Eternal food paradise

Chapter 18 The Taste of Reality

"Well, Mr. Xia Yan, actually I'm hungry too."

The names have changed.

From the more formal and distant "mulberry", it evolved to "jun".

The latter is a term used to show intimacy between peers.

Xia Yan wanted to roll her eyes.

Yisehui spread her hands: "Because there are not enough ingredients, so I have to give priority to you, Xia Yanjun. As a host, shouldn't you consider the guests first?"

"so what?"

"Well, there are still some ingredients left in the cooking room, but they are very thin and can't be used to make a big meal..."

After a series of words, Xia Yan was given no room to refuse.

This guy.

No wonder they say he has sinister attributes.

"Aren't you just taking the opportunity to try out my cooking skills?" Xia Yan smelled it.

Isshiki Hui's true culinary prowess is always vague in the original work, and 'Sakura Tempura' is just the tip of the iceberg.

You know, he will be a member of the Top Ten a year later, and he is far more powerful than the seventh seat. It is not impossible to challenge and defeat the third-year students in the previous seats.

Then, just use that recipe and throw a "smoke bomb" at him.

So Xia Yan said cheerfully: "I'm full, let me cook this time to entertain Isshiki-kun."

"I'll go look for other ingredients..."

After a while, Xia Yan found a few green peppers, a box of unopened meat, and a small half bag of refrigerated broth for later use.

"Meat, green pepper?" Yisekhui said with disappointment, "Shredded pork with green pepper is too ordinary!"

"But the recipe I want to make is missing one very important ingredient..."


"Persimmons, the kind that are very ripe and will rot quickly."

Yisehui:? ? ?

After pondering for a long time, Yisehui blinked at Xia Yan, suddenly became full of energy, and gestured: "Shh! Maybe I can find persimmons in other cooking rooms."

He slipped out and returned quietly after a while: "Good luck! These are persimmons produced in Kumamoto Prefecture."

"Uh, don't look at me strangely. This is from the cooking room next door. It's not stolen. The owner of the cooking room is a childhood sweetheart of mine. Although my relationship with her is a bit subtle, I wanted to borrow a few persimmons. Once you use it, there will be no problem.”

Isshiki Hui said: "Anyway, these have nothing to do with cooking. She has received authentic tea ceremony and kaiseki education since she was a child. Well, I happen to know the recipe she is studying recently, a kaiseki appetizer, which must use persimmons. Persimmons from Kumamoto Prefecture are used as the base, mixed with edamame and tofu sauce..."

Xia Yan waved his hand to interrupt: "Don't explain, that young Tongran's name is Ji Zhiguo Ningning."

Yise Hui suddenly snorted, "How do you know?!"

"Stop talking nonsense and bring me the persimmons!"

Xia Yan pinched the persimmon Isekhui put on the table. It was really ripe and soft to the touch. It felt like it would burst when poked.

"Speaking of which, does the classic Chinese dish 'Shredded Pork with Green Pepper' use persimmons?" Isshiki Hui saw Xia Yan wash her hands, wash the persimmons, and then throw them into a cooking basin.


With a little force on his hands, the overripe persimmons that were about to go bad were squeezed into a pulp.

Smelling the sweetness getting stronger and stronger in the air, Isekhui's doubts only increased: "This sweetness is too strong!"

I don’t know why, but I thought of the image of picking it up with chopsticks, chewing the mashed persimmon, shredded pork, and shredded green pepper in the mouth together, sucking and getting wet.

Isse Huiji shivered.

Hold the grass.

Is this dark cuisine?

In fact, this is the first time Xia Yan has made the dish "Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper".

After studying this two-star recipe obtained by opening the treasure box, even though I know all the steps of the recipe clearly, "knowing" and "doing" cannot be equated. It is like a cloud viewer or a keyboard warrior. Speaking and reading are always better than myself. Getting your hands dirty comes easy.

While pinching the persimmon, I sorted out the information about the recipe in my mind.

In the final analysis, the most outstanding feature of "Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper" is nothing more than the word "creativity".

The recipe itself is not complicated, it only has one or two more steps on the basis of 'Shredded Pork with Green Pepper'.

The process, in Xia Yan's summary, is two parts.

First, cook the persimmon sauce.

The rotten persimmon puree should be made into a dense paste as much as possible. Another very important point is that no sugar can be added when cooking the sauce.

The second is shredded pork with green pepper.

There is nothing worth mentioning in this part, it all depends on the chef’s mastery of these popular classic recipes.


Yisehui discovered that Xia Yan threw the rotten persimmon puree into the juicer, turned on the machine, and got a big bowl of thick persimmon juice. Then, the thick pulp was mixed with the sauce in the wok.

"So it turns out that persimmons are used to cook the sauce?" Isekhui suddenly realized.

One pot is used to cook the sauce, and another pot is used to stir-fry.

Bah, bah, bah.

Throw the shredded and marinated pork into the wok first.

Soon, it was the cooking process of 'shredded pork with green pepper' that Isekhui was very familiar with. The shredded pork was stir-fried to a certain degree of doneness. First, pour out all the shredded pork, add oil and then sauté the ginger and green onions, and then stir-fry the second time, half-cooked. Put all the shredded pork and uncooked green pepper slices into the pot.

But the familiar link once again made Yisekui exclaim: "I'm confused——"

"Xia Yanjun, there is a strange smell!"

Hearing this, Xia Yan remained unmoved. The firepower of the stove did not weaken, and the frequency of stir-frying remained stable.

A few minutes later.

"Collect the juice and thicken the sauce!"

Slowly pour a bowl of thickened mixture into the pot, while stirring the dishes in circles with the spatula. This process is very short. After Xia Yan completed it, he put it on the plate neatly, preventing the dishes from being heated in the hot pot. Stay a second longer.

After taking off his apron, Xia Yan handed the plate out: "Please taste it."


Yise Hui had already been sitting on the small dining table in the cooking room, staring straight at the hot dishes on the plate.

The thickening sauce based on rotten persimmons covers the entire plate, so when you glance at it, the shredded pork and green pepper slices are stained with the orange color of the persimmons.

Can't wait to pick up a ball.


Isshiki Hui's eyes sparkled.

I thought it was a pseudo-dark dish with high sweetness, but who knew, the sweetness is just right, and the slightly spicy green pepper can neutralize the excess sweetness. After one bite, all that is left is...



Second bite, third bite.

As he ate, Isekhui's expression became more and more uncomfortable, sweat broke out from his forehead, and blush began to creep from his neck to his face.

"Is this the spring in your heart, Xia Yanjun~" he murmured.

On a sunny spring day, the persimmon trees have just bloomed. Standing in the shade, smelling the fragrance of the persimmon flowers, looking at the hut more than ten meters away, with wisps of smoke coming from the tall chimney.

Fruit trees, farmland, people's houses, smoke from cooking stoves.

I don't know why, but the smell of cooking smoke and firewood, which is obviously very pungent and dry, makes all the scenery and pictures that my eyes see become extremely vivid and real.


Isekhui murmured in shock: "It is more real than the life of spring given by my 'Guanshan Sakura'!"

If his "Sakura Tempura" is the beauty of freehand artistic conception, then this "Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper" is a very straightforward meticulous painting.


Clothes are torn.

"Stop!" Seeing Yise Hui putting down her chopsticks and trying to rush forward, Xia Yan refused forcefully.

"Xia Yanjun, the firewood flavor you gave to the dishes... is amazing!" Isekhui smiled warmly and turned to go to the dressing room. Xia Yan thought he was going to change into a uniform, but who knew he ran out wearing a naked apron.

His exposed arms were covered in hot sweat.

Judging from his healthy wheat-colored skin, this guy is indeed in good shape as he wears only a loincloth to do farm work every morning.

Isekhui wiped the sweat from his forehead and exhaled: "It's like coming back from farming in the morning."

Xia Yan's face was covered with black lines, and he took a few steps back, getting further away from this guy.

Damn it, it’s rare to cook normal food.

The painting style is crooked again!

System information appears on the field of view:

‘Shredded pork with persimmon and green pepper’.

Two stars.

Completion -61% (passing).

Index (trait) - None.

Since it was my first time to do it, and I just passed it, I got a sum of experience points and my character level was raised to LV5.

Xia Yan quickly allocated the skill points gained from the upgrade. Xia Yan felt quite beautiful when he heard the prompt message of "Flower Knife" reaching the full level. Not bad, not bad. The "smoke bomb" was successfully thrown out, which gave him a hint of his strength.

"The index is zero!"

"Sure enough, if you don't make dark cooking, you won't be able to show off your strength at all."

The contract status has changed, please recommend, invest, and reward~~~

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