The sound of the waves still surging, but the people from the Royal Club disappeared.

Feng Sihai took them away directly, and did not confront Fang Chen directly. What came was just a phantom.

But even if it was just a phantom, Qing Yan felt terrified, and he still couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Look how scared you are."

Fang Chen glanced at Qing Yan, shook his head and smiled.

"That's the Human Emperor Feng Sihai! How can he not be afraid?"

Qing Yan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Fang Chen with a frightened face and asked:"You also heard what Feng Sihai said just now. It's obvious that he is determined to take over the Nine Swords Island... What secrets does the Nine Swords Island have? Everyone wants to get involved?"

Fang Chen shrugged and said,"Who knows?"

"What should I do next? I feel like Feng Sihai is very likely to come and kill me personally.……"Qing Yan asked hurriedly.

He dared to curse other Wu Zun in front of him, but he really didn't have the courage to look Feng Sihai in the face. When he thought of what Feng Sihai said before leaving, he couldn't help but get goose bumps.

Qing Yan wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

""When the enemy comes, we will stop him; when the water comes, we will block it with earth." Fang Chen smiled slightly and turned his head to look in the direction of Nine Swords Island.

"Before my wife awakens the inheritance, no one can help her."

Fang Chen's tone became extremely firm and confident.

Qing Yan also looked over, his expression was very complicated and strange.

He couldn't understand Fang Chen. For a human woman, was he so reckless?

The Emperor Level Association gathered all the strong men of mankind, but they, the demons, didn't have such an organization! No one would come to help Fang Chen except himself.

Count on Yuye or Zhihuan?

That's impossible.

At most, if Feng Sihai did something too purposeful to kill the demon god, Yuye and Zhihuan would appear to stop him. As for the others, the two great gods would ignore them.

In Qing Yan's opinion, it was very irrational for Fang Chen to stay here after Feng Sihai made such a harsh remark, which was not much different from waiting to die.

"How about changing the place to awaken the inheritance? Don't let your wife get into trouble if you fail to stop Feng Sihai."Qing Yan suggested in a low voice.

"Also, why do you have to let your wife accept the inheritance? You are so powerful, even Youming was abused and Jing Chengtian was beaten half to death by you. Even if your wife awakens the inheritance, she won’t be much stronger. In the end, she still needs you to protect her."

Fang Chen is already so awesome, why does your wife still want to inherit?

Isn’t it a traditional virtue of mankind to support the husband and raise children? Why does your wife have to be so awesome?

Fang Chen lowered his head and chuckled, then patted Qing Yan on the shoulder and said earnestly:"Xiaoqing, some things are not as simple as you think, you should go back to your Yansen land and recuperate, and I will take care of the rest."

Hearing the name"Xiaoqing", Qing Yan was immediately furious, his eyes widened.

"You will die if you don't give people nicknames, right? You used to call me Qing Guizi, and now Xiao Qing? Can it be more disgusting?"Qing Yan fiercely slapped Fang Chen's hand on his shoulder.

Fang Chen laughed at Qing Yan's angry look.

"Seriously, how did you get to know Feng Sihai? I saw your conversation just now, and it seems like you are very familiar with each other."Qing Yan suddenly asked seriously.

He had seen Fang Chen's rise. When he was hunting Fang Chen, he was a ninth-level demon, and then he became a demon lord after a while, and then a demon god.

The speed of his cultivation was so fast that it was outrageous.

Although Fang Chen was very strange, it was not enough for Qing Yan to think that he could know a person like Feng Sihai.

"I met him a long time ago, but he wasn't as strong as he is now." Fang Chen said with a smile

"How long is a long time?"Qing Yan showed a suspicious look.

He felt that Fang Chen was doing something.

"It's been more than a hundred years, I can't remember clearly."Fang Chen shook his head.

Fang Chen has never paid much attention to time. He used to think about how to become stronger and return to human society. Who would pay attention to what happened on which day of the year?

"More than a hundred years?"

Qing Yan was stunned for a moment.

"You were just a little trash back then, right? Didn't he kill you?" Qing Yan taunted mercilessly.

Fang Chen looked at Qing Yan with a playful look in his eyes and said with a smile:"Okay, why are you so gossipy now? Go back to your Yansen land, it will be uneasy recently."

Qing Yan immediately got angry, pointed at his nose and cursed:

"You drove me away after you were done with me? Killing the donkey after it has done its work or destroying the bridge after crossing the river? Fang Chen, you are really heartless! I ran all the way here, not to mention I was injured, now I have so many questions in my mind and you don’t even bother to explain them to me?"

Qing Yan was so angry that his face turned red and he scratched his ears and cheeks.

Originally, there was nothing wrong, Fang Chen just asked him to come over to help, but he almost got killed by Youming, and today was a big trauma for him mentally.

Not to mention meeting Jing Chengtian, even Feng Sihai came, although he was just a phantom, but that scared the baby to death, okay?

Fang Chen was dumbfounded by Qing Yan's words and said,"Okay, stop gossiping and nagging like a woman. I will bring you something good one day. I still have things to do. Do you want to follow me around?"

"You are so cruel! I have seen through you! Throw it away after use! Go!"

Qing Yan did not bother to argue any more. He raised his middle finger to Fang Chen viciously and turned away.

After Qing Yan left, Fang Chen took out the inner elixir of the underworld.

The orchid-colored inner elixir surged with extremely majestic magic power, emitting a bewitching light, and constantly devouring the surrounding spiritual energy.

Fang Chen's mouth corners slightly raised, and then he threw the inner elixir into his mouth.

The next moment, golden runes appeared all over Fang Chen's body, constantly flowing rapidly all over his body, and a golden and dark light flashed from the runes.

Fang Chen closed his eyes and did not move.

A quarter of an hour later, the runes began to disappear.

Everything returned to normal.

"Just a little bit more."

Fang Chen looked at the palms of his hands, his tone a little regretful.

Feng Sihai's arrival was actually within Fang Chen's expectations.

And this also proved Fang Chen's guess that this Nine Swords Island was not only related to the Netherworld, but also Feng Sihai.

Both of them had plans and layouts for the Nine Swords Island, but Feng Sihai was hiding a little deeper than the Netherworld. If he hadn't deliberately wanted to kill Jing Chengtian, Feng Sihai might not have appeared.

He also knew that with Fang Chen's brain, many things could not be hidden once they appeared.

Fang Chen looked up at the sky.

The sky over the sea after the battle was cloudless and seemed particularly peaceful.

But the vague pressure appeared from time to time, as if a pair of eyes were staring at everything on the blue planet, like a cheetah in the dark spying on its prey, waiting for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

""The wind blows all over the world."

Fang Chen murmured, and then laughed sarcastically.

"You are unworthy of being the emperor."

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