"So, you two think we don't exist, right?" Lin Changye's voice sounded unusually cold, with a hint of anger.

Before, he, Feng Ruyi, and Ruan Yujiao didn't dare to act recklessly in the face of Fang Chen, all because they couldn't see through Fang Chen, couldn't figure out his bottom line, and didn't want to fight a battle they were not sure of.

But now there are two more emperor-level celestial beings and Li Kui from the Divine Mansion, but Fang Chen is still calm and indifferent.

This is a complete contempt for the existence of their emperor-level association.

What gives you the confidence to talk and laugh in front of me, the six emperors?

Qing Yan glanced at Lin Changye with disdain, sneered and said:"Two gods from the Divine Mansion and four celestial beings dare to be arrogant in front of us? If Feng Sihai is not here, you are all garbage! Of course, if Jing Chengtian is here, I can be a little more serious with you."

Lin Changye's face darkened, and he fanned the feather fan in his right hand fiercely.

A gust of wind instantly condensed in front of him, and continued to expand, instantly sucking the sea water below into it, turning into a blue water tornado and attacking Fang Chen and Qing Yan.

Qing Yan snorted coldly.

He stretched out his right hand, and a raging flame gushed out, fiercely hitting the water tornado.


With a loud noise, fire rained down from the sky.

Then Qing Yan raised his hands, and finally clenched his fists and pulled them down.

The sea under Lin Changye and others' feet suddenly rolled and burned, and the sea surface was ablaze with flames. More than a dozen huge waves condensed like water dragons, attacking the members of the Royal Club with burning flames.

Feng Ruyi made a hand seal with both hands, holding his left hand on his right wrist, palm down, and pressed down. A circle of orchid ripples vibrated out from his palm.


The dozen or so water dragons under him were instantly crushed into water and fell into the sea.

The two sides exchanged a quick fight, all in a tentative manner, without using their real strength.

Li Kui kept his eyes on Fang Chen from beginning to end, as if what happened just now did not exist at all to him, and he did not even look at him.

"What is your purpose? Why did you kill my human emperor and come to Nine Swords Island to make trouble? Between us emperors and you demons, unless there is a battle for territory, we will not fight to the death, and you broke this rule."

Both sides stopped fighting, and Li Kui asked coldly.

Fang Chen looked at Qing Yan and asked in surprise:"Is there such a saying?"

Qing Yan rolled his eyes and said:"As for the emperors, they are afraid of death. If all the demons and emperors really fight to the death, they must fight to the point that Blue Star is broken in half, so basically there is no fight to the death. If you win the battle for territory, you take it back, and if you lose, you retreat. You won't say that you won't let an inch of land go over the corpse. In the final analysis, you are just a coward."

After speaking, Qing Yan looked at Li Kui again, and said with a mocking look:"Why don't you say that Youming killed Qin Tian that year? Qin Tian was really dead, and his second life soul was gone. And Feng Sihai killed Chu Hun, why don't you say that the rules were broken?"

In the final analysis, I still don't dare to risk my life, unless I have overwhelming strength or have used a conspiracy.

Qin Tian was killed by a conspiracy, and Chu Hun was crushed and killed by Feng Sihai in terms of strength.

In this world, if you have a big fist, then whatever you say is right.

"Now we are talking about Ren Yidao and the Nine Swords Island. That's all. It doesn't make sense to talk to the demons. Qingyan, you can go, but Fangchen, you have to go with us to the Emperor Level Meeting. Whether you live or die, it will be decided by our president."Li Kui said in a cold voice, his tone was unquestionable.

"What if I don't follow?" Fang Chen asked with a smile

"I am not asking for your opinion, but informing you that if you don't come, I don't mind getting rid of you here. Anyway, you come back with me alive, or I die and take the body back, there are only these two choices."Li Kui's tone became very overbearing, and there was no room for maneuver at all, and no room for rebuttal.

Qing Yan looked at Li Kui with amusement, and then said to Fang Chen:"Look at him, how domineering, if I were you, I would just not tolerate it."

Fang Chen smiled slightly, nodded in agreement, and said:"Indeed, I can't tolerate it. What I hate most in my life is people who are more pretentious than me."

Fang Chen's words instantly made the faces of the members of the Royal Club become extremely ugly, and they had already rejected him.

"Very good."

Li Kui sneered, cast his eyes on Qing Yan, and asked:"What about you? Do you also want to wade into this muddy water?"

"I won't lie down, you guys just deal with him, I'll just watch the show from the side."Qing Yan grinned.

Of course he didn't want to fight him, it would hurt his bones, and with Fang Chen, this unscrupulous man, around, it wasn't his turn to take action.

These six people fighting against an infinite demon god, there is a possibility of winning, but the probability is not high.

It's like the four Tibetan demon gods and the two Futian demon gods going to fight Feng Sihai, everyone is optimistic about Feng Sihai. Before, Qing Yan was still skeptical about Fang Chen's strength, but since seeing his battle with Youming, Fang Chen's strength has been completely different in Qing Yan's mind.

Among the Blue Star Demon Gods, Fang Chen can definitely be in the top three!

This is a bit conservative, after all, the two guys in front are too strong in Qing Yan's opinion.

Li Kui took a deep look at Qing Yan, sneered and said:"Okay, you just watch from the side, if I find out that you have any crooked thoughts, then you, Yansen Land, including you, Qing Yan, will be taken away by our Royal Level Association."As soon as these words came out, Qing Yan's eyes instantly became extremely gloomy

"Old man, are you threatening me?"

Qing Yan hates it most in his life when others threaten him.

"This is not a threat, it's advice, if you don't believe me you can try it." Li Kui sneered.

Qing Yan's face darkened, his eyes gradually became ferocious, and he grinned and said,"Old thing, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"If you want to die, I don't mind moving my fingers a little more."Li Kui said

"You're showing off to me? Who do you think you are?"

Qing Yan went berserk in an instant, scarlet blood mist gradually filled his eyes, his whole body instantly burned with raging flames, his fair face also cracked piece by piece, and he rushed towards Li Kui.

""Fang Chen! Give me this old man! The rest are yours!"

Qing Yan's voice came.

The surrounding seawater exploded repeatedly as Qing Yan ran, raising huge waves.

In the next moment, Qing Yan's skin fell off, and his body emitted a dazzling red light.

A huge figure like a mountain rose from the ground.

The big turtle with flames burning all over its body rushed towards Li Kui like a moving volcano. The seawater below was scorched by the scorching heat, and white steam rose and spread around.

Qing Yan directly turned into his original body and killed Li Kui.

Fang Chen looked at Qing Yan and took action first without saying a word, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

Didn't we agree to watch the show from the side?

Why did he take action first?

This guy has a really big temper! No wonder he is called Exploding Flame Burning Turtle.

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