The entire seabed was still shaking violently, and the tsunami was surging.

It made people feel that the space was shaking.

Looking down from a high place, the sea water disappeared where Jing Chengtian fell into the seabed, but the surroundings kept rising, and kept surging outward in a circular manner.

It started from ten feet higher than the sea level, and then it was hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, as if the world-destroying waves were going to swallow up the sky and the earth and surge in all directions, with an extremely huge momentum.

The eyes of the people in the Royal Club were dull, with a look of horror.

Jing Chengtian was actually punched into the seabed?

Didn't he dodge? Is this world really so fast?

It's more terrifying than teleportation?

Teleportation will pull space fluctuations, which is actually very easy for the Royal-level strong to prevent. You can sense the place where you will appear next before you appear.

But Jing Chengtian didn't dodge just now.

Seeing Fang Chen appear in front of him and punch him.

Qing Yan swallowed hard.

It was this familiar yet strange feeling again.

It was familiar because Youming was also abused by Fang Chen just now, and it was strange because he was also tricked by Fang Chen in the past. It had been a long time since he forgot the feeling at that time.

Now the feeling came back again. He was immersed in the scene.

He didn't even know when Fang Chen left his side. He really couldn't sense any movement.

Is the extreme speed really so terrifying? Ignoring all the rules?


Jing Chengtian's voice roared out from the bottom of the sea.

Then there was a loud bang.

Jing Chengtian jumped out from the bottom of the sea.

Fang Chen grinned.


Another punch.

Jing Chengtian had just jumped out of the seabed when Fang Chen appeared in front of him like a ghost and punched him hard.


The same earth-shattering scene appeared again.

Everyone's eyelids jumped violently.


Jing Chengtian, who had sunk into the sea, jumped out again.

The result was obvious, another punch came down.

Then it continued.

This scene was like playing whack-a-mole. As soon as Jing Chengtian showed up, Fang Chen would punch him, and the two kept going back and forth.

Seeing these scenes, everyone felt cold all over and doubted their lives.

Wu Zun!

The first killing god of mankind!

The Four Evolutions Sword Saint!

Are you really not going to resist?

He punches you down and then you jump up again to let him punch you?

What about other means?

What about other magic skills?

You can't even dodge?

Li Kui and Lin Changye were so anxious now that they wished they could possess Jing Chengtian's body and control him to fight back against Fang Chen.

"Or... just kill him?"

Qing Yan couldn't bear it any longer and said to Fang Chen with a complicated expression.

Fang Chen glanced at Qing Yan and smiled,"I can't kill him."

"Even after being beaten like this, you still can't kill him?" Qing Yan's eyes widened.

In his opinion, Jing Chengtian was only at the same level as Youming. He was being hammered by Fang Chen. Youming could be killed, but not Jing Chengtian?

The area below was blocked by Fang Chen, so Jing Chengtian couldn't escape from the range. Every time he showed his head, he was hammered down by Fang Chen.

"You will know soon." Fang Chen showed a playful smile, dodged and punched again.

But this punch failed to knock Jing Chengtian away.

A shadow appeared in front of Jing Chengtian, dragged him away directly, and came to the side of Lin Changye and others.

Jing Chengtian's face was now hideous, and his right face was completely rotten, revealing his teeth. The murderous intent on his body was icy and bone-chilling, making people feel cold all over and having difficulty breathing.

The people of the Royal Club looked at Jing Chengtian's sudden appearance, and then saw his miserable state. For a moment, they didn't know what words to use to describe their feelings.

Even the high and mighty Jing Chengtian was abused?

What kind of demon is this Fang Chen?

Why is he so strong?

"Today! I will kill you!"

Jing Chengtian roared, and wanted to rush towards Fang Chen.

But the phantom appeared again and stopped him.

The phantom was not good-looking, and only a human outline could be seen. There was no particularly strong aura, but it made Jing Chengtian sober and calm down instantly.


Jing Chengtian lowered his head hastily.


Everyone in the Royal Club looked stunned, and then they bowed as well.

This shadow was the strongest man in the human race, Feng Sihai!

A god-like existence!

"If you are not my opponent, don't try to be brave."

Feng Sihai's voice was very ethereal, as if he was speaking from a distant star, or as if he was speaking from the depths of your soul. This feeling was very strange.


Jing Chengtian nodded hastily, not daring to disobey or refute.

The other members of the Royal Club also lowered their heads, their bodies trembling slightly, not daring to look up at Feng Sihai.

Even if it was just a shadow and not the real person, they did not dare to look directly at him.

"Is this Feng Sihai?"

Qing Yan looked horrified.

"Just a shadow of the divine essence can pull Jing Chengtian out of your hands?"Qing Yan's face turned pale.

A person's name is like a tree's shadow.

He has never seen Feng Sihai, nor is he qualified to see Feng Sihai, but this name is an endless nightmare for demons.

"As the strongest person in the human race, it is normal for him to have many tricks. Fang Chen said with a smile.

Feng Sihai's shadow faced Fang Chen, and Fang Chen also looked at him.

"I think you should have guessed something." Feng Sihai said calmly.

Fang Chen smiled slightly and said,"I didn't guess much, but I have a rough outline."

Feng Sihai sighed and said,"There are many things that no one can control. If we can maintain the previous status of humans and demons, that would be great, but you know that we can't."

Fang Chen shrugged his shoulders:"It's none of my business."

He was telling the truth.

Fang Chen didn't have any ambitions. He didn't want to dominate the world, unify the demons, or unify the blue star.

He just wanted beaches, coconuts, bikinis, barbecues... but that's not possible!

Who made his wife so missed?

Then he had to make all those who missed his wife disappear from this world.

"It doesn't matter to you. You just need to not get involved and live your life freely."Feng Sihai said.

Fang Chen smiled and said,"I want Nine Swords Island, and you can do whatever you want with the rest."

"No room for negotiation?" Feng Sihai asked.

"There is no room for negotiation. I will kill anyone who comes. You know my temper." Fang Chen said.

Feng Sihai knew Fang Chen's temper?

The people of the Royal Club were instantly horrified, and even Jing Chengtian looked unbelievable.

These two people actually know each other?

Qing Yan behind Fang Chen also looked at him in confusion. He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know Fang Chen at all.

Back then, Fang Chen was still a little demon being chased by him!

When did he know a person like Feng Sihai?

Even if he is now the Demon God Futian, he is not qualified to meet Feng Sihai!

And Fang Chen actually knows him! He sounds very familiar?

Feng Sihai did not answer immediately, and the illusory figure seemed to be looking at the sky.

After a moment, a ball of green mist enveloped everyone in the Royal Club. The mist quickly shrank and finally disappeared.

Feng Sihai's shadow also began to slowly dissipate.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing more to say. You can't defend Jiujian Island, I, Feng Sihai, said so."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Sihai's shadow also completely dissipated.

(Seeking everything)

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