Inside the Nine Swords Island,

Qin Ziyu was still guarding the Nine Swords Cave.

The elders did not leave either.

They also felt the movement outside. Although they did not know what happened, they all knew it must be related to Fang Chen.

"Saint… Who is the young brother-in-law? Is he an emperor?"An elder asked cautiously.

Although Qin Ziyu would not deal with them for the time being, they were still very worried and scared.

With Fang Chen around, they dared not have any other ideas.

In this world, strength is everything.

They are people of Jiujian Island in life and ghosts of Jiujian Island in death.

If they are expelled, it will be more painful than killing them.

"No need to ask more."Qin Ziyu replied coldly.

The elder was frustrated and could only laugh and said nothing.

He turned around and looked at his daughter.

She was still the same, with her eyebrows knitted tightly and her whole body red, looking quite uncomfortable and painful.

It was only more than an hour.

This kind of inheritance takes an uncertain time.

It may take a few minutes to complete the awakening, or it may take several years.

Qin Ziyu is not sure how long it will take for his daughter to awaken. Judging from her breath, she is getting stronger, but she doesn't know when it will stop.

At this time, Fang Chen appeared in the cave.

When the elder of Jiujian Island saw Fang Chen, he subconsciously tensed up, his heart skipped a beat, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Fang Chen ignored them and walked in front of Qin Ziyu.

"Not ready yet?" Fang Chen asked.

Qin Ziyu turned to look at Fang Chen, then smiled bitterly and shook his head:"No, the aura is still getting stronger, I don't know how long it will take to fully awaken."

After saying that, Qin Ziyu glanced behind Fang Chen and asked in a low voice:"Did you cause the noise outside just now? Where is Qin Weiren?"

"Dead."Fang Chen said in a calm voice.

The voice was not loud, but the elders behind heard it, and their expressions were quite complicated for a while.

Qin Wei was the successor to the island master recognized by them, because although Qin Ziyu was a saint, her strength was still a little lacking, not enough to lead Jiujian Island to restore its former glory, so they let Qin Wei become the island master.

But who would have thought that Qin Wei would actually collude with demons, and that his emperor-level cultivation was not obtained by his own practice, but by relying on the secret method of demons.

None of them found out about this, so they were naturally guilty, so now they had no intention of resisting and waited for Qin Ziyu's punishment.

Qin Ziyu was also quite shocked. Although she thought of this possibility, she couldn't help sighing when she got confirmation from Fang Chen.

After all, he was her uncle.

Fang Chen didn't care about their feelings and walked to his wife.

Seeing that Su Xinyi was still frowning and looking painful, Fang Chen couldn't help frowning.

What on earth does Youming want to do with his wife? Is there really a secret method? Can you let your wife become a container to tear open the passage?

Fang Chen retracted his gaze and glanced around.

The entire Nine Swords Cave is made up of fire crystals, which are a very rare fire crystal that contains rich fire elements. The five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth for human warriors. People with fire attributes can achieve twice the result with half the effort when practicing here, and the people of Nine Swords Island are born with fire attributes.

After Qin Tian found this island, he immediately moved his people here to survive, and finally created the world-famous Nine Swords Island. It can be said that this fire crystal played an indispensable role.

Fang Chen couldn't see anything special here. The Fire Crystal Throne is the center point of a formation. After the person who possesses the inheritance sits on it, the inheritance will automatically awaken, just like the key to activate the formation. It is not so mysterious and inexplicable.

As for awakening the inheritance, it is actually to use the formation to draw out the inheritance memory, and then constantly practice it in the mind of the inheritor until it is completed.

It is equivalent to practicing while sleeping, but the speed is countless times faster.


Qin Ziyu asked in confusion when he saw Fang Chen exploring the surroundings.

Fang Chen walked to the wall of the cave, touched the fire crystal rock wall with one hand, and said,"I was wondering why Netherworld would set up such a troublesome situation.

The passage is in the outer area of Blue Star, and it is also from there that it is torn apart and expanded.

Why did they choose Nine Swords Island?" The area around Blue Star is similar to the Earth.

They are all planets that cannot survive.

So when the passage was opened, the demons naturally flocked to Blue Star and wanted to occupy Blue Star.

So even if Netherworld wants to expand the passage to let more powerful demons come, it should be in the outer area of Blue Star space, not this Nine Swords Island.

"Does he really want to lure the demon god from the shadow world here?"Qin Ziyu's face was grim.

If he succeeded, Qin Wei would be the sinner of mankind! And his Nine Swords Island would be to blame.

""I can't be completely sure." Fang Chen replied.

He was sure before, but now that he has sorted out the clues, he also doubts it. Does

Youming really want to do this?

I really can't be sure.

"I'll go outside and take a look."

After saying that, Fang Chen left.

Above the Nine Swords Island,

Fang Chen stood in the air.

He could see the entire Nine Swords Island.

The island had been under martial law because of the noise outside, so there were not many people. They were all hiding in the defensive fortress. All they saw were the Nine Swords Island Guards patrolling.

There were three high peaks, and the rest were plains and hills. There was nothing strange to see.

"Fire crystals can attract the power of burning souls and splitting spirits. This place is suitable for the trapping array. Could it be that Youming wants to attract the demons from the shadow world to trap and kill them? Fang Chen frowned and muttered to himself.

But it was not right after thinking about it.

This is a trapping array that requires a huge amount of divine power to guide it, and he, Youming, is a demon and has no divine power!

In other words, this is a large array that can only be led and completed by humans, and it must be a powerful emperor-level without respect. Therefore, Qin Wei is actually not very useful to Youming. He can only obtain the control authority of the Four Symbols, and then cooperate with the opening of the burning soul trapping array.

Not only did Youming cooperate with humans, but the other party was also an emperor-level without respect.

"I still have to find Nether's second soul to ask clearly. Fang Chen shook his head.

Nether's second soul was his last life. If Fang Chen could find it, he would not be afraid that he would not speak.

""Fang Chen! Come here! Fang Chen, come here!"

At this moment, Qing Yan's crazy roar came from a distance.

The sound was like a pig being slaughtered, tragic and anxious.

Fang Chen was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

The people from the Royal Club are here.

This efficiency is really a bit slow!

They only appeared after I destroyed Youming.

"Signal! I gave the signal! Damn it! Brother, save me! There are so many people coming!"

Qing Yan's roar came again.

Fang Chen laughed dumbly and shook his head.

The next moment, the figure disappeared.

(Please everyone~)

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