rang in the sky, and violently���The power of the Yuan instantly tore the space apart.

Two streaks of light flashed and instantly hit Fang Chen's body.


There was a sound of vaporization.

Brown vapor appeared in front of Fang Chen's body.

The two attacks were directly vaporized.

"How is it possible?" Qin Wei was scared out of his wits.

If the elders used the Two Elephants Sword Formation, the power would certainly not be very great, but with his participation, even an emperor-level fighter would be injured!

But it did not hurt Fang Chen at all.

Such a powerful attack was directly vaporized into steam.

Qin Ziyu also looked at Fang Chen's back in disbelief. He knew that Fang Chen was very strong, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful!

She felt it most deeply behind him, because the two sword intentions did not spread to her at all, which means that they were all resolved in front of Fang Chen.

The elders of Nine Sword Island were also scared pale and trembling slightly.

All of their combined attack formations could not hurt the other party at all, so how could they fight?

"Gone?" Fang Chen looked at Qin Wei, sneered, and felt very disappointed.

Qin Wei's heart was like a raging sea, and it was difficult to calm down. The look in his eyes when he looked at Fang Chen gradually changed from resentment to fear.

This man is very strong!

He is definitely not someone he can deal with!

""You have no more tricks?" Fang Chen asked.

Qin Wei took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:"Fang Chen, what do you want me to do to make you stop?"

"Stop?" Fang Chen raised his eyebrows and immediately smiled,"What did I do? It was you who wanted to touch my wife, okay? If you just stand by and watch my wife awaken her inheritance, would I slap you?"


Qin Wei was choked by Fang Chen's words, but he didn't know how to refute

""That's enough. I don't want to hear your last words. Just die." Fang Chen said calmly.

The next second, he appeared in front of Qin Wei.

Qin Wei's pupils shrank rapidly.


There was a loud noise.

Qin Wei screamed and sank directly into the cave wall.

The elders retreated in fear.

Fang Chen frowned slightly and slapped his right hand to the right.


The entire cave shook violently.

A black shadow appeared in front of Fang Chen.

The shadow's appearance was unclear, but it looked like a human, burning with black flames, and looked very evil.

"Demon God?"

Qin Ziyu and the elders of Nine Swords Island were shocked when they saw the black shadow. It would be strange if they couldn't tell that the black shadow was a demon god with such a huge demonic aura.

Fang Chen looked at the other party, laughed and said:"Why? You want to die, right?"

The black shadow said in a hoarse voice:"Others can be killed, but Qin Wei cannot be killed."

Fang Chen looked at the other party with amusement and asked:"Are you ordering me to do something? Where do you get the courage?"

"The master will be here soon. I don't think you would want an emperor, a Tibetan demon god, and a Futian demon god to attack you at the same time, right?" The black shadow said in an extremely cold tone.

"Emperor level? Qin Wei?" Fang Chen pointed at Qin Wei in the cave wall with a mocking look on his face.

"An emperor who was forcibly promoted to the emperor level by using the Five Elements Secret Art is also an emperor level?"

The black shadow said coldly:"When he obtains the inheritance and comprehends the natural disasters and disasters, he can become a true emperor level celestial being. Fang Chen, are you sure you want to do this?"

Fang Chen shook his head and chuckled, looking at the black shadow and said:"What's wrong with this world now? A little watchdog dares to talk to me like this? Is it because I, Fang Chen, have not appeared for too long and have been forgotten, or are you guys awesome now?"

The black shadow sneered and said:"I said, my master will be here soon. You are very strong, but not as strong as us together!"

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Chen raised his head slightly and looked upwards, sighed slowly, then rubbed his wrist and said:

"I was wrong. Why should I talk to a dog like you in such a human way?"

Fang Chen finished speaking, and suddenly appeared in front of the black shadow.

One hand directly grabbed the black shadow's head, and then pressed it hard to the ground.

(Seeking flowers, evaluation and monthly tickets!)

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