Xiu Chen?

Fang Chen was stunned.

This surname is rare, and it has the character"Chen" in it just like his own.

""From Earth? What route did you take?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

He didn't know why, but when he heard about people who had left Earth, he felt very close to them.

They were all the hardworking people who were forced to leave their hometown.

"A great demon, a world-destroying demon. I don't know much about him. I only know that Jiu Tian's current situation is caused by him."The voice was solemn and full of fear.

"The great demon who destroys the world?"

Fang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"It's as if the demons are very simple."

In Fang Chen's view, there is no absolute good or evil, it's just a matter of different standpoints.

"You are just a will, and you have no idea what the current situation of Nine Swords Island is. Do you think you are the creator of everything? Haha.

Fang Chen shook his head with a mocking look.

"What do you mean?" the other party asked

"There is no need to say too much to a remnant will. I will let you continue the inheritance of your Fire Clan, but you only have one month. If the inheritance is not completed after one month, I will destroy your Fire Crystal Throne."

A year is too long, Fang Chen can't wait.

It's not that he can't stand the loneliness, but the longer the time, the greater the chance of accidents happening here.

He can't let his wife be in danger all the time.

"" Okay, I'll try my best."

The other party knew that he could do nothing to Fang Chen, and also knew how powerful Fang Chen was, so there was no room for negotiation.

Fang Chen smiled and asked,"Are you going to let me out yourself, or let me do it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the space around him suddenly twisted.

The next moment, Fang Chen appeared in the Nine Swords Cave again.

This time entering the Fire Clan Illusion was not without gain.

At least Fang Chen knew the existence of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which means that the current situation on Blue Star is not entirely operated by the Shadow Realm behind the scenes, but may also be other worlds.

As for the Great Demon King of Destruction, Fang Chen was too lazy to think about it.

What does it have to do with him? What

's more, he is a fellow villager, as long as he doesn't offend him, it's fine.

"The elders still insist on the wartime treaty."

Qin Ziyu appeared at the entrance of the cave, with a complicated and ugly expression.

Fang Chen was not surprised at this news. He was an outsider. In the eyes of those elders, Su Xinyi was not a pure Nine Sword Islander. They definitely didn't want to see their wife become the island owner, and they wouldn't believe that this conquest was really related to him. Maybe they would think he was bragging?

It doesn't matter.

If you go, you will die.

Qin Ziyu couldn't do it, so Fang Chen would help her.

"It's okay, let them go. Fang Chen smiled.

Qin Ziyu took a deep look at his mysterious son-in-law, then smiled bitterly and shook his head:"I really can't see through you at all, can you tell me the bottom line? If my Nine Swords Island participates in this war of conquest, what will be the result?"


Fang Chen answered directly and simply.

Qin Ziyu trembled slightly.

He thought of this possibility, but when Fang Chen said it, he still couldn't calm down.

"But the people on my island are innocent. Why should the elders' mistakes implicate others?"Qin Ziyu looked extremely painful.

If they decided to participate in the war of conquest, it would naturally be impossible for only those elders to go. The guards on the island would also participate.

If the elders died, Qin Ziyu didn't feel too sad, but the death of those people who followed her really made her feel uncomfortable and reluctant.

Fang Chen looked at Qin Ziyu, chuckled and said,"You have to understand that war has always been cruel. The conquest of Yansen Land launched by Jing Chengtian is not just a simple way to vent personal anger. This will be the largest war between humans and demons in history, and it must be the most tragic. The forces involved are beyond your imagination, so I suggest you don't participate. Since you decided to go there, I have nothing to say."

Fang Chen's previous suggestion was that he didn't want her Nine Swords Island's guards to die in vain. He was also worried that his mother-in-law would be too compassionate and suffer terribly. Did he really think Fang Chen was afraid that his Nine Swords Island family would get involved?

He didn't even have to do anything. Once the elders got involved, they would be in danger of death.

How could this battle be compared to the previous ones?


Qin Ziyu looked horrified, looking at Fang Chen in horror.

In fact, in her opinion, Qingyan in Yansen Land was not a strong demon, and that area was not very large, so even if this battle was fought, it would soon have an outcome. If

Qingyan was defeated, then he would be conquered in one go!

If they were evenly matched, then Jing Chengtian would stop, why would he keep focusing on a place where humans could not survive?

But after hearing what Fang Chen said, she was completely dumbfounded.

"I still say that, I will not interfere with any of your decisions, because I just want to wait until my wife completes the inheritance and wakes up.

When she wakes up, I will take her away from here.

The life or death of Nine Swords Island has nothing to do with me.

You can think that the Royal Club will win this war because it abides by the wartime treaty and protects your Nine Swords Island.

From this perspective, it is right for the group of elders to resolutely participate.

"Fang Chen said with a smile

"From now on, no one except me can enter the Nine Swords Cave. I will just guard here."

Qin Ziyu nodded blankly. She had not yet fully digested what Fang Chen had just said.

Turning to leave, after taking two steps, Qin Ziyu suddenly turned her head and looked at Fang Chen and asked,"Fang Chen, will you participate in this war?"

Fang Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"Of course, I said, this was caused by me. I don't like to be involved in cause and effect. If I am involved, I must cut the grass and eradicate it, from top to bottom."

Qin Ziyu's face trembled. Although Fang Chen said this with a smile, she felt boundless fear.

Some people say something very awesome and you think they are bragging, but some people say something very awesome and you actually believe it, and believe it from the bottom of your soul.

Fang Chen's words just now made her feel cold in her heart.

Qin Ziyu didn't say anything else and left directly.

Fang Chen looked at the position of the cave entrance, shook his head and chuckled.

He had done his best for this mother-in-law, and as for what choice she made, Fang Chen could not control it.

Fang Chen returned to Su Xinyi again, looked at his wife, and then sat down cross-legged.

"Wife, while you are asleep and can't hear me, I will tell you a little secret. In fact, this is my second soul, and my main soul is still at home."

After Fang Chen said this, he closed his eyes.

Then, in the distant Nanlong District of Tiannan Province, Fang Chen and Su Xinyi's home.

Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes in the room, and a golden light shone out.

Fang Chen's mouth showed a meaningful smile.

The next moment, Fang Chen disappeared in the room.

(Seeking flowers, comments, and monthly tickets! I really want monthly tickets~)

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