Jing Chengtian still stood in the air.

His proud and upright figure showed the aura of a king.

He looked down upon the common people and was the only one who was supreme.

Guang Jian returned to his side.

He had not moved from his current position for even a single step.

The area in front of him was empty without Fang Chen's figure.

"Your Excellency is mighty!"

Lin Changye looked extremely excited.

The fact that the human Wuzun killed the demon Wuliang in seconds made Lin Changye and the others extremely excited, and also gave them more hope!

One day, humans will be able to kill all the demons!

Li Kui sneered at Qingyan and said,"How do you feel now?"

Qingyan's face was gloomy, and he said in a cold voice,"Do you really think Wuliang is such a rubbish? He can kill Jing Chengtian with one move?"

Li Kui laughed,"Where is that man? I can't feel his breath at all. Did he run away? Even if he ran away, he would have lost, right? You can't run away."

These words hurt Qing Yan's heart.

He didn't think Fang Chen would be killed by Jing Chengtian's sword, but it was possible that he could run away.

Maybe Fang Chen really abandoned him and ran away.

With Jing Chengtian, the god of death, around, he would definitely not let him leave alive.

Li Kui saw Qing Yan, who was speechless and had an ugly face, and felt even happier. He grinned and said,"Why don't you stay in the Yansen land, but come here to die. What do you want? Monsters are all beasts. They have no feelings and can only kill each other. Are you still friends?"

Are they friends?

Qing Yan didn't know.

Because he didn't know what friends meant, he just knew that sometimes he wanted to eat Fang Chen alive, but more often he wanted to argue with Fang Chen and wanted to kill enemies he didn't like with him.

He couldn't feel Fang Chen's breath anymore, so he should have run away.

Reason told him that there was nothing wrong with Fang Chen running away, but emotionally he still felt uncomfortable.

Did he really abandon me and run away?

"What? You can't say anything?"Li Kui saw Qing Yan's expression kept changing, becoming more and more ugly, but he didn't refute a word, and he became more excited to mock.

Qing Yan raised his head and looked at Li Kui with cold eyes.

Li Kui also looked at him jokingly.

The next moment, Qing Yan's figure suddenly disappeared.

The smile on Li Kui's face gradually solidified.

Jing Chengtian, who was not far away, also turned his head and looked over.

""Hahaha! I knew you wouldn't leave me and run away!"

Qing Yan's wanton laughter spread throughout the venue.

Then the laughter stopped abruptly.

Because Qing Yan couldn't laugh anymore.

Fang Chen didn't take him to run!

He just pulled him to another position.

Now they appeared on the left side of Jing Chengtian.

Fang Chen was still as calm as the wind, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his body was clean. It was impossible to tell that he had just been attacked by the Wuzun strongman.

""Aren't you going to run?" Qing Yan asked in astonishment.

Fang Chen chuckled and said,"Why should you run? This is only the first move."

Qing Yan:...

Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped through Qing Yan's heart.

On the other side, Jing Chengtian's expression was no longer arrogant and contemptuous, but became solemn.

Lin Changye and Li Kui looked at each other.

Is Fang Chen really fine? It turned out that they were happy for nothing just now!

Do you really want to let Jing Chengtian use four moves?

So arrogant?

Feng Sihai is not as arrogant as you!

"As the rumors say, your speed is very fast, quite fast."Jing Chengtian looked at Fang Chen, his tone was cold and a little angry.

He was not angry that Fang Chen dodged his move just now. The Infinite Demon God was not that rubbish. Jing Chengtian knew it in his heart. At most, he would hurt the opponent. It was not realistic to kill him with one sword, unless Fang Chen stretched his neck without defense and let him cut him.

He was angry about what Fang Chen said to Qing Yan just now.

This is only the first move! Are you really so arrogant that you let him use four moves?

Fang Chen chuckled and said,"It's not that I'm fast, it's that you're too slow. It's a bit embarrassing that you played the Four Evolution Sword like this."

Qing Yan secretly glanced at Fang Chen.

Only he dared to say this.

Among the ten top magic skills of Blue Star, the Four Evolution Sword can rank in the top three!

Who is the first?

Natural disasters and earth disasters!

That's right!

It is the natural disasters and earth disasters of the Nine Swords Island.

The recognized number one.

Feng Sihai's Nine States Samsara can only be ranked second.

Qin Tian only had the cultivation level of the Heavenly Man Realm back then, and the natural disasters and earth disasters he comprehended became the number one magic skill. You can imagine how terrible the power is.

Back then, Qin Tian was plotted against and fought against the Netherworld. In the end, he was able to injure the Netherworld of the Futian Realm before he died, which was enough to show how powerful he was.

But no matter how powerful he was, the emperor-level powerhouses knew that they could not learn it because they did not have the bloodline of the Nine Swords Island.

Natural disasters and earth disasters can only be inherited and comprehended, not learned.

But people below the emperor level don't know, so many people covet the Sword Emperor inheritor and want to learn natural disasters and earth disasters through the inheritor's oral teaching.

""Is it fun to show off your quick words?" Jing Chengtian asked with a sneer.

Fang Chen nodded in approval, then hooked his finger at Jing Chengtian:"You have three moves left. After three moves, I will let you know what real speed is."

Jing Chengtian's face sank, and then he laughed in anger and said:"Okay! Very good! Three moves?"

After that, Jing Chengtian grabbed the first long sword on the right with one hand and slashed three swords in the air.

Three sword energies pushed forward, as if they could cut through the void, pressing the space in front of them to collapse inch by inch.

Jing Chengtian used three moves directly.

And for a strong man of his level, these three moves were just casually drawn, and their power was countless times weaker than the previous Guangjian.

Fang Chen and Qingyan flashed.

They appeared on the other side the next moment.

The three sword energies hit the air directly, and the power dissipated.

""Is this considered one move?" Qing Yan asked with a blink.

Fang Chen smiled and said,"Of course it is one move. How can three consecutive sword strikes be considered three moves? Do you need me to tell you what a fight is?""

""You bastard!"

Jing Chengtian was completely enraged by what Fang Chen and Qing Yan said.

He waved his hand again.

Several more sword energies were swept out.

Then he followed up with his hand.

Fang Chen easily dodged the two consecutive attacks.

Jing Chengtian's purpose was to see what kind of pretense you can put on in front of me after I make four moves.

"Four moves are enough." Fang Chen said.

Jing Chengtian sneered and asked,"So? Are you going to start fighting back?"

Fang Chen smiled slightly and nodded,"Of course, it's a courtesy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Chen appeared directly in front of Jing Chengtian.

Jing Chengtian's pupils shrank suddenly, and the Four Evolution Sword beside him suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and the sword rang out.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Fang Chen had already punched


A punch hit Jing Chengtian's left cheek.


"Boom boom boom!"

Jing Chengtian's body fell into the sea like a cannonball, and then the sea water turned upside down and the earth shook.

Everyone present saw this scene, their eyes were dull and their minds were blank.

(In the new month, please vote for the monthly ticket, and add one chapter for the three monthly tickets. I'll see how many chapters I can add~ I know everyone has it, please~)

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