Qin Wei didn't dare to look at Fang Chen, still lowering his head. He felt like a prisoner with no desire to live. This was his current attitude towards life. He had wanted to rely on Youming, but now Youming had been torn apart by others. Who else could he rely on?

Now, whether it was Fang Chen or Qingyan, killing him was as easy as crushing an ant.

""What are you asking?" Qing Yan asked in confusion.

Fang Chen smiled, squatted down, and put a hand on Qin Wei's shoulder.

Qin Wei trembled all over.

""When Qin Tian died and passed the inheritance to my wife, who took the video?" Fang Chen asked.

Qin Wei raised his head in confusion, and the moment his eyes met Fang Chen, he quickly lowered his head, shook his head and said,"I don't know."

Qing Yan said,"Shouldn't you ask You Ming about this? After all, I got the news from him."

Fang Chen rolled his eyes at Qing Yan.

"Will he speak?"


Qing Yan spread his hands.

"What are you talking about?"

Qing Yan pointed at Qin Wei and said unconvincedly:"He may not know, he is just a useless tool, how can he know the purpose of Youming?"

This statement does make some sense.

Now Fang Chen can be sure that the video should be shot by Youming, but why?

Is there any meaning in setting up such a big game?

There must be other reasons.

""I...can you spare me if I tell you?" Qin Wei asked in a trembling voice.

Fang Chen raised his eyebrows and laughed,"No, but I can leave you an intact body."

Qin Wei's face trembled violently, fear and despair spread in his heart, his body lowered and couldn't stop shaking.

Qing Yan said silently,"Go away and let me do it. Who will tell you what you said? You're going to die anyway."

Qing Yan pushed Fang Chen away and picked up Qin Wei. He said to Qin Wei ferociously,"If you said it, then we wouldn't cut off your flesh piece by piece, we wouldn't let you watch me chew and eat it piece by piece, we wouldn't protect your spirit and let you stay awake all the time. It's a great benefit. You will lose any consciousness in an instant, just like falling asleep, peaceful and comfortable."

Fang Chen was amused by Qing Yan's cruel words.

Qin Wei was scared out of his wits, and the bloody scene made him tremble all over.

"I... I said! I don't know what video it is, I only know that Su Xinyi is the successor. I thought about catching her back in advance, but Youming wouldn't let me. He said the timing was not right, and we had to wait until Su Xinyi got married, and she had to marry someone else sincerely.……"

Fang Chen and Qing Yan were both stunned and looked at each other.

"Container?" Qing Yan asked.

Fang Chen frowned.

"Youming got a lot of demon secrets from the old immortals in the shadow world. It is very likely that he has some related secrets? Use your wife's body as a container, and then kill you in front of her, and then kill her parents and friends? Then make her feel heartbroken, desperate and angry to activate her emotions? Use this to open the channel?"Qing Yan said.

This serious nonsense is really interesting.

"I don’t know… I really don’t know anything… I’ve told you everything I know… Just give me a quick death!"

Qin Wei’s tone was filled with tears. He didn’t want to be eaten piece by piece by Qing Yan, and he had to watch.

Fang Chen ignored Qin Wei’s words of begging for death, but fell into deep thought.

If it is really as Qing Yan said, the Netherworld needs a vessel with special emotions and the identity of the Sword Emperor’s successor to open the passage, then is the human side too cooperative?

From the Ten Great Warriors Alliance to the secondary alliances below, whether it is the Shenwu Alliance or the Taiwu Alliance, it seems that they are all moving around this matter.

"How many humans do you think have cooperated with the Netherworld?" Fang Chen suddenly asked.

Qing Yan was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile:"It shouldn't be many, right? Last month, the Ten Great Warriors Alliance had a great war against the Qingluan Land. I heard that the battle was very fierce. I think only a fool like Qin Wei would cooperate with the Netherworld. The people in the Royal Association are not fools."

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes and looked towards the sky.

"What if someone in the Royal Association is colluding with Netherworld?"

Qing Yan stared and raised his voice:"Impossible!

What is the purpose of cooperating with Netherworld? Netherworld has always wanted to enslave the entire Blue Star and kill all mankind.

How can they cooperate together? What are they trying to do? If those old guys from the Shadow Realm invade, humans will be exterminated!

In our hearts, neither the Demon God nor the Royal Association can do anything to each other.

They are in a state of balance.

If the old guys from the Shadow Realm come, the balance will be completely broken, and then it will be impossible for humans to turn over!

Are they so stupid that they don't know the interests?"

Fang Chen murmured,"Yeah, what are they trying to do?"

Fang Chen had a vague guess in his heart, but he couldn't be sure now, and it would take time to confirm it.

Fang Chen glanced at Qin Wei who was grabbed by Qing Yan, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.


In an instant, Qin Wei's body was torn into pieces.

Qin Wei must die, this is what Fang Chen said at the beginning.

Especially when he dared to kill his own wife, there was no way for him to survive, and he would definitely die.

Qing Yan was shocked and shouted at Fang Chen with an angry face:"You scared me to death! Shit! Will I die if I tell you in advance?"

Looking at the furious Qing Yan, Fang Chen couldn't help laughing and said:"He is a demon god after all, and he is so scared."

"Wouldn't the demon be scared? I am seriously injured for you! Don't think I am fine just because I can roar! My back is still cracked and bleeding!" Qing Yan turned his back to face Fang Chen.

The two cracks were very eye-catching, and some places around the cracks had collapsed. Blood was still oozing out. It looked really serious.

Fang Chen stretched out his hand and placed it on Qing Yan's back.

Golden light flowed out from his palm and poured into the cracks.


Qing Yan suddenly looked very happy, closed his eyes and couldn't help humming a few times.

The cracks healed quickly and disappeared in a short while.

Fang Chen put away his hand with disgust on his face.

Qing Yan's voice just now really made him sick.

How could an old virgin demon god make such a disgusting sound?

""It's over?"

Qing Yan opened his eyes and looked back at Fang Chen, looking reluctant.

"The injury is not serious. I have already healed your tendons and tortoise shell. You will recover after a few years of rest. Fang Chen rolled his eyes and said

"Then what?" Qing Yan stared.

"What then?" Fang Chen asked

"So I came all this way, but got hurt for nothing and didn't get any benefit? In the end, I need to rest for a few years?" Qing Yan's face turned green. Fang

Chen laughed and scolded:"Are you stupid? Have the Tuoba clan come? If not, how can I help you get revenge?"

Qing Yan:……

""Okay, keep guarding. I have to go see my wife. She should be awakening soon. The people from the Royal Club will probably be here soon. Don't try to hold on this time. Just send a signal to call me." Fang Chen patted Qing Yan's shoulder and then disappeared.

Qing Yan was about to speak when he couldn't see Fang Chen anymore. He was so angry that he yelled,"Where's the signal? How do I send a signal? Why don't you tell me what signal to send? Fang Chen, you uncle! Do you want me to take the blame again?"

(The third update, please subscribe, please everything!)

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