Eternal food paradise

Chapter 41 The Commander-in-Chief’s Suggestions

The precious Akashi sea bream sashimi has been neglected.


When did the peaceful atmosphere of the family dinner start to go wrong?

Xia Yan wanted to spread his hands on the spot. It really wasn't his fault. He came to visit Nakiri's house to prepare a gift. He specially bought a batch of specialties from the system. The flavor of the flavor couldn't be more sincere. It's comparable to paying tribute. If he wants to be perfunctory, he can just buy some fruits.

Dot Meow Meow Dojima Gin!

The empty glass bottles on the table were the source of the distorted atmosphere, and who opened the lid at the main table and opened Pandora's box? Xia Yan was not angry and glared at it. Just when he saw Dojima Gin aiming at the second bottle, he was about to poke out the pig's claws.

"Hey, put your dirty hands away, this is my gift to the commander-in-chief."

Dojima Gin didn't care about the big or small shouts. Instead, he asked for credit and said with a smile: "Xia Yanjun, why don't I have a gift? You know the last time I had a shokuji, why did I suddenly show up? I'm just worried about you, the pole star." The juniors of Liao were at a disadvantage, so they sat at the judging table. As a result, under my protection, you won beautifully with 5 bars and 0—"

Xia Yan secretly rolled his eyes.

If Spicy Mountain and Dark Recipe weren't strong enough, would you dare to violate the principles of fairness and justice and vote for me? You say it as if victory depends entirely on you.

"Let's do this, you give me a specialty product of the same specifications, and I will be your mentor for a day, pointing out the shortcomings of improving the recipe."

Dojima Gin threw out a very tempting bait: "Well, you are right to understand that I am a taster. Currently, I will only come out to test dishes and point out defects in hotels and restaurants in Totsuki. I will not accept any other invitations. I won’t accept any of the sky-high appearance fees.”

These words made Xia Yan murmur fiercely.

Is the system-produced [Potato] really so envying a boss as famous as Shura?

It is indeed a premium ingredient.

However, in Chinese food culture, pickled mustard is indeed not on the official table. When it comes to related impressions, it is nothing more than labels such as "unnutritious", "unhealthy", and "suitable for instant noodles".

The opposite is true for neon.

Pickles, or snacks such as "pickles", are an indispensable "protagonist" on the table!

Even in formal occasions, or on a high-end kaiseki dining table, the combination of rice, miso soup and pickled vegetables is very likely to appear.

These pickles may be sweet and crunchy pickled radish, or a segment or two of burdock.

Thinking of the differences in cultural customs, Xia Yan suddenly became less surprised.


Nakiri Senzaemon, who was still in charge, spoke up, suppressing the excited Dojima Gin.

Commander Totsuki turned his head and looked at his granddaughter who was standing in the corner of the room in a daze, "Erina, there is no need to serve the next main course. You can make the soup, as simple and light as possible."

After a pause, he saw that his granddaughter was not thinking, so he accentuated his tone;

"Something simple, just kombu dashi, or a bowl of fish bone soup... go!"

By the end of the sentence, it was just a low scolding.

"Yes Yes!"

The girl fled quickly as if she had just woken up from a dream.

See this.

Isshiki Hui, Kuaga Teruki, and Nito Hisako looked at each other in disbelief.

The banquet hasn’t officially started yet, is it time to serve the soup to rinse your mouth?

In the more formal Japanese meal process, this step is called "箸washい", which literally means washing chopsticks, but in reality it involves diners drinking clear soup to wash away the memory of the previous dishes on their tongues.

"Miss Erina, she..."

Nito Hisako's heartbeat was beating violently, and he thought in disbelief: "It would be fine if it was an ordinary ingredient, but that is Akashi sea bream, an excellent famous sashimi product, why does it have no impact on the tip of the tongue and mouth? It’s completely disappeared!”

Yise Hui felt her heart heavy.


After making such an evaluation, Yisekhui stared at the empty glass bottles on the dining table and thought to himself, Xia Yanjun, how many kinds of "specialty weapons" do you still have on your body that you haven't displayed yet?

The stunning attack of "Akashi Sea Bream" was easily disintegrated, as if it had never existed without causing any waves.

This only shows that the gap between them is like a chasm, and it cannot be saved by relying on famous ingredients.


Isshiki Hui is very sure in her heart, and holds similar views to almost everyone. They all believe that Nakiri Erina, who is currently in the third grade of junior high school, is already a candidate for the top ten, or in other words, she already has the strength to challenge the top ten seats. It needs to be at the end of this year and in the preparation stage for entering higher school. If you initiate the Shoji challenge, you will naturally get a seat.

As for Kuga Teruki, he has dead eyes and an expressionless face.

Basic exercises, don't 6, sit.

This sentence can sum up his mood at this time.

Feeling that the atmosphere in the room had turned silent, Xia Yan raised his head speechlessly and looked at the ceiling. It was time to turn this page, so don't worry about the mustard.

Anyway, this pot deserves Dojima Silverback.

Xia Yan didn't know what Isshiki Hui and Nito Feishako were thinking about with their changing expressions, but if they were thinking about the offensive and defensive battle between "Zhacai" and "Akashi Seabream", then he could only evaluate it as...

The inevitable result!

Forget about Nakiri Erina, it would be him who would let the diners eat the special appetizer before the main course was served.

Xia Yan could already imagine the embarrassing scene.

The room was quiet for a while, and Nakiri Senzaemon broke the atmosphere and said: "I heard from Gin that you left school yesterday, went to a civilian restaurant outside the school, and wrote an article called 'Teppanyaki Tamago Tofu' recipes."

I even know the name of the recipe.

Xia Yan wiped his sweat secretly and could only reply with a smile: "This is a poor exercise, probably at the level of ordinary Yuanyue students... Well, it's not worth mentioning."

The two-star recipe is indeed the average rank of Toyuki High School.

"It's improvised, and it's made with common everyday ingredients." Nakiri Senzaemon's expression was calm, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking. "The key is, I heard that you gave the recipe unique personal characteristics!"

I heard Commander Totsuki emphasize on "personal characteristics".

I'm coming.

Xia Yan thought to himself.

Perhaps, the old man invited him to the banquet, and he himself went to the banquet with great interest.

To a striking degree of similarity.

The old man Senzaemon continued to ask with deep interest: "But I also heard from Gin that the [characteristics] displayed in that restaurant were not your main thing, and what exactly do you want to give What’s the unique flavor of your own most powerful dish?”

Xia Yan replied without even thinking: "It must be spicy!"

"So, is it possible to combine the two specialties you brought?" Nakiri Senzaemon pointed to the bottle on the long table.



Xia Yan: "..."

Isshiki Hui, Kuaga Teruki and others: "..."

Everyone heard the subtext of Commander Yuanyue. This was for Xia Yan to try his skills.

But, can pickled mustard and bean paste really be combined?

Even Xia Yan himself murmured.

Hold the grass!

It was such a bold idea that he had never thought of combining two premium ingredients with guaranteed quality on one plate.


The real-time task is displayed on the field of vision:

[The cooking madman’s dark fusion experiment. 】

[Task content: The host is required to use the indescribable 'pickled mustard' and 'doubanjiang' in a dish and a recipe at the same time, and the completion degree of the dish is not less than 70%, and there is no star rating requirement. 】

[Task reward: "Twisted Seed"*1. 】

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