The most notable feature of a Grandmaster is that he can control his Qi and walk in the air.

Transforming strength into Qi and refining true Qi inside is the realm of a warrior.

The true Qi can be controlled freely, released externally, and switched between offense and defense in a moment. The Qi moves at will and controls the Qi, which is the realm of a Grandmaster.

Transforming Qi into Yuan, the true Qi in the body is completely transformed into Yuan, the consciousness gathers in the sea of spirits, and the hands are turned into clouds and the hands are turned into rain. The spirit travels thousands of miles, which is the realm of a Grandmaster.

There is no way to compare a warrior with a Grandmaster.

It is a completely insurmountable gap.

There is no such thing as killing people above one's level.

Therefore, a warrior has absolutely no chance of winning against a Grandmaster.

Fang Chen has been in Nanlong for so many years and has never met a Grandmaster.

How can a Grandmaster-level figure wander around?

There must be a purpose.

The sudden appearance of this Grandmaster reminded Fang Chen of the words of the one-eyed demon.

As long as Fang Chen thinks that it has something to do with his wife, he must take care of it.

Therefore, Fang Chen wants to catch the other party and ask him.

If he doesn't cooperate, he will be killed.

The powerful aura completely ignored Fang Chen who was underground, and passed over his head quickly.

To the Grandmaster, they were all trash ants, not even worthy of his glance.

Fang Chen chuckled.

What a pretentious person.

He released the aura of a Grandmaster, and then pretended to be so insolent as to pass through the sky.

Was he just trying to let others know that he, the Grandmaster, was passing by, and then let others envy, worship and respect him?

"Come here."

Fang Chen stretched out his hand towards the direction where the master left, and spun it around.


The space within a radius of ten miles suddenly sank and became extremely sticky, just like a quagmire, making people move very slowly.

""Who is it?"

A roar came.

Then, a figure flew backwards and slammed into the freshwater lake in front of Fang Chen.


The ground shook violently, and the water of the entire freshwater lake exploded a hundred feet, and the lake water turned into fine and fragmented raindrops that fell within a hundred miles.

The lake water disappeared, replaced by a huge gully.

The mist was lingering.

There was another loud noise, and gravel filled the sky.

A figure jumped out of the bottom of the lake, which had turned into a huge gully, and landed on the other side.

The other party was an old man with white hair, a hooked nose, a goatee, and a pair of eyes full of shock and anger. The clothes on his body were tattered, and even his underwear was exposed.

The other party looked at Fang Chen, his expression was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't see his face clearly.

Fang Chen's whole body was filled with a golden halo at this time, looking quite sacred and mysterious, without any demonic aura.

The old man was stunned.

"Who are you? How dare you attack me from behind?"The old man asked in a cold voice with a sullen expression.

He couldn't see Fang Chen's cultivation level clearly, but he knew it was definitely not lower than his own.

It would be impossible for him to pull himself back with one move without the strength of a Grandmaster.

Grandmasters are divided into nine grades, with the first grade being the lowest and the ninth grade being the highest.

The old man's cultivation level was that of a second-grade Grandmaster, but he couldn't see through Fang Chen's cultivation level.

"This is not the place where you should be. Fang Chen said calmly.


The old man looked around and sneered, saying,"This is the first time I've heard that there is a place on this blue planet that I can't go to. Do you know who I am?""

"It's not important. Fang Chen said.

It really is not important. Fang Chen is not interested in who he is. He just wants to know what he is going to do and whether it will threaten his wife.

"What a big tone! I am Jin Changhe, the vice leader of the Yuhua Alliance. Do you know what will happen if you offend me?"Jin Changhe laughed angrily.

Yuhua Alliance?

I have never heard of it. There is no threat.

In this world, there are only five people who can make Fang Chen take them seriously. The Yuhua Alliance is definitely not one of them.

"So what?" Fang Chen asked

"Tell me who you are! Judging from your strength, you also have the aura of a Grandmaster, so you must be a member of the Warrior Alliance, right? The rules of the Warrior Alliance are that no one above the Grandmaster level can make enemies or fight. Do you want to break the rules?"Jin Changhe narrowed his eyes and stared at Fang Chen.

He basically knew all the Grandmasters of the Warrior Alliance, but he couldn't tell who the person on the other side was yet.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, you just need to tell me the purpose of your coming to Nanlong, and don't say any more nonsense."Fang Chen said calmly. Jin

Changhe laughed a few times, and said to Fang Chen with a mocking look:"If I don't tell you, do you want to kill me? Who gave you the confidence? Who gave you the courage? What qualifications do you have to ask me what to do? If you attack me, it means declaring war on my Yuhua Alliance. Do you dare?"

Fang Chen sighed.

The next moment, a golden light flashed.

Jin Changhe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned back in horror.


Fang Chen appeared behind him without him knowing when. Before he could react, he was grabbed by the neck and lifted up.


So fast that it scared him to death!

So strong!

So strong that his hair stood on end and his whole body was cold. Endless fear instantly surged through his body.

"I asked you what you were doing here, but you asked me if I dared. Now tell me, do I dare or not?"

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