Eternal food paradise

Chapter 23 Spicy Mountain Reappears

Chinese cuisine!

After seeing the Shiji question clearly on the screen, there was an uproar in the venue.

It's not that I'm talking about anything else, but the topic is too broad. Who here doesn't have a certain level of food literacy, how can they not know that there are eight major cuisines in "Chinese cuisine", and there are countless branches such as local cuisine and Hakka cuisine? Tie.

Jury seat.

Dojima Gin's eyes were firmly fixed on one of the players, and he said with interest: "It's just broad on the surface."

Kadozaki Taki and the other three judges nodded.

"Who doesn't know that Teruki Kuga actually specializes in Sichuan cuisine. Asking him to give up the spicy and spicy food that has been compared to 'violent aesthetics' in the Shokugeki duel is equivalent to breaking his fangs and losing his aggressiveness and attack. sex."

"That's right, Shikoku is very competitive. If his work is mediocre, he is destined to lose, even if his cooking skills are a bit better!"

Boom boom.

Hearing the knock on the door, Nito Feisako went to open the door.

"Excuse me, Miss Nakiri Erina." Isshiki Hui entered the room and walked straight to the one-way transparent floor-to-ceiling window, two or three meters away from Nakiri Erina, who was standing with her arms crossed and her long hair flowing.

"Is this who you texted me about...?"

His eyes fell on Kuaga Teruki's opponent, a face he had never seen before.

Nakiri Erina said in a calm voice: "It's really curious. Isshiki, a character you listed as a candidate for the top ten, did you specifically send me a text message just to ask me to comment on your vision of people?"

Isekhui smiled and shook his head.

"Evaluations are too much. The top ten seats are inherently tense. If you see a competitor show off with your own eyes, even Miss Erina will definitely feel irritated and uneasy."

Hearing this, the girl's eyes narrowed slightly, and her face showed a bit of solemnity.

On the field.

Xia Yan washed his hands and while waiting for the staff to bring his ingredients, he observed the preparations of Teruki Kuga on the other side.

Here, the recipes are simple, so the materials and tools are not complicated.

But the situation in Jiugaji's case was completely opposite. First, the staff pushed a big cart with a "bang", and the formation was quite eye-catching. Then several bald men in black clothes from the Chinese Cuisine Research Association brought out a pure black metal-like mouthful. pot.

This pot was placed directly on the charcoal stove, and the black-clad members of the club had charcoal bags piled at their feet. They were always waiting for instructions given by Jiu Wo.

But this is just the beginning.

Another vehicle brought live fish swimming onto the stage, and the camera zoomed in, showing a close-up of Teruki Tsukuga rolling up his sleeves and wielding a knife to kill the fish.

"Black, bearded, long..."

"It's a catfish!"

Seeing Kuaga Teruki, he flipped the kitchen knife and hit the fish head with a sap, knocking the live fish unconscious first, and then cut the tail to bleed it. The judges and the audience couldn't help but praise the basic skills of this top ten candidate. Every step is handled neatly and without any sloppiness.

After draining the blood, remove the internal organs and gills, chop the fish into pieces, and marinate it with salt, cooking wine, and pepper.

After doing this, Kuuga Teruki began to wash his hands to wash away the blood and fishy smell on his hands.

So his eyes, together with the camera, turned to the kitchen counter opposite. When he saw Xia Yan cutting green peppers and shredded meat into clone-like strips, Kuga Teruki curled his lips slightly and made a low sound. "Shredded pork with green pepper..."

"It seems that he has no experience in eating halberds." Zhi shook his head, his eyes flashing with disappointment.

In the battle between shokuji and halberds, using daily recipes is simply seeking death.

It's not that 'Shredded Pork with Green Pepper' isn't classic enough, it's just that it's too classic and widely spread. Everyone has eaten it, and every chef has made it, so both the diners and the chef said it's very difficult. On the one hand, they get tired of eating it and can't get excited about it. , on the one hand, it is too bad to introduce something new.

Therefore, the ‘Shredded Pork with Green Pepper’ will most likely become mediocre…

Thinking of the dishes being served later, the judges' faces became numb and they reluctantly took down their chopsticks and took a bite. They showed no reaction as if they were chewing white paper and insisted that they would not take another bite...

Kuga Teruki sighed in disappointment.

"I'm so stupid. It was originally a 5-0 victory. What was I expecting, but my opponent was too fishy. If I had known, I would have insisted not to get involved. Such a game of abuse of vegetables and fish ponds is meaningless to me. .”

Others who have similar views to Kuga Teruki are the top ten members of the guest room, Nakiri Erina.

There is no other reason.

For a long time, I compared Xia Yan's place to the lively and breathtaking cooking performances, which seemed too quiet and dull.

The audience was buzzing with discussion.

"Extremely strong sword skills."

"+1, cut green peppers and shredded meat just like the clones. Knife skills are very strong, but that's all. Cooking skills are more than just knife skills."

"Oh my God, why is it 'Shredded Pork with Green Pepper'? It's so disappointing. Compared to Kuaga Teruki's preparation, I couldn't even imagine his recipe..."

"Who would have thought it would be unexpected? I seriously think it's hot pot! Hot pot fish!"

Let people outside the kitchen discuss it. From holding the knife to chopping vegetables, Xia Yan was immersed in the world of cooking. His high concentration allowed him to quickly throw away the slight nervousness before going on stage, and the blood in his body returned to full vitality. The movements seemed stretched and smooth, with no trace of nervous stiffness.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

After the "Flower Knife" is full, the most intuitive experience is that it is controlled by Xia Yan's thoughts and is no longer triggered suddenly.

At the same time, not triggering the "Flower Sword" does not mean that this advanced sword skill is useless on Xia Yan's panel.

This is an advancement that pays great attention to speed and accuracy, so the power of the sword is faintly reflected in him, but there are no eye-catching famous scenes like carving and flower work.

Coincidentally, Jiu Wo Zhaoji's catfish needs to be pickled, and Xia Yan also needs to focus on pickling the 'shredded pork'.

On the camera screen, the shredded pork in the basin is evenly mixed with cooking wine, starch and egg white.

"A very common technique, adding egg white, is to keep the shredded meat tender and delicate." An outside critic said indifferently at the judging table.

Everyone thought that after marinating the meat, Xia Yan would wash his hands and wait for half an hour with Teruki Kuga, but they saw that he suddenly put a large Chinese iron pot on the professional stove where the fire was rising, and moved it from the staff. Nearly ten bottles of 'Doubanjiang' were taken out of the cartons on stage...

The atmosphere in the museum felt a little cold for a while.

Silence fell.

Soon, all the condiment bottles were empty and placed on the table. The camera looked sideways and it was quite spectacular.


What caught everyone's attention was not the empty bottles, but the hot sauce piled in a large iron pot, forming a pointed hill.

"Gulu~" The external judge who spoke just now swallowed unnaturally into the microphone. His voice was clearly heard throughout the venue, and the director even gave a bad close-up of his facial expression.

The reviewer’s expression probably looked like this:


"Uh!" Nakiri Erina took a long breath when she saw this scene. Especially when she saw Xia Yan using the spatula, the veins on the back of his hand were obviously tight, and started to stir-fry the hot sauce. She just I feel like the 'God's Tongue' in my mouth has a faint spicy and stimulating electric shock.

It was as if this scene brought out the traumatic stress syndrome hidden deep in my heart.

"Is this, is this going to make bean paste red oil?" The light purple-haired girl, Nito Hisako, was dumbfounded.

"Do you need so much, such a large amount?!"

Gin Dojima, who was at the judging table, had his mouth wide open and beads of sweat overflowing from his forehead.

Even though Isekui, who had seen this 'super darkening' recipe beforehand, his face twitched involuntarily.

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