""Master Fang, I have transferred the money to you. I will pay you the rest as soon as I sell the Demon Lord's inner elixir." Daqian Ya put down his phone and said with a smile.

He liked doing business with Fang Chen the most. He was generous, trusting, and decisive.

To others, Daqian Ya would definitely be stingy and report false information, but to Fang Chen, he would just tell him how much he wanted to earn.

"Okay, let's go." Fang Chen nodded and stood up.

"Hey, Master Fang!" Daqian Ya called Fang Chen.

Fang Chen turned around and looked at Daqian Ya:"What? Is there anything else?"

Daqian Ya looked a little embarrassed and said with a wry smile:"Well, may I ask you something? Did you kill the one-eyed snake in Jinzhou?"

"I have a friend who is very powerful. Fang Chen smiled slightly, then opened the door and left.

Daqian Ya looked at Fang Chen's departing back, blinked his eyes, and then immediately picked up the inner pill and looked at it again.

"The demon master's inner elixir, the people of the Taiwu Alliance were killed just after evacuating Jinzhou. Mr. Fang's ability is really well hidden. Could he be a master?" Damen Ya muttered to himself.

He has known Fang Chen for a few years and has never figured out his background.

But it doesn't matter to Damen Ya. Anyway, he collects things and others sell things. As long as he makes money, it's fine.

"This one-eyed snake is very troublesome now. If you make a move, you will be targeted. I am afraid it is not easy to get the price of 530 million."A hoarse voice came from the darkness.

Daqian Ya sneered, looked over and said:"There is nothing in this world that Daqian Ya can't sell, let alone the inner elixir of the Demon Lord, even the inner elixir of the Demon God can be sold by me."

"Too conspicuous, this black market can't hide you"

"It's okay, this place is very safe." Daqian Ya grinned, raised his head and threw the inner pill directly into his mouth.


Fang Chen left the black market directly.

He knew from the beginning that there was a demon in Damen Ya's shop. He even discovered it when he first entered Damen Ya's shop a few years ago, but he didn't say it to his face, just pretending that he didn't know. Everyone has some little secrets, right? As long as it doesn't bother him

, it's fine. The reason why he likes to do business with Damen Ya is mainly because this old man is efficient and steady.

As long as the inner elixir is resold in the black market from Damen Ya's hands, it will never be traced to Fang Chen.

"You are my little Chenchen, no matter how much I love you, it's never too much……"

Fang Chen's phone rang.

This ringtone was sung by Fang Chen and Su Xinyi, a lover's ringtone.

"Hello, wife." Fang Chen answered the phone with a very gentle voice.

"What are you doing?"Su Xinyi asked

"I'm thinking about you." Fang Chen said sincerely

"Really? Why didn't I feel it?"Su Xinyi said"tsk" softly.

Fang Chen raised his mouth:"When you come back in the evening, you will be able to feel my passionate longing for you."

"You are being a hooligan again! I won't work overtime tonight, what do you want to eat in the evening?"

No more overtime?

Fang Chen was delighted.

He helped his wife kill the monsters, and then she wouldn't have to work overtime?

That's great!

In the future, when his wife goes to work during the day, he will go out to kill monsters. As long as the monsters that appear in Nanlong are killed, they will all be killed, and then they can exchange the inner elixir for money.

Fang Chen wanted to change a house. Although the two-bedroom and one-living room house had a good location, it was too small.

The small room meant less space for"playing", which limited the performance, and it would also make people feel bored and affect their state.

Couples need to keep freshness.

So he had to save money.

In a place like Nanlong where every inch of land is worth money, it still costs a lot of money to have a house with a good location and a villa type.

At least one billion.

Now Xiu Chen only has 500 million, and it hasn't arrived yet.

"I'll make dinner, and you can just eat when you come back." Fang Chen said softly.

""Okay, then I'll order a dish, sweet and sour pork ribs." Su Xinyi's tone was a little playful.

Her favorite dish was the sweet and sour pork ribs made by Fang Chen.

"No problem, is there anything else?" Fang Chen asked

"You can do whatever you want with the rest. I'm busy now. I'll try to get off work on time."

"OK, see you that night."

"Give me a kiss."

Fang Chen looked around and saw no one around, so he pursed his lips and said,"Mua!"

""Hehe, you are so corny. Okay, I won't say any more. Bye, husband. Muah." Su Xinyi hung up the phone with a silver bell-like laugh.

Fang Chen couldn't help but shudder after hanging up the phone.

It was quite corny. If there were people around, he would definitely not be able to do it.

His wife didn't have to work overtime in the evening, so Fang Chen's mood instantly became very good. He hummed a little tune and walked towards the direction of Nanzhou city.


After walking for a few minutes, Fang Chen stopped.

A very strong and sharp breath was rushing towards him.

Judging from this breath, it must be a master-level strongman.

The master, corresponding to the demon master's cultivation, is as amazing as the one-eyed Cang Snake that Fang Chen killed before.

However, the one-eyed Cang Snake had just been promoted, and its strength was not as strong as that of the master.

This breath did not lock on him, it should be passing by, and it seemed to be heading towards the black market.

The master appeared within the range of Nanlong, which immediately reminded Fang Chen of what Damen Ya said just now.

It seemed that there was a conspiracy against his wife.

"Should I kill him or not?

Fang Chen showed a hesitant expression.

(Seeking flowers, comments, monthly tickets, T.T!)

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