Su Yaotian now looks extremely haggard, as if he has aged ten years.

He has not yet disbanded the Taiwu Alliance, and he has been in a state of worry.

A series of recent events have pointed to his daughter and son-in-law, which made him unable to sleep or eat.

Fortunately, his daughter was finally taken back to Jiujian Island by Qin Ziyu. At least when the Royal Association investigates that the matter is related to him, it will not implicate his daughter.

In these days of anxious waiting, he did not wait for the results of the Royal Association's investigation, but waited for the wartime edict.

Conquer the Yansen Land!

Looking at the wartime edict in his hand, Su Yaotian's expression was extremely complicated, not knowing whether to be happy or fortunate.

War is above all else, so naturally the affairs of Ren Yidao and the Shenwu Alliance will be temporarily put on hold, and his Taiwu Alliance will be safe for a while.

But war is cruel. Whose army is the main force in every large-scale war between humans and demons?

It is these secondary alliances!

Then it comes to the Ten Great Warriors Alliance.

In other words, they are the vanguards and cannon fodder.

But even if they know this, they can't refuse.

The weak must have the awareness of the weak. The emperor class will control the ten warrior alliances, and the ten warrior alliances will control the secondary alliances below. They are the class with the least choice.

""The leader... will report the war equipment soon." A subordinate reminded him quietly.

Su Yaotian came to his senses, put down the wartime decree, rubbed his swollen head and said,"Go, just follow the minimum standards of the secondary alliance, 100,000 warriors from the first to the third rank, 30,000 warriors from the fourth to the sixth rank, 3,000 warriors from the seventh to the ninth rank, and 15 masters."

A total of 133,150 people.

This is the minimum number of troops that the Taiwu Alliance must provide.

How many secondary alliances are there on Blue Star?


The number of troops formed by the secondary alliances alone exceeds 10 million!

Add to that the personnel of the ten major warrior alliances, and this is a huge battle.

How many warriors are there on Blue Star?

Because the area has expanded tenfold, the life expectancy of humans has increased a lot after cultivation, and with the support of the fertility policy, there are now 300 million warriors recorded on Blue Star, accounting for 1% of the total population. Of the 30 billion people on Blue Star, less than one-third can live in cities, and the remaining two-thirds live in unprotected areas, and are at risk of being invaded by demons at any time.

This is a very scary number. Life is not guaranteed by the Warrior Alliance, but there is no choice. The only way to change is to become a warrior!

As long as you become a warrior, you can live in the city and bring your family with you.

""Is it a little too little?" When the subordinate heard Su Yaotian's words, his face suddenly turned dry.

When the wartime decree was issued, the more people were sent, the more care they would receive in the future. Therefore, many secondary alliances would send more people, and some even sent all their people to the battlefield.

"This seat is for you?" Su Yaotian looked at his men with a cold face.

""I know I was wrong! I'll do it right away!" The subordinate was so scared that he got up and left in a hurry.

Su Yaotian closed his eyes to rest. He had no intention of participating in any war at the moment.

But he had to go, and he had to lead the team himself!

The leader must participate!

"It seems that my father-in-law is very troubled.

Fang Chen's voice suddenly reached Su Yaotian's ears.

Su Yaotian opened his eyes suddenly and saw Fang Chen sitting opposite him, looking at him with a smile.

"You're back? How's Yi'er? Did the people from Nine Swords Island make things difficult for her?"Su Yaotian asked anxiously.

If there was anyone in this world who could distract him from worrying, it would be his daughter Su Xinyi.

For the sake of his daughter's safety, he could give up everything and even disband the Taiwu Alliance without hesitation.

Fang Chen naturally knew how he loved his daughter. He still had a good impression of this father-in-law.

At least it was much better than the mother-in-law who suddenly appeared. At least he really loved his daughter and raised her up with great difficulty.

"Don't worry, everything is fine. Yi'er is receiving the inheritance, and it will probably take some time to complete. Nothing to worry about. Fang Chen said.

Su Yaotian breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart instantly settled down.

"It's good that everything is fine. It's good that everything is fine."Su Yaotian murmured, with a kind and reassuring smile on his face.

"That's right."

Su Yaotian suddenly remembered something, and then asked:"The Royal Society suddenly issued a wartime decree to us to attack the Yansen Land. You are powerful, do you know what is going on here?"

Now the whole world can't figure out what the purpose of the Royal Society is, and why they want to recover a place where humans can't survive.

Fang Chen asked in surprise:"Isn't there a reason written on the decree?"

He thought Jing Chengtian would announce the collusion between himself and Qing Yan, and then pin Ren Yidao's death on Qing Yan.

The demons killed the human royal heaven, this reason is acceptable

""It's not on it."

Su Yaotian said as he handed the wartime decree in front of him to Fang Chen.

Fang Chen flipped through it and saw very simple language.

Gather in three days, attack Yansen Land in five days.

There was also Jing Chengtian's personal signature below, with dragons and phoenixes flying, which looked quite domineering. It was extremely domineering, and there was no explanation at all.

"So arrogant? Fang Chen closed the decree and laughed.

Su Yaotian laughed and cried, saying,"There is no way. Our secondary warrior alliance depends on the ten warrior alliances for food. The ten warrior alliances are backed by the imperial association. We cannot disobey their orders at all."

Knowing that they are cannon fodder, they still have to go. Do you think they are willing?

But there is no way.

This is their sadness.

Without strength, everything is empty talk.

"Have you ordered the troops to be dispatched?" Fang Chen asked. Su

Yaotian nodded:"It's too hasty. I don't have time to waste. We need to assemble in three days and attack in five days. If I'm slower, it will be too late. I also need to prepare. We will go together then."

Fang Chen smiled and said:"Cancel it."


Su Yaotian looked at Fang Chen in confusion.

"Don't join the Taiwu Alliance. As many as you go, as many as you die." Fang Chen said. He didn't care about Nine Swords Island. He would go, but he still had to persuade his father-in-law.

He was a double standard person. Su Xinyi had no feelings for his mother, so Fang Chen naturally had no feelings for Qin Ziyu.

But he had deep feelings for his father, so Fang Chen naturally didn't want Su Yaotian to die in vain.

"Why... why?" Su Yaotian's eyes were full of confusion.

Fang Chen slowly stood up, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said to his father-in-law with a smile:"Because after this battle, there will be no Royal Level Association, and there will be no Ten Warriors Alliance. The situation on Blue Star will change fundamentally, so you don't need to worry about them holding you accountable afterwards."

"What? What did you say?"

Fang Chen's words made Su Yaotian sit in his chair completely stunned, as if a bolt from the blue had struck him, and his mind went blank.(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)

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