Jing Chengtian's anger had never subsided, and even when he was alone and thinking quietly, he became even more angry.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he was about to explode, and he had no intention of healing.

After simply treating the scars on his face, he directly summoned all the members of the Royal Club.

During this period, because of Ren Yidao's matter, most of the members of the Royal Club were on Renhuang Island.

As soon as Feng Sihai brought them back, the other members of the Royal Club came to find them.

I wanted to ask about the situation, but when I saw the gloomy faces of Lin Changye and others, I shut up honestly.

It must be because I was frustrated that I had such an expression.

When they received Jing Chengtian's call, they all came.

Operations meeting room.

This is a meeting room that will only be opened for the highest war of mankind.

A long table, behind the main seat is a huge LED screen, and there is a projector next to it.

When Lin Changye and others arrived, Jing Chengtian was already sitting on the main seat, with his fists on the table, his head slightly lowered, his face gloomy, and he didn't say a word.

"Is this... going to start a war?"

A member of the Royal Club looked stunned.

The battle between humans and demons has always been led by Jing Chengtian, and Feng Sihai and Zheng Qiankun will not participate in it.

Lin Changye and Li Kui looked at each other, both showing puzzled expressions.

Who are they going to go to war with?

Recently, humans and demons have been relatively peaceful, and there have been no large-scale conflicts.

Moreover, many times, it is the demons that invade human areas that force them to go to war.

Could it be that Jing Chengtian wants to deal with Fang Chen by means of war?

This is too exaggerated!

Thousands of troops are powerful, but it is stupid to fight one person.

"Is everyone here?" Jing Chengtian looked around and said in a cold tone.

"Except for Zhang Ziran, the rest have arrived."Li Kui said.

There were eleven people present, including Jing Chengtian.

One Wuzun, three Shenfu, and seven Tianren.

This is the strongest fighting force of Blue Star, and the boss behind all the warrior alliances of Blue Star.

An order here can directly determine the life and death of countless people.

""Sir, are we going to go to war with the demons? Which area?" an emperor-level celestial being asked in a low voice.

The mission of the emperor-level meeting now should be to investigate the cause of Ren Yidao's death, avenge him, and give an explanation to mankind.

The sudden opening of the highest combat meeting made many people puzzled.

Jing Chengtian slowly stood up, and a map appeared on the LED screen behind him. On the far left of the map, there was a red area.

Jing Chengtian circled the red area with his hand.


""The Land of Flames?"

Everyone was stunned.

For a long time, the major demon forces believed that Qingyan's Land of Flames was the most honest. It stayed in a corner and never stepped out of the Land of Flames.

The main reason was that its owner, Qingyan, was lazy by nature and didn't like to move around. It was enough for him to stay in one place.

Therefore, many wars had nothing to do with Qingyan, and the emperor-level strongmen of mankind didn't have any special hatred for Qingyan. After all, the environment of that place was no longer suitable for human survival. Just give it to it as long as it didn't make trouble and expand. They had been living in peace for a long time, so why did they suddenly start to conquer?

Half of the people present were confused, but Lin Changye and others who had been to Jiujian Island understood why.

Jing Chengtian was venting his anger. He couldn't do anything with Fang Chen, so he attacked Qingyan.

"Yes, the Yansen Land. Jing Chengtian nodded coldly and said

"Qingyan in Yansen Land seems to be quite Buddhist. Do we really want to fight?" Another emperor-level celestial being asked.

War is never a good thing. Even though they, the emperors, don't have to fight in person, they don't want to see war happen.

Once a war breaks out, there will be casualties, and fresh lives will disappear. Life is as cheap as weeds on the roadside.

"Qingyan joined forces with other demon gods to kill Ren Yidao, this is the reason. Jing Chengtian shouted coldly.


"Ren Yidao's death is related to Qing Yan?"

Everyone looked horrified and looked at each other.

Lin Changye and the others who knew the truth did not say anything, but lowered their heads and said nothing.

They knew that Ren Yidao had nothing to do with Qing Yan, and it was Fang Chen who did it alone, but if they spoke up for Qing Yan at this time, they would bear Jing Chengtian's anger.

Now Jing Chengtian continued a war to calm his hatred, and Feng Sihai took over Fang Chen's affairs, and Qing Yan became the target.

"In five minutes, war orders will be issued to all major alliances to assemble within three days and conquer the Yansen Land in five days!"

"Is there a problem?"

Jing Chengtian put his hands on the table and looked at everyone with a gloomy expression.


Everyone shook their heads hurriedly.

Everyone was not stupid, and they all knew that Jing Chengtian must be angry, so how could they dare to go against his wishes?

"Very good! Dismissed!"Jing Chengtian nodded in satisfaction.

Everyone left.

The expeditionary army had to be assembled within three days. The dispatch and arrangement were very urgent. They had to go back immediately to issue orders to the alliance below.

Li Kui and Lin Changye did not leave immediately.

They sat in their seats with complicated expressions.

"Is this really necessary?"Li Kui sighed.

Just now, there were other emperor-level celestial beings present, so he couldn't speak. Now that they were the only ones left, he still had to ask some questions.

After all, he and Lin Changye were vice presidents of the Emperor-level Association. Although their status and strength were not as high as those of the Emperor,

"Did the president agree too?"Lin Changye also asked.

Jing Chengtian sneered, glanced at the map behind him and said,"You think I am using the war to vent my anger, right?"

Lin Changye and Li Kui looked at each other.

Isn't that right?

The two of them had this idea in their minds at the same time, but they didn't dare to say it out loud.

"You have seen how strong Fang Chen is. The president also said that he is responsible for Fang Chen's affairs, but the result may not be a good one. Jiujian Island cannot fall into the hands of demons. Qingyan is on Fang Chen's side, so when besieging Yansen Land, do you think Fang Chen will help or not help, and choose to continue to guard Jiujian Island?"Jing Chengtian showed a hideous smile on his face, his eyes grim.

Lin Changye and Li Kui were startled.

"Even the president doesn't have absolute confidence that he can completely defeat Fang Chen?" Lin Changye's voice rose several degrees.

Jing Chengtian's eyelids twitched, and he stared at Lin Changye with a gloomy look, staring at him so hard that he felt cold all over and his hair stood on end.

"Don't you understand the point of what I'm saying?" Jing Chengtian asked through gritted teeth.

Lin Changye blinked and laughed awkwardly:"I understand, I understand."

Li Kui on the side smiled bitterly. In the final analysis, it was still to vent hatred.

Is it worth it to vent anger for Jing Chengtian alone and drag all human warriors with him?

Li Kui sighed in his heart.

He wanted to object, but he didn't dare.

Not for anything else, but because of the three words"Jing Chengtian"

""Okay, we got it." Li Kui stood up and said.

Lin Changye also stood up. The two looked at each other, their eyes full of helplessness and worry.

Jing Chengtian grinned and nodded with satisfaction:"Very good, then go and prepare. Qingyan and Jiujian Island, he Fang Chen can only choose one! I want to see what his choice will be!"

(Please give flowers, comment and vote for the monthly ticket... Comment if someone wants to see what Qingyan's feminization is...)

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