Su Yaotian's head was buzzing, and his face was filled with horror.

If it was before, he would definitely not believe what Fang Chen said to him.

But his heart was different. This son-in-law was very strong! He was so strong that he could even kill an emperor. What did this mean?

Didn't it mean that he was one of the most powerful people in the world and knew more than himself?

He was just a ninth-grade master who had wanted to break through to the grand master level for a long time, but he never did.

In terms of strength, he and his son-in-law were simply people from two different worlds.

"Is it so... so tragic?"

Su Yaotian's throat rolled, and he swallowed hard, his voice trembling.

According to Fang Chen's words, the Ten Warriors Alliance and the Emperor Level Association might disappear in this battle. Either way, Su Yaotian was in absolute shock. It was the most terrifying thing he had ever heard in his life.

Doesn't it mean that the demons will win? If humans fail, they will be enslaved?

"Maybe it will be even more tragic."Fang Chen smiled.

Then, Su Yaotian slumped in his chair in a state of despair, fell into silence, his eyes flickering and struggling.

He was struggling.

If according to Fang Chen's statement, shouldn't he participate in this war of conquest?

But from another perspective, his family is not bad. It

's just a small secondary alliance. What effect can it have on a war? It's nothing more than a few hundred thousand more cannon fodders.

A hundred thousand people may not be able to withstand a slap from a powerful demon.

"Okay, I quit."

After a long silence, Su Yaotian slowly exhaled, and at the same time, it seemed as if the pressure on his body was instantly reduced, and the whole person looked a lot more relaxed.

He didn't want to participate, and even the secondary alliance didn't want to participate, but there was no way.

Not participating is equivalent to disobedience, waiting to be punished later.

Fang Chen nodded slightly, and said:"Okay, father-in-law, just stay here in Nanlong District, as for the headquarters, you don't have to go back, gather all the trusted subordinates here, and leave the other things to me."

Su Yaotian raised his head and looked at Fang Chen, and asked with confusion:"Is it in this Nanlong District? If it is really as you said, the Royal Club is gone, and the demons win, then wouldn't it be the same wherever we are?"

"Who said the demons will win?" Fang Chen shook his head and laughed.

Su Yaotian's expression gradually stiffened, he was completely confused.

Humans can't win, and demons can't win either.

So what is this battle about?

Fighting ghosts?

Fang Chen saw Su Yaotian's expression, smiled helplessly, and said:"You just stay in Nanlong District. No matter how chaotic the world is, it can't be as chaotic as here."


Su Yaotian asked unconsciously.

His head was buzzing and his ability to think was declining rapidly.

"Because this is my wife and I's first home, no one can destroy a blade of grass or a tree here."

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes and grinned slightly, revealing a very amiable smile.

But his words made Su Yaotian feel cold all over, and he felt that the space around him was distorted. Fang Chen's image in his eyes began to darken and distort, like a demon, looking at him bloodthirstily and ruthlessly.


Seeing that Su Yaotian's eyes were out of focus and his expression began to twist, as if he had seen something horrible, this was a sign of him falling into a trance. Fang Chen frowned slightly and called out.

"Ah? Oh, it's okay, it's okay."Su Yaotian came back to his senses and waved his hands with a look of palpitation.

He was still in shock when he recalled Fang Chen's appearance just now, and he didn't know what happened to him.

Fang Chen smiled and said,"Okay, I have something to do, so I'll leave first. It will be fine to stay in Nanlong, don't worry."

Su Yaotian smiled bitterly and nodded.

Now he has no opinion at all, and he will do whatever his powerful son-in-law says.

From this point of view, Su Yaotian trusts Fang Chen more than Qin Ziyu.

After saying goodbye to Su Yaotian, Fang Chen went directly to the black market.

The news of the expedition to Yansen has spread throughout the country, and now it has aroused discussion among the whole people, even the black market is no exception.

As soon as he entered the black market, all the topics around were about this expedition.

Fang Chen had no interest in these remarks, and went directly to the"Tongsou Wuqi Pavilion" of Damen Ya.

He knocked on the door.

Damen Ya poked a little head out of the door.

When he saw Fang Chen, he was obviously stunned, and then hurriedly opened the door

""Master Fang, you are finally here! Come on, come on, please come in!" Fang Chen smiled and walked in.

There were two people sitting inside.

One was Sang Yu, and the other was a human who looked very young, only about seven or eight years old. He had a mushroom head, big eyes, and very pale skin. He wore a string of beads around his neck, and his clothes were made of high-quality materials. You could tell at a glance that he was a rich man.

This Jin Caizi looked like an ordinary seven or eight-year-old child, but he always gave people a very strange feeling. His eyes didn't look like those of a child of this age, and he was very calm. An eight-year-old Lolita, but she was more calm than an adult, and it was really weird to put them together.

""Mr. Fang."

Sang Yu saw Fang Chen and nodded to him and said a greeting.

Daqian Ya rubbed his hands and walked over with a grin, pointing at the child next to Sang Yu and said,"Mr. Fang, let me introduce you. This is Jin Caizi, the famous boss of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. She also bought your Demon Lord Inner Pill."

"Hello."Jin Caizi stretched out her little hand.

Fang Chen smiled slightly and also stretched out his hand to shake hers.

The moment their hands touched, Jin Caizi's big dark eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

"Nice to meet you."

Jin Caizi pulled his hand back and showed Fang Chen a childlike innocent smile.

"Nice to meet you." Fang Chen smiled and nodded, then sat down.

Daqian Ya rolled his eyes around, then laughed and said,"Master Fang, isn't this Demon Lord's inner elixir worth 500 million? I sold it to Lord Jin Caizi, but Jin Caizi said she was willing to buy it for 1 billion, but wanted to meet you and talk to you about cooperation, so I asked you to come over.……"

"What do you want to cooperate with me on? Fang Chen looked at Jin Caizi with a playful look in his eyes and asked.

Jin Caizi chuckled and took out something from his pocket and put it on the table.

Damen Ya and Sang Yu looked at each other. They actually didn't know what Jin Caizi wanted to cooperate with Fang Chen on. Because he was an old customer and the biggest customer they had been cooperating with, it was difficult for them to refuse Jin Caizi's request to meet Fang Chen.

Fang Chen glanced at the thing on the table and chuckled.

He had just seen that thing.

"What is this?"Danisha asked curiously.

Jin Caizi stared at Fang Chen with sharp eyes and said:"Wartime decree"

"What the hell is this?"

Danisha and Sangyu were both stunned.

(The realm description has been posted on the top of the comment area. If you don't understand, you can go and have a look. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can ask them. Finally, I ask for flowers, comments and monthly tickets)

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