At this moment, it was like the sky was falling and the earth was splitting.

The space within a radius of dozens of miles was shaking violently.

The scorching heat wave of thousands of degrees quickly vibrated and spread, and the places it passed through were directly turned into powder.

The sea water vaporized instantly, and thick fog covered everywhere.

Qingyan's face was solemn. In front of him, a diamond-shaped body condensed in front of him, blocking the violent and hot airflow.

Qin Wei was lucky to be Qingyan and was not affected.

Otherwise, he would never be able to resist the heat wave, which could burn him.

But even so, Qin Wei was not very good.

The blood in his body was surging, his eyeballs were covered with bloodshot, and even a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

This power was so terrifying that Qin Wei felt that there should not be such an existence in this world!

Can the human body withstand the person who hits it head-on?

Does the human unrivaled strong have such means?

Qin Wei doesn't know.

He is now looking at the hazy white fog in the distance, his expression is extremely nervous.

He can't see the situation inside clearly, and doesn't know how Fang Chen is now.

Qin Wei stole a glance at Qing Yan standing beside him, and saw that his expression was very serious and his eyes were cold. He felt a sense of joy in his heart.

The more unhappy Qing Yan was, the happier he was.

If Qing Yan was smiling and extremely happy at this moment, then he would be heartbroken.

Fang Chen was defeated, and Qin Wei couldn't kill him even if he wanted to! Youming would definitely kill him next!

"Do you think Youming won?" Qing Yan felt Qin Wei's eyes on him and asked with a sneer.

Qin Wei trembled all over, and hurriedly lowered his head and whispered:"No... I dare not……"

Qing Yan glanced at Qin Wei and raised the corner of his mouth:"Don't dare to think about it, or don't dare to say it?"

"I really don't dare to think too much... This level of battle is beyond my comprehension.……"Qin Wei hurriedly explained.

Qing Yan sneered, continued to look into the distance, and said:"The fog has dissipated, you can see the result."

Qin Wei looked up fiercely.

Then he took a breath of cold air, his eyes full of horror and shock.

Fang Chen was still confronting Youming.

Both of them seemed to be uninjured.

This scene gave him a familiar feeling. They had been confronting like this before the battle, and it seemed that their positions had not changed much.

What was going on?

Qin Wei stared, and he wanted to pinch his face to see if he was dreaming.

The fight was so fierce before, but now both of them are fine?

Did they fight for nothing?

Are you playing house?

Compared to Qin Wei's shock, Youming was now angry and angry, and could even be described as running wild.

Fang Chen was actually fine!

He didn't even lose a hair!

His three-shot killer move couldn't even mess up Fang Chen's clothes?

Was this a joke?

Especially since Fang Chen was still looking at him with a teasing and sarcastic expression, with a smile on his face, which made Youming even more angry.

What he hated the most was Fang Chen's smile! He hated it so much!

He wanted to tear his exquisite and perfect face apart!

"That's it?

Fang Chen spread his hands and smiled.

Youming's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Don't know whether to live or die!"

Youming finally couldn't help it and roared.

This roar was like thunder.

Then Youming attacked again.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered:"This is a turn-based game. It's my turn now, but not your turn."

Youming flashed in front of Fang Chen.

With his two-handed bone knives, he swept across.

Fang Chen's figure suddenly disappeared.

In Youming's eyes, Fang Chen really disappeared suddenly, without any trace.

A sense of crisis surged in his heart, and Youming's face changed. Before he could change his moves,

Fang Chen appeared in the air behind him.

He raised his fist.

He bent over and accumulated strength.

He punched Youming on the back.

Youming had sensed that Fang Chen was going to attack his back, but the speed was too fast, so he had no time to fight back, so the two pairs of blood wings closed instantly, and a layer of purple barrier condensed and appeared.


With a muffled sound,

Fang Chen punched the barrier.

A crisp sound of cracking was heard.

The barrier shattered instantly.

Then his fist hit the blood wing directly.

This punch caused a circle of golden ripples to burst out at the contact point.


Netherworld screamed.

His body was like a cannonball and crashed into the sea.


The sea and the river turned upside down again.

Thousands of huge waves exploded.

Fang Chen raised his mouth, head down, and dived down quickly.

The huge waves that surged a hundred meters were split to the left and right by Fang Chen who dived down quickly, like a ray of sky.

Then, Fang Chen sank directly into the seabed.

Then, there was a series of roars.

The whole sea was rolling, accompanied by the crazy roar of the underworld.

"Ahhh! Asshole! Asshole!"

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Qing Yan and Qin Wei in the distance looked a little dry and felt dry in their mouths.

Even though Qing Yan was on Fang Chen's side, he was still terrified.

This was too outrageous!

Listening to the voice coming from You Ming, why did he feel like he was being hammered by Fang Chen?

Aren't they both Wuliang? Is the gap so big?

Will this guy always be invincible at the same level?

When they were both Tibetan Demon Gods, he was also being hammered by Fang Chen...

Now he's Wuliang Demon God, and You Ming is being hammered again.

Is speed so important?

Can you ignore everything?

At this moment, Qing Yan was in a state of panic. Deep in thought.

He also wanted to increase his speed, and he suddenly realized, no wonder Fang Chen likes human bodies, can it increase speed?

Qin Wei's expression now is about to cry, and his pale face is full of fear.

Just now they were fighting so vigorously, thinking that Youming had the upper hand, but it turned out that it was because Fang Chen didn't make a move?

This move immediately made Youming scream.

Although they can't see the specific situation now, because both of them have hit the permafrost layer on the seabed, they can only see the surging waves accompanied by countless mud and gravel

"It seems that you will not survive."Qing Yan looked at Qin Wei and sneered.

Qin Wei's face trembled violently, and he dared not say a word. Now he could only hope for a miracle. Maybe it was Fang Chen who was being beaten in the deep sea.

After all, they were all infinite demon gods. How could there be a one-sided suppression?

However, Qin Wei's fantasy was soon shattered by the facts before him.

There was another scream.

A figure rushed up from the bottom of the sea, causing the surrounding seawater to explode.

Youming flapped one blood wing, and stood in the sky with a bruised and twisted face, panting violently.

His other blood wing was completely broken. , revealing eerie white bones, it looks very scary.

The area below that converged into the sea again suddenly rose up, forming water steps, which appeared step by step in the air, like a ladder connecting the sky.

Fang Chen's figure appeared among them.

With a faint smile on his face, he walked towards the high Netherworld with his hands behind his back, one step at a time. When Qing Yan saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Using water to form a ladder, he walked up slowly, calmly and calmly.

This pretense made him feel uncomfortable all over!

Why didn't he think of this kind of pretense?

The actions of King Netherworld before were not as pretentious as his!

(Sorry for getting up late, the update will be late, but there will be no less than seven updates, I beg you���cut!)

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