Jing Chengtian walked to a house made entirely of bamboo.

There was a bamboo chair outside the door, with a man lying on it, with his legs crossed. Next to it was an old-fashioned radio on a bamboo table, playing the radio. Next to the radio was a teapot, steaming.

The man was wearing a Taoist robe that had been washed white and had many patches on it. His face was covered with stubble and looked very sloppy. He was holding a toothpick in his mouth, closing his eyes and humming an unknown tune.

This man was Zheng Qiankun.

He was the kind of person who did not fight for fame or wealth, nor did he pursue progress.

For him, cultivation was more comfortable than listening to songs and drinking tea.

His cultivation was only at the level of the Imperial Divine Mansion.

The members of the Imperial Association all had their own power, but Zheng Qiankun alone did not. He was alone.

"Hey, who beat you up? Boss Feng?"

Zheng Qiankun opened his eyes and saw Jing Chengtian, and immediately asked jokingly.

Jing Chengtian's face trembled, he took a deep breath and resisted the urge to slap Zheng Qiankun to death, and said in a cold voice:"The president is looking for you"

"I won't go."

Zheng Qiankun turned over, continued to close his eyes and rest, humming a little tune.

Jing Chengtian was not surprised at Zheng Qiankun's attitude.

He was a weirdo, a weirdo among weirdos, not afraid of anyone, not afraid of anyone, and he would not even give face to Feng Sihai.

He was a mysterious existence. Although his strength was only at the level of the Divine Mansion, for some reason, Jing Chengtian always felt a dangerous aura in front of him.

In the human world, people knew about the Human Emperor Feng Sihai and the Killing God Jing Chengtian, but few people knew about Zheng Qiankun. He was very mysterious.

"Anyway, I have brought my message to you. It is up to you whether you go or not."Jing Chengtian snorted coldly and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute.

Zheng Qiankun called him.

Jing Chengtian stopped and did not look back.

"Injured by a demon? Rainy night or illusion?" Zheng Qiankun asked

"Fang Chen."

After saying that, Jing Chengtian left directly

"Fang Chen?"

Zheng Qiankun sat up, looking at Jing Chengtian's departing back, a solemn expression gradually appeared on his greasy face.

Then he put on the old flip-flops next to him, stood up and walked towards Feng Sihai.

A quarter of an hour later, Zheng Qiankun lazily walked to the square in front of the main pavilion, spit the toothpick in his mouth onto the ground, took off his slippers, and took a step forward.

The next moment, he appeared in a room.

The room was not big, only about ten square meters.

There was nothing special, just a coffee table and two stools, and a bookcase on the east wall, which was densely filled with various books.

Feng Sihai was sitting next to the coffee table, pouring tea.

Feng Sihai's appearance was still unclear, and the space around his body seemed to be distorted, hazy, and it was very unreal.

Zheng Qiankun was obviously not surprised by Feng Sihai's appearance. He sat down directly after taking a look.

""I've just brewed a refreshing tea. Have a taste." Feng Sihai handed the teacup over.

Zheng Qiankun took the teacup, sniffed it deeply, grinned, revealing his yellow teeth, and then took a sip.

"Not bad, it tastes much better than before."

He drank it all in one gulp and handed the empty teacup back to Feng Sihai.

"Did Fang Chen beat Jing Chengtian so hard that his face was cracked?" Zheng Qiankun asked

"Yes, you should have gone. If you had gone, things wouldn't be so awkward now."

Feng Sihai said calmly, pouring another cup of tea for Zheng Qiankun.

Zheng Qiankun didn't rush to drink it this time, but put it on the coffee table, staring at the light green tea, pinching the stubble on his face with his right hand.

"So the destruction of the Shenwu Alliance and the death of Ren Yidao were caused by Fang Chen?"

Zheng Qiankun looked up at Feng Sihai and asked

""Yes." Feng Sihai nodded. Zheng

Qiankun showed a puzzled look:"No, why did Fang Chen come to our human society? Hasn't he always kept himself out of trouble and not been involved in any cause and effect? How did the Shenwu Alliance offend him? Ren Yidao was harmed by the Shenwu Alliance, right? I said that the things of the Warrior Alliance are not worth taking. If you want them, you have to help them out. This time, you have lost your head for standing up for the Shenwu Alliance."

Feng Sihai glanced at Zheng Qiankun, chuckled softly, shook his head and said:"If you always keep your tape recorder to understand the world, you probably won't know when Fang Chen will come to kill you."

Zheng Qiankun is very lazy, so lazy that he can lie on the chair forever if you don't bother him. He won't care about the affairs of the Royal Club unless Feng Sihai asks.

In Zheng Qiankun's opinion, the members of the Royal Club are very vulgar and domineering, always trying to get something from the Warrior Alliance.

It's easy to get into trouble!

The Warrior Alliance is a group of troublemakers, and they will always get into big trouble.

Now you see, Ren Yidao has lost money himself. It

's useless to have so many resources, and I don't even have the life to spend them.

"You know me, I am devoted to Buddhism and don't like to be bothered by trivial matters."Zheng Qiankun said, shaking his head.

The distorted space around Feng Sihai shook violently.

"You are devoted to Buddhism, so could you change into a monk's robe? Don't you find it uncomfortable to wear a Taoist robe?"

"As long as you are comfortable, the function of clothes is just to cover the private parts."Zheng Qiankun smiled and took a sip of the teacup.

Feng Sihai was not surprised by Zheng Qiankun's slick and careless nature. He was even used to it. If he could talk to you seriously, it must be that he was possessed by someone.

""Okay, no more small talk, you go to Nine Swords Island and talk to Fang Chen." Feng Sihai stated his purpose. Zheng Qiankun stared at him, then shook his head fiercely:"No, no, you want me to talk to him? You think too highly of me! That guy is stubborn, and I'm the best in the world. I'm afraid I'll go crazy if I talk to him."

Zheng Qiankun refused decisively, his expression and body language all revealed his resistance.

"Besides, what do you want me to talk to him about?"

Zheng Qiankun then remembered that he didn't know what Feng Sihai wanted him to talk to Fang Chen about. He just refused when Feng Sihai asked him to talk to Fang Chen.

"Fang Chen occupied Nine Swords Island and refused to leave."Feng Sihai said.

Zheng Qiankun fell silent for a moment, scratched his beard, and frowned.

"Did he know?" Zheng Qiankun asked

"I don't know." Feng Sihai said.

Zhang Qiankun raised his eyebrows:"I don't know what they are doing guarding Jiujian Island?"

"I mean, I don't know if he knows, but I think he should know something that we know."Feng Sihai explained

""Okay, okay, stop giving me a headache with your tongue twisters."

Zheng Qiankun waved his hands impatiently, drank the remaining half cup of tea in the cup, and stood up.

"I can't guarantee that I can persuade him to leave, I can only say that I will try my best, but you have to be mentally prepared. If I can't persuade him to leave, then it will be very troublesome."Zheng Qiankun said solemnly.

Feng Sihai chuckled.

"Go ahead, no matter how troublesome it is, you have to deal with it."

Zheng Qiankun took a deep look at Feng Sihai, then turned and left.

(Seeking flowers, comments, and monthly tickets)

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