Qing Yan was extremely nervous now, with sweat on his palms.

In front of him, there were six people!

Six emperors!

Two divine palaces, and four celestial beings.

If it was four celestial beings plus a divine palace, he would not be so afraid, but when these two divine palaces were paired together, he would be helpless. He really couldn't beat them. What

's more, his own injuries had not yet fully recovered, and his strength could not be exerted 100%.

So he immediately sent a signal to Fang Chen.

He didn't know what the signal should be, anyway, just roar and it would be over.

He really couldn't handle these tough guys. He had just recovered a lot from Fang Chen's treatment, and he didn't want to be seriously injured again.

Too many serious injuries would damage his foundation and limit the height of his future achievements.

Lin Changye, Feng Ruyi and the beautiful woman were naturally among them.

The other three also looked middle-aged. The emperor-level divine palace strongman had a stern face, and his flowing long hair looked more feminine. His name was Li Kui. Like

Lin Changye, Li Kui now jointly presided over the emperor-level association.

""Qing Yan, why are you here?" Li Kui asked coldly.

Although Qing Yan was nervous, his expression was very disdainful. He ignored Li Kui's question and turned his head to the back. He took a deep breath and shouted:

"Signal! I gave the signal! Damn it! Brother, save me! There are so many people coming!"

The shout was broken.

Li Kui and the others were stunned.

Lin Changye couldn't help laughing.

"Are you still in contact with Fang Chen? Collaboration between humans and demons is a great sin. Wouldn't your shouting make him die faster?"

Qing Yan's throat was a little dry. He coughed a few times and said,"Qin Wei, the lord of the Nine Swords Island, is still cooperating with Youming. Why can't Fang Chen cooperate with me?"

He did not reveal Fang Chen's identity as a demon this time.

Before, he was facing Qin Wei, a dying man, so he said it didn't matter.

But he didn't dare to think that all the people from the Royal Association would be wiped out here. Fang Chen still had to live with his little wife, so he didn't dare to speak carelessly and expose his identity.

"What did you say?"

Lin Changye and Li Kui's faces darkened at the same time, and murderous intent surged in their bodies.

"Qin Wei cooperated with Youming? Where is the evidence?"Feng Ruyi asked

"Why should I give you evidence? Who do you think you are?" Qing Yan sneered.

They would surely not be able to win in a fight, but they would definitely be able to outrun Fang Chen as soon as he arrived.

And there was no need to run, Youming, who was also an infinite demon god, had been beaten by Fang Chen, so this group of people probably would not be Fang Chen's opponent either. Everything would be easy if Feng Sihai didn't come.

Qing Yan's words did not anger the six people from the Royal Club. Li Kui asked in a deep voice:"There was a lot of noise in this area just now, was it you who caused it?"

"I don't know, maybe. Qin Wei and I fought for 300 rounds, and the earth was broken by the blows."Qing Yan shrugged.

Li Kui and Lin Changye looked at each other, and Lin Changye shook his head.

"It seems that there is nothing to be asked. Fang Chen is a demon, lurking in our human realm, and killed our human emperor Ren Yi Dao. Our emperor club came this time to kill him. If you leave now, we will not stop you. After all, you, Qing Yan, have always lived in Yansen and have not stepped into the human realm to commit evil. Li Kui said.

Qing Yan blinked.

So you know Fang Chen is a demon?

Then what was I talking about just now...

Could it be that these guys want to get something else out of me, pretending not to know? Are they treating me like a fool?

"Li Kui, we are old acquaintances. You know me as a demon. I will definitely do what I promised to others."Qing Yan said with a sneer. Li Kui showed a mocking look and said,"Really? I only know that you, Qing Yan, never keep your words."

"That's for you humans! I'm very trustworthy to demons!" Qing Yan shouted.

Lin Changye looked at Li Kui and asked,"Are you familiar with him?"

Li Kui smiled and said,"I've dealt with him once. When President Feng led us to recapture the land of Liubei, this guy was there. I fought with him a few times. The big turtle's fur is tough."

Lin Changye showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

He did not participate in the battle to recapture Liubei. At that time, he was still an emperor-level celestial being, guarding the headquarters.

"So you want to go forward and retreat with Fang Chen, right?" Li Kui looked at Qing Yan and asked.

Qing Yan glanced behind him and cursed Fang Chen in his heart for not coming. He really couldn't hold it anymore.

"Yes or no?"

Li Kui saw Qing Yan ignored him again, and frowned.

"So what if it is, so what if it is not?"

Qing Yan was about to speak when Fang Chen's voice appeared.

Then the space in front of him twisted and Fang Chen appeared in front of him.

Seeing Fang Chen, Qing Yan's heart was completely settled.

He was afraid that this group of humans from the Royal Level Association would attack him if they disagreed with him. If Fang Chen didn't arrive, he would be subdued. How painful it would be.

Fortunately, Fang Chen arrived before the attack, so it was fine.

"You are Fang Chen?"

Li Kui and Lin Changye stared at Fang Chen with their deep eyes, as if they could see through him.

The four emperor-level celestial beings behind them were also staring at Fang Chen.

Being able to kill Ren Yidao so quickly is not a simple existence.

Now they have not been able to find Ren Yidao's second soul, but even if they find it, it is useless because there is no memory.

"Who else am I?" Fang Chen asked with a smile.

Calm and composed, he was not afraid of the six emperor-level masters.

His demeanor was extremely natural. Those present were all emperor-level gods who had seen countless people. They could tell at a glance that Fang Chen was not pretending, but was really calm and not afraid at all.

Where did his confidence come from?

Everyone was a little confused.

And Qing Yan's demeanor was completely different now.

Although he pretended to be calm before, his broken voice and eyes still betrayed his inner thoughts. It was obvious that he was really nervous.

Since Fang Chen came, he has been extremely calm, just like a spectator. Is he so confident in Fang Chen?

Is this guy very powerful?

"Among the twelve demon gods now, I have never heard of the name Fang Chen. Could he be a new demon god?"Li Kui looked at Fang Chen with a playful look on his face.���Fang Chen raised his eyebrows, turned around and looked at Qing Yan and said,"Do we have twelve demon gods now?"

Fang Chen is the ninth demon god of Blue Star. As for the ones who appeared later, he didn't pay much attention to them. The ones he knew were all old demon gods like Qing Yan.

"Yes, twelve." Qing Yan said speechlessly.

Fang Chen suddenly realized and said with a smile:"There are always talented people in every generation. There are twelve now, no, isn't it ten now? I just destroyed two." The first soul of the Netherworld was destroyed, and his first general, the Poison Fang Flame Dog, was also killed by Fang Chen.

"So, you are a real scum! Killing human emperors is fine, but you even kill our demons and gods! Which side are you on?" Qing Yan slapped his thigh and said with an"indignant" look.

Li Kui and others looked at Fang Chen and Qing Yan, who were happily chatting and singing like a crosstalk, and their faces suddenly fell.

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