Fang Chen stepped up on the water ladder.

With every step he took, the water ladder behind him instantly melted and fell into rain, and Youming in the sky looked uglier and uglier.

He knew he was no match for Fang Chen!

In terms of strength and speed, he was completely crushed by Fang Chen!

He was hammered so hard that he had no power to fight back!

This was what annoyed him the most.

Demons were originally described by humans as beasts, only able to use brute force, and Fang Chen brought brute force to the fullest!

There was no fancy stuff at all, just fists to conquer the world, and he would hammer whatever he saw.

The most important thing was that you couldn't dodge his fist, it was too fast! It was so fast that Youming even felt that Fang Chen's fist could teleport. He just raised it and then he was punched. It was even more exaggerated and perverted than hitting a cow from a distance.

"Why?" Youming asked with gritted teeth, his face full of unwillingness.

He really couldn't understand why Fang Chen, a demon with no background, could be so strong!

Fang Chen did not stop, still stepped slowly, and said with a smile:"There is no reason, it's simply that you are a wimp."

Youming felt a pain in his heart and spurted out a mouthful of black blood

"Don't force me to perish together with you!" Youming roared fiercely, his eyes were already red, and he looked extremely ferocious and crazy.

Fang Chen stopped, looked at Youming above with a playful look, and asked with a smile:"Perish together with you?"

The next moment, Fang Chen's figure disappeared and appeared directly on the left side of Youming.

He put his mouth close to Youming's ear and asked:"Can you perish together with me?"

The words in his ear made Youming's pores explode, his eyes widened, and he wanted to attack with his backhand.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Fang Chen grabbed the bone knife directly and strangled Youming's neck with one hand.

"Are you qualified to perish with me?" Fang Chen grinned, and then circles of golden lines appeared in his eyes.

He pulled with both hands.


A shrill scream pierced the sky.

Blood splattered the sky.

Youming's entire left arm and left chest were torn off by Fang Chen!

Grabbing the bloody left arm, Fang Chen showed a cruel sneer on his face.


The arm burned with golden flames.

Youming's left arm turned into ashes in an instant.

At this moment, Youming covered his broken arm with an extremely painful look on his face, and roared at Fang Chen:"Who are you! Why! Why can you break my demon body so easily!"

"You can't win, so you start to complain?"

Fang Chen sneered.

The next second, he appeared in front of Youming again, and strangled his neck with one hand.

The palm power was concentrated and intensified.

Youming's entire neck shrank in an instant, and his face turned red so red that his blood vessels burst, and blood flowed from all seven orifices in an instant.


Youming's eyes finally showed fear, and his scarlet eyes were wide open. He kept kicking Fang Chen with his right hand and legs, but it had no effect on Fang Chen.

" are not...infinite...……"

Youming stretched out his throat and let out intermittent shouts. His neck had been squeezed thinner and thinner by Fang Chen, and it was about to break.

Fang Chen showed a meaningful smile on his face and said softly,"Do you know? Three days ago, my body was still Wuliang. I have to thank you for opening the channel and sending the video of the Sword Emperor's inheritance."

"Why... why... why!"

Youming's face was swollen like blood clots due to ruptured blood vessels, and his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Of course I can't say that."

Fang Chen grinned, and then his palm power instantly pushed to the extreme, his left hand pierced through the heart of the underworld.


Blood mist filled the sky.

Netherworld's body exploded instantly.

A purple light shot up into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

Fang Chen looked at the purple inner pill in his left hand and smiled with satisfaction.

He hadn't swallowed the inner pill of the Infinite Demon God yet!

Is Netherworld dead?

No, it is very difficult to completely kill a demon god. Of course, it is also very difficult to kill a strong man above the Emperor level of the Divine Mansion, because they all have a second soul.

The second soul is their second life, which is hidden in a very deep place and no one knows about it except themselves.

The second soul of the Emperor-level celestial being cannot be completely attached to the spirit of the Divine Yuan, so there is no will of the body, which means that when the Emperor-level celestial being dies, the second soul will not inherit the memory.

As for the second soul of a being like Netherworld, it naturally has complete memory, but the second soul only keeps you from dying and cannot restore your cultivation.

In other words, now Youming is no different from being dead. It is very likely that he has the cultivation level of a fourth or fifth level demon, and cannot be higher.

As for whether he can rise in the future, that is an unknown.

To cultivate the second soul into the main soul, it requires not only time, but also resources and luck.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some perverts have cultivated the second soul to a very powerful level.

Nothing is impossible in the world.

Qin Wei, who was far away, saw Youming being torn apart. He looked like his soul had been sucked out. His eyes were dim and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Qing Yan also swallowed secretly.

Qin Wei was desperate, and he was shocked.

He really didn't expect Fang Chen to be so strong that he could tear Youming apart with his bare hands!

Do you believe that the Infinite Demon God can be torn apart with his bare hands?

If you tell this to other demon gods, they may not believe it.

Qing Yan grabbed Qin Wei's neck and flew towards Fang Chen.

""Brother, are you really just Wuliang?"

Qing Yan asked anxiously as soon as they met.

This question is very important!

Fang Chen heard that Qing Yan's way of addressing him had changed, and he immediately laughed and scolded:"Don't disgust me, brother! You are more than a hundred years older than me!"

"Don't worry about what I call you, answer me, are you really Wuliang?" Qing Yan's eyes were burning.

"Infinite." Fang Chen spread his hands.

"So powerful? Why was Youming slaughtered by you when he was Wuliang?" Qing Yan's face was full of question marks.

Fang Chen smiled and said,"Because he is too weak. Do you know what the old saying is?"


""In the martial arts world, only speed can't be defeated! As long as the speed is fast enough, everything will be fine." Fang Chen smiled meaningfully.

Qing Yan's mouth twitched.

With a sigh, he didn't want to continue asking, anyway, he couldn't get the answer.

As long as he didn't become an enemy of Fang Chen, it would be fine. This guy is too strong.

"How to deal with this guy?"

Qing Yan pointed at Qin Wei who was looking down like a lost soul and asked.

Qin Wei trembled when he heard Qing Yan's words, but he did not raise his head, nor did he resist or quibble.

Youming was defeated miserably, and he almost killed Fang Chen's wife before. He knew that begging for mercy would be useless, and of course, resistance would be even more useless.

It would be better to die cleanly.

Fang Chen glanced at Qin Wei and asked,"I have a question, I want him to help answer it."

Qin Wei raised his head in confusion. He didn't know what questions Fang Chen would ask him.

(Second update, please customize it and ask for everything~)

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