"Are you arrogant?"

Fang Chen squatted on the ground, holding an extremely hideous and ugly dog head with one hand.

The dog head's eyes were popped out, and its face was full of cracks. It was struggling hard.

But no matter how it struggled, it was useless and couldn't get free at all.

The elders and Qin Ziyu and others on the side looked at each other in bewilderment when they saw this scene.

They had never expected that a demon would suddenly appear on Jiujian Island, and it was at the level of a demon god.

But what they could not expect was that Fang Chen abused the dog head so much that the other party had no power to fight back. However, they thought that Qin Wei was also hit twice by Fang Chen, and the last time he was still inside the cave wall and had not come out, so they didn't seem to be so shocked.

This Fang Chen is really strong!

"Fang Chen! My Lord will……"


Before the dog head could finish his words, he was hit again.

This punch smashed his entire mouth into pieces.

""Fang Chen! You are really looking for death!"

At this moment, Qin Wei, who was sent out of the cave wall by Fang Chen with a slap just now, rushed out with a ferocious look on his face.

But when he saw the dog's head under Fang Chen's palm, he was stunned.

Fang Chen looked at Qin Wei and asked with a smile:"What did you say just now?"

Qin Wei looked at the dog head with fear in his eyes, and felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained, and his body staggered.

When the dog head appeared, he knew that the matter could no longer be concealed, so there was no need to hide it, and he would just go with the flow!

He had already thought about going out and joining forces with the dog head to deal with Fang Chen, quickly defeat Fang Chen and then seize the inheritance.

But the development of things was completely different from what he imagined.

The Tibetan Demon God is now being pressed to the ground by Fang Chen!

He is a fake emperor-level celestial being, with the aura of the emperor, but his strength is far from that of the emperor. He admits that he is no match for Fang Chen, which is reasonable.

But this dog head is a real Tibetan Demon God!

Now he is also abused by Fang Chen?

What kind of cultivation is this guy?


For a moment, Qin Wei didn't know what to say, his mind was blank.

Fang Chen sneered and stood up, pinching the dog's head.

Now the dog's head was really like a dead dog being pinched by Fang Chen, with its body drooping and motionless.

It didn't die, but Fang Chen broke its head and broke its tendons.

Fang Chen might not be so familiar with dealing with humans.

But he was so familiar with dealing with demons!

He achieved his current cultivation by killing demons one by one.

How many demons has he killed since he came here?


The Tibetan Demon God is indeed very powerful, a walking nuclear bomb, and wherever he goes, he can turn a place into ruins without any grass.

But to Fang Chen, he is just a rookie.

Fang Chen doesn't have any fancy magic skills, nor does he have any demon forbidden methods that can destroy the world.

He has always been simple and rough in fighting, and suddenly comes to you and punches you.

If one punch doesn't work, then two punches, and if two punches don't work, then three punches.

If three punches don't work, then he will be serious and use his feet.

There are very few people in this world who can use his feet.

Qingyan was kicked by him, and now when he sees Fang Chen's legs move, his heart trembles subconsciously.

Youming was kicked by him in the past, and he almost died.

Fang Chen looked at the dog's leg and sneered, then his other hand directly grabbed the heart of the dog's body.

A black demon's inner elixir appeared in his hand.

Then, the dog's body began to twitch violently, and after a moment, it was like a deflated ball, completely wilting and lifeless.

Everyone was confused.

Especially Qin Wei, he even had an illusion that he was dreaming now.

The Tibetan Demon God was killed like this?

The inner elixir was taken out?

Killing a Tibetan Demon God is as easy as killing a chicken!

Is this still a human?

For a moment, a strong sense of fear filled Qin Wei's heart. Now even if he is a fool, he knows that Fang Chen cannot be provoked, and he will never be able to deprive Su Xinyi of his inheritance.

A thought appeared in Qin Wei's mind.

That is to escape!

The world is so big, the most important thing is to be able to survive! As long as the green mountains remain, there will be no shortage of firewood!

As long as he escapes from here and finds the Netherworld, he can still make a comeback!

So, Qin Wei turned around and ran away instantly.

Fang Chen didn't even chase him and threw the body on the ground.

"No...don't kill him?" Qin Ziyu still hadn't recovered completely, and asked cautiously.

Now she couldn't treat Fang Chen as a junior anymore, and she didn't dare to look directly at her son-in-law...

Fang Chen threw the body on the ground, wiped the black inner pill, and then put it away, saying:"Someone will kill him."

Fang Chen said and looked at the elders.

The elders felt Fang Chen's gaze and were so distraught that they didn't know what to do.


One of the elders knelt down, followed by the others.

"I...we really didn't know that Qin Wei was secretly communicating with the demon……"

"We just want to maintain the orthodoxy of Jiujian Island.……"

"We...we were wrong after all...we are willing to accept any punishment……"

(Continue to ask for three times~)

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