Eternal food paradise

Chapter 24 ‘Three peppers in one’ (Part 1)

"Is this still the "Shredded Pork with Green Pepper" we know?"

"Hey, I often hear people complain that our neon-improved 'Shredded Green Pepper Pork' is not authentic enough, but don't lie to me and think I'm a three-year-old kid. The authentic shredded green pepper pork isn't that scary, okay—"

"I'm sorry, seeing this pile of chili peppers, I suddenly remembered the last time I went to eat Chen's Mapo, and then I was vomited by the spicy food! It was really vomiting, retching!"

The commotion in the venue was simply uncontrollable.

Teruki Kuga was the one closest to Xia Yan besides the judges and emcee. He witnessed his opponent move a large amount of hot sauce out of the carton and open all the bottles, turning it into a pointed hill.

Moreover, after turning on the fire and stir-frying, the spiciness spreads with a strong heat wave, and the nose can smell a subtle spiciness...

Um? !

There was a brief trance for a second or two, and the red heat wave was vaguely like a red cloud of death, with red ghost claws protruding from it. I even heard the devilish whispers in my ears - just took a small bite -

Come and be happy.

Kuaga Teruki: "???"

Get out of here.

I yelled loudly in my heart.

"too weak!"

"The "numbing" and "spicy" created by me are the real... violent aesthetics that no one can match! "

His eyes were sharp for a moment, but then quickly returned to his normal dead fish eyes. His face still looked lackluster, but before turning his back to prepare for the next process, Kuaga Teruki looked towards the opposite side, with a little doubt and surprise hidden in his eyes. .

That's no ordinary bean paste.

Judging from the spiciness, Kuga Teruki is extremely positive.

"I think I can take back my previous idea of ​​frying fish. First of all, I can't make any mistakes. Otherwise, I will be the loser." Kuaga Teruki secretly thought, so he calmed down and concentrated.

One is stir-frying hot sauce.

One was mixing some strange formula. The camera only captured Teruki Kuaga holding the formula in a small bowl, mixing several kinds of "peppercorns" that looked very similar.

Soon, half an hour passed


The sound of closing the valve, the fire of the stove for frying chili sauce stopped, the pointed red hill was shrouded in a layer of heat mist, the wok was like the mouth of the typhoon, invisible waves of hot air swept to all directions of the venue, everywhere. Stress-like coughing and wheezing sounds.

at the same time.

Kuga Teruki also started the next process.

He ordered the bald man from the Chinese Cuisine Research Association to light a charcoal fire and heat the large black pot that had been placed on the charcoal stove when he first came on stage.

Then, rub the pot with ginger slices, and then pour the entire bowl of the prepared personal recipe into it.

Start frying!

This is just a microcosm of Kuga Teruki’s busy life.

On the other side, a second pot was placed on the stove equipped by the venue, and the pot was almost overflowing with red grease.

One pot is frying spices, and the other is boiling red oil.

Applause suddenly erupted from the judging panel, and an outside critic said, "I probably know my classmate's recipe, and I'm really looking forward to it."

Graduate Taki Kadozaki turned off the microphone and quietly said to Gin Dojima: "You, the junior of Kokusei Ryo, are going to lose."


Kadozaki Taki pointed to the pot for frying spices, and read solemnly: "There are at least a dozen kinds of spices. I won't talk about anything else. I will only talk about the key points of Kuuga Teruki's so-called 'aesthetics of violence', Sichuan peppercorns and chili peppers. There are several different ones!”

Dojima Gin said nothing and looked across from Kuga Teruki.

The opponents of the top ten candidates are dealing with 'green pepper shreds' and 'pork shreds' respectively.

The green pepper shreds are slightly soaked in water, blanch them in boiling water and then fish them out.

The shredded pork is only stir-fried until it just changes color and is about halfway done, then all is scooped out and served.

"How does he plan to use that spicy mountain?"

Dojima Gin's doubts became more and more intense.

The one who had the same doubts as this Totsuki legend was Nakiri Erina.

"I probably know Kuga Teruki's recipe. In my opinion, his recipe is completely opposite to the style of the student named Xia Yan."

"It may seem deviant, but there are traces to follow. The dishes that are finally presented to the judges' table will eventually return to what the recipe should be."

"As for his opponent, the recipe was put directly on the table and made public from the beginning. The ingredients are mediocre and the tools are ordinary. The use of hot sauce is quite amazing, but other places are very traditional... "

Speaking of this, Nakiri Erina paused and glanced at Kei Isshiki, who was standing not far away, smiling and saying nothing.

She took a breath.

"I have a strong hunch!" she said, "wait a moment, the work he presents to the jury will definitely break the 'green pepper shredded pork' framework -"

Yise Hui was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this eldest lady, who is famous for her pride, possesses the tongue of God, and never speaks pretentious words to any of her peers, would still praise someone.

However, knowing the character of Erina Nakiri, Isshiki Hui only dared to say it in her heart.

There is a trace of cunning that is difficult to detect in the eyes.

Isekhui pretended to be casual and said: "Miss Erina, I have a good relationship with Xia Yanjun. I made an appointment with him before he came on stage to make an extra set of Shoji dishes for me. If you are interested, you can stay. Taste with me.”

Nakiri Erina glanced at her suspiciously, only to hear the sincerity, she still said firmly: "Let's wait until he wins, becomes the winner, and the dishes are praised by Chief Dojima."


At this time, the sound effect of boiling grease came from the indoor loudspeaker. Isshiki Kei, Nito Hisako and Nakiri Erina immediately fell silent and looked at the close-up screen above the venue.

The camera focused on me for a long time.

He poured all the boiling oil in the second pot into the first pot for stir-frying the spices!

In an instant, all the fine spice particles emerged from the oil.


The fish fillets appeared, sinking and floating with bubbles of boiling fat.


Teruki Kuga breathed out an obvious breath, and nodded slightly to the waiting emcee, who then rang the golden gong: "Kuga player was the first to finish within the 2-hour rule!"

Naturally, all the attention of the audience and the shooting camera fell on the first contestant to complete and submit the dish to the judges' table.

Several bald men in black clothes from the Chinese Cuisine Research Association moved to the judging table with pots and charcoal stoves.


The judges all left the table and gathered around the steaming pot.

"I knew it was peppercorn hotpot." said an outside critic who had given applause before. "Every time I go to China on business, I have to go to a Sichuan and Chongqing restaurant. Peppercornpot is one of the meals I often order."

“Very authentic!”

After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath of the aroma, the reviewer gave a thumbs up: "It's rare to see such authentic peppercorn hotpot in Tokyo."

"Please, Chief Dojima."

Kuaga Teruki took a spoon, scooped out a bowl of fish fillets, and brought it to Dojima Gin. Then he took a sauce plate, poured a spoonful of the original soup over the fried soybeans, "This is the original soup dipping sauce."

Dojima Gin picked up the bowl and waved his hand to signal the camera to focus on the close-up.

"Everyone, please pay attention——"

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