Eternal food paradise

Chapter 17 Sakura Tempura

System, you are causing trouble.

Sitting down in Yise Hui's special cooking room, Xia Yan carefully read the task arrangement several times.

Create a club or something...

Is this what a freshman should do after just a few days of school?

Damn it!

But then I thought about it, Yuanyue's school rules, compared with those of ordinary colleges and universities, highlighted that nothing is impossible, only dare not think.

Anyway, it’s just weird. If you have enough cooking skills, you can challenge the Ten Elites, order the Ten Elites Council, let alone create a small club, bring people to the principal’s office and ask for the establishment of a new campus commander... …

In the original work, the commander-in-chief Nakiri Senzaemon was pulled down by a group of students.

It's ridiculous, but it happened.

When he first arrived, Xia Yan still didn't know whether the paradise world was absolutely faithful to the original work. After all, there were quite a few logical flaws in the original school rules, world rules, and plot.

The original manga's greatly reduced sales and reviews after the school festival chapter proves how unpopular this series of content is with the return of the ghost father Nakiri Thistle to Totsuki, the resignation of Nakiri Senzaemon, and then Totsuki's reform.

"That's all, it doesn't matter if it's the original work or not."

all in all.

The rule that Yuanyue adheres to is always that the weak eat the strong. If his cooking skills are strong enough, it is not difficult to create a club of 10 people. Even if it is not good enough, he can still plunder through eating halberds!

Xia Yan remembers that in the anime, at the beginning of the plot of Totsuki, it was Erina Nakiri who had just entered the high school, and through the Shokugeki, the 'Sumo Hotpot Research Association' was banned and demolished.

What is the name of the leader of the society who jumped on the street?

Tsk, Haotian Lin Qingzhi.

Xia Yan was immediately interested: "Hao Tianlin was in the second grade when he showed up to receive the box lunch, so now he is also a first-year freshman. So, the current leader of the 'Sumo Hotpot Research Association' is someone else."

If the general is an ordinary sophomore...

It seems that we couldn't have kicked out the 'Sumo Hot Pot Research Association' a year in advance before that girl Erina Nakiri, took it over and changed its name.

Persimmons should be picked soft and pinched.

But if the main general is a third-year student, then you have to wait and see for a while.


The sound of frying.

Xia Yan put aside his thoughts about the task and stood up.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Yisehui said deeply apologetically: "Xia Yansang, I forgot that the ingredients in the cooking room are almost used up. If the logistics department replenishes them, the lunch break will be wasted, so I just I can use the remaining ingredients to make you a 'tempura' meal."


A classic Japanese dish known as "tempura".

To put it simply, it is to mix the batter, dip all the edible ingredients into a thin and even layer of batter, and then fry them.

Xia Yan carefully observed Yisehui's craftsmanship.

The original book did not specify in detail what areas of cooking these top ten men specialized in.

Of course, it can also be said that he has dabbled in them all.

Can make Japanese meals.

Western food can also be cooked.

The most important thing is that the reason why the top ten stand on the top of the mountain and make ordinary students look up to them is the "characteristics" they present in their cooking and on the plate.

He took out two large shrimps from the refrigerator and fried them quickly. The skin was crispy and yellow.

Then there are some vegetables, such as onions and asparagus.

They are all wrapped in a light golden tempura coating and placed on a small plate with classic Japanese glaze.

"Xia Yansang, you're welcome."

Isekhui handed over the plate: "These are the only ingredients. Fill your stomach. Otherwise, you won't be able to get motivated for the afternoon class."

Xia Yan sniffed: "Prawns, onions, asparagus...all are seasonal ingredients."

"Isn't it right to eat ingredients that correspond to the season?" Isshiki Hui narrowed his eyes and still smiled kindly, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

However, Xia Yan always felt that something was wrong.

Taking the chopsticks handed over by Yise Hui, Xia Yan picked up the prawn on top and bit into it: "Crack——"

A thin layer of clothing shattered in response.

Immediately, the shrimp meat released a rich and tender flavor from the broken parts.


Hot water spurted out of his mouth, and he was astonished for a moment, as if he was witnessing a cherry blossom tree blooming in his field of vision.

Standing under the colorful rain of cherry blossoms.

The whole person seemed to be surrounded by a very comfortable and warm atmosphere. Xia Yan couldn't help but praise: "It's delicious! It's amazing!"

At the same time, he added something in his mind——

Worthy of being a ‘Top Ten’!

Even if the time is advanced a year, the characteristics they present on the plate are still beyond the reach of ordinary students.

Perhaps, it cannot be described as strong.

Even if the cooking skills are at the same level.

But such different dimensions of "taste" will surely allow them to easily capture the tongues and stomachs of the judges in the shokuji duel, and win unanimously.

Xia Yan ate the second fried prawn and chewed slowly: "The dough and batter you prepared are a little special."

Yise Hui applauded: "Bah, bang, bang, that's awesome, Xia Yansang, you've captured the key link...the place of the soul!"

He held the bowl where he had just made the batter in his hand.

"In order to highlight the original flavor, the tempura coating emphasizes 'thinness'. It only needs a thin layer. Do you see it?"

Xia Yan found that the remaining batter in the bowl was slightly darker in color. Apparently, unknown special ingredients were mixed in when mixing the thin powder with water.

Isise Hui said: "Perilla powder, cherry blossom powder."

"No wonder!"

An image of Isshiki Hui's work seemed to appear in his mind. He picked the young petals of Yae Sakura and Sekiyama Sakura, took them back to Jisei Ryo, cleaned them, sprinkled them with salt, and then put them in the sun to dry, and then ground them into dust after a few days. …

no doubt.

Fried prawns, just because of this layer of coating stained with cherry blossom powder.

Branded with the melting of ice and snow, the season of spring...


After finishing this small plate of tempura, Xia Yan had a more intuitive understanding of first-year Isshiki Hui and his cooking skills, "If it's a shokuji, I will most likely lose."

Anyway, he is a scumbag and one star is not enough.

But it’s not without success, if he puts down his best dish, “Roasted Tofu with Doubanjiang”, and gets a perfect score.

To "shine"...

Fight against "drugs"!

Xia Yan suddenly became very interested.

"It's simply a big showdown between the rules of the two food worlds, comparable to Mars hitting the Earth——"

In fact, Yisehui is also observing this "face-to-face" new student.

In the private cooking room, not everyone is qualified to come in, sit down, and eat the food he cooked himself.

This 'Sakura Tempura' is a new recipe Isshiki Hui has been tinkering with in the past few days since school started.

It can be said that the recipe is not complicated. The noodles prepared with "sakura powder" and "perilla powder", tempura and so on, although it is not enough to scare the top group of people in Totsuki School, it can scare ordinary students. , let the crane tail tankers realize the huge gap between each other, and they are fully qualified.


Xia Yan only showed shock for a few seconds, and then his face was filled with interest as he was thinking about something strange.

Yisekhui was both curious and excited.

The new student he accidentally "caught" is not an easy person.

"Well, Mr. Xia Yan, actually I'm hungry too."

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