Four glazed swords were suspended around Jing Chengtian's body, and the swords rang out, as if they were alive.

Yellow air currents swirled around the swords, emitting a trace of lightning power.

The lightning power didn't seem to have much power, but every time it flashed and spread out, the surrounding space became chaotic and distorted. When

Qing Yan saw the four swords, his pupils shrank fiercely.

He was almost killed by these four swords back then!

""Fang Chen, this guy is a very powerful Four-Evolution Sword! Don't take it lightly!" Qing Yan shouted. Li

Kui on the side grinned and said,"What? Do you think your reminder will be useful? I told you to leave before but you refused. Now you will be buried under this sea of nine swords with Fang Chen!"

Qing Yan looked at Li Kui with gloomy eyes and said in a cold voice,"Don't worry, you will die before me!"

"Then let's wait and see."

Li Kui didn't care about Qing Yan's harsh words. Now he was confident, and with Jing Chengtian here, he would definitely win!

Qing Yan clenched his fists, staring at Jing Chengtian with a grim look, his back covered in cold sweat.

Although he said harsh words to Li Kui, he really didn't know what to do.

Demons are different from humans. Humans have emperor-level associations, but demons don't have such organizations. They are all in their own camps, and they will not unite unless humans launch a large-scale attack.

So now they have no rescue.

Want Zhihuan and Yuye to come?

Don't even think about it. Even if they have the intention, it's too late now. They don't even know the situation here.

The demons live in the outer circle of Blue Star. No matter how big the noise here is, it is impossible to reach the two big guys in a short time.

So now, Fang Chen can only rely on Defeat Jing Chengtian by yourself.

Or there is another way, that is to run!

Fang Chen wants to run, Qing Yan believes that Jing Chengtian can't catch up, but he Qing Yan himself definitely can't run.

Fang Chen running alone and running with Qing Yan are two different concepts. If he takes Qing Yan with him, he will definitely be caught up by Jing Chengtian.

Lin Changye and others also have fanatical and excited eyes.

Jing Chengtian is a god-like existence to them!

Feng Sihai rarely appears on the road, and ordinary people think that Feng Sihai is a legend. They are almost the same and have no qualifications to see Feng Sihai.

So they usually see Jing Chengtian, and they also know how powerful Jing Chengtian is!

Using the Four Evolution Sword at the beginning shows that Jing Chengtian wants to end the battle quickly.

Wu Zun fights Wuliang, even with their strength and status, it is the first time they have seen it!

""Tell me, how many of my swords can you take?" Jing Chengtian asked Fang Chen with a confident smile on his face.

Fang Chen blinked, smiled slightly, raised four fingers and said,"I'll let you take four moves."

This made him look extremely arrogant.

Jing Chengtian's eyes twitched, and Lin Changye and others behind him were instantly angry. If they were not afraid of disturbing Jing Chengtian's sword, he would have even turned on the mocking mode directly.

"Very good!"

Jing Chengtian nodded heavily, a cold light flashing from his eyes.

"I want to see where your confidence comes from."

As soon as he finished speaking, the first long sword on Jing Chengtian's left suddenly made a shocking sound, and the sword body shone with a thousand-foot light, breaking through the sky.

The surrounding spiritual energy instantly gathered towards the long sword, and the dazzling light seemed to cover the light between heaven and earth, making it impossible to open one's eyes.

The sea water began to churn, and finally all of it floated up and rolled up, as if it had lost gravity, quickly clinging to the sword body, wrapped in light.

"A sword named 'Guang’!"

Jing Chengtian shouted coldly and pointed at Fang Chen in the air.

As Jing Chengtian pointed, the Guang Sword wrapped in the sea water suddenly shook violently, and then the light inside shot out from the water curtain as if it had broken out of its shell.


The sky and the earth suddenly became dark and lightless.

A strong wind vibrated out from the sword body. The sword rang in the sky again.

The tip of the Guang Sword slowly pointed at Fang Chen.


The surging sea water below suddenly exploded, and at the same time, the Guang Sword also moved, slowly stabbing towards Fang Chen.

You read it right, it was slowly stabbing!

The speed was so slow that it even felt like it was moving millimeter by millimeter.

This was a very strange shot, and Lin Changye and the others behind him stared with their eyes wide open.


A shattering sound was heard.

The space that the tip of the sword touched was broken like a mirror.

Then, the surging and rolling sea water below suddenly stopped moving, and the rain and other debris in the sky also stopped moving.

It seemed that everything was still.

The fragments of the broken space slowly rippled at a very slow speed.

Silence. There was no sound at this moment.

Jing Chengtian's eyes gradually revealed a bloodthirsty and excited light. What he enjoyed most was to sacrifice his Four-Evolution Sword and make the demons fearful and desperate!

He was waiting for Fang Chen's expression of fear and shock to appear.

The space of ten miles around was blocked by him, completely suppressed!

Now, except for him and Fang Chen, no one can move a bit!

After a few more breaths, after the space fragments collided with the sword light, everything would be restored, but the strongest attack of the Guang Sword would also be completed.

This sword is the strongest sword of his Four-Evolution Sword!

I don't play a progressive routine with you at all, I just come up with the strongest attack!

Let me make four moves?

I won't let you resist even one move!

Jing Chengtian wants to let Fang Chen know that arrogance comes at a price!

But Jing Chengtian was stunned soon.

He could suppress a ten-mile radius and make it immobile, but he couldn't suppress Fang Chen.

But why didn't he move?

Just waiting for Guangjian to fuse the space fragments and complete the strongest charge? Is this guy really so arrogant?

A surge of anger surged in his heart.

Jing Chengtian had never felt the feeling of being despised, but now he felt it!

Fang Chen's smile was unexpectedly���With a look of disappointment!


Jing Chengtian roared.

In an instant, the suppression was lifted.

The Guang Sword collided with the space debris.

Then, a force of destruction surged violently.

All the space debris burst into dazzling light, turning into yellow light, and quickly attacked Fang Chen with the Guang Sword.

The space it passed through collapsed and cracked.

In just a moment, Fang Chen's figure was submerged in it.

Another sword beside Jing Chengtian flashed and stood in front of him, gathering a dark yellow defense barrier.


A deafening sound was heard.

The ten-mile space in front of Jing Chengtian exploded instantly, then shattered and collapsed, turning into a huge black hole, and all the energy was sucked into the black hole.

The explosion stopped less than a breath later, and the black hole area quickly healed, and the space returned to its original state.

Everything was quiet again.

Lin Changye and others stared at Jing Chengtian's back in a daze, and were so scared that they didn't know how to think.

Qing Yan's expression was terrified and desperate.

Fang Chen disappeared!



With the same cultivation level, he was gone in one move?

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets)

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