Eternal food paradise

Chapter 42 Seed

Xia Yan was not surprised at all that the task was triggered immediately, but this time the task was obviously different. In addition to requiring him to mix "pickled mustard" and "doubanjiang", the completion rate reached 70%.

There is actually no requirement for recipe star rating.

"There are no requirements for indexes?" Xia Yan was quite surprised. The major indexes, or traits, he has mastered so far are nothing more than [darkness], [glowing] and [drug].

Among them, [Glow] and [Medication] are based on the recipes produced by Zhonghua Ichiban and Shi Ji Zhi Ling.

In other words, you must master the recipes that correspond to the rules of the world.


A recipe is equivalent to a permission key.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan couldn't help complaining: "Unless you use pickled mustard and bean paste in the recipes of Yaowangliu and Xiaodangjia, and if you want to improve and personalize it, it will be impossible to shine and give medicine, so from the beginning I Without a choice, without a suitable recipe... I can only embrace [Darkness]!"

Then, on the reward item column...

What is this?

With question marks hanging on his forehead, Xia Yan retrieved the prop information:

""Twisted Seed": It is a prop in the paradise world. Plant a twisted seed and plant a twisted tree, and the torrent of destiny will gradually deviate from its original river course (harvest deviation value). "

"Tip, please use any world-wide props with caution. The river of destiny may fall into the unknown abyss."

Hold the grass!

After reading it several times, the question marks in Xia Yan's heart did not diminish at all and turned into ten thousand alpacas.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be a reward for recipes, kitchen utensils or miscellaneous items? Suddenly giving him some "world-wide props" suddenly gave him the surprise of a golden legend... No, it should be more panic and confusion.

He was in urgent need of deviation value and urgently set "Spirit of the Halberd" to a world with a fixed connection.

But I read a line of small red text at the bottom of the information.

Xia Yan's heartbeat was a little fast.

If this seed was planted in the backyard of Jixingliao, would this Shoji Paradise, which is one year earlier than the original timeline, fall into the abyss? For example, the good food and leisurely drugging game has been temporarily updated with miscellaneous expansion packs such as Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts and Resurrection of Spiritual Energy...


Thinking of those scenes, Xia Yan wanted to facepalm: "These are pretty good, the painting style is not broken. If there is some kind of expansion pack for Terminator and Abyss Invasion, then the world will really be over."

At this time, Xia Yan had already left the table, and was led to the kitchen by a servant of the Nakiri family.

The time is about 5 o'clock in the evening.

The sunset began to shine on this Japanese-style manor. The banquet pavilion was located about halfway up the mountain. Walking among the wooden bridges and pavilions, Xia Yan had no time to enjoy the beauty of this scenic spot, which is comparable to Internet celebrity attractions. As he walked , with a serious face on his face, struggling with a very important issue.

Planting twisted seeds is fine, no problem.

The problem is that.

If the style of Shokoku in this world line changes drastically and becomes gaudy, will it have an impact on the normal original world?

Fortunately, the system did not pretend to be dead this time and came out to answer:

"Host, you can regard the current paradise world and the normal original world as parallel universes and parallel spaces, so they have no influence on each other, but..."

but what? Xia Yan's heart tightened.

"The existence of your host is equivalent to a bridge-like existence for those 'lines' that are not connected in different worlds."

Xia Yan: "..."

Damn it, you might as well tell me directly that it will have an impact, it’s a lot of nonsense!

"However, you can subjectively block this kind of influence, such as deleting files or resetting, and the park world line will be restored to its original appearance before your arrival. At the same time, it will host all traces of your existence in this world, including the accumulated All deviation values ​​will be erased.”

"Delete files, re-adjust? What conditions are required..."

"System funds."

Xia Yan rolled his eyelids, he could really do whatever he wanted with krypton gold.


The servant walking in front suddenly stopped and pressed the communicator at the door. A girl's voice said "Please come in" and the servant opened the door.

The exterior looks like a single-family house with a Japanese-style small building, but the interior furnishings are a very modern and well-equipped professional kitchen.

A young girl lowered her head, wearing a pure white chef's uniform, with her breasts pressed tightly against her chest. She didn't even raise her head when she heard the door open, and said with a bit of displeasure: "Don't rush me, wait another quarter of an hour." The fish bone broth will be ready soon.”

But the "servant" was just disobedient and approached quietly.

Nakiri Erina raised her eyebrows: "Grandpa, what are your instructions..."

The words stopped abruptly.

The girl looked at the boy wearing the uniform of the Totsuki High School who suddenly appeared on the side, and her pretty face suddenly showed embarrassment: "What are you doing in here? This is the main kitchen of the Nakiri family, not the cooking practice room!"

Xia Yan looked around but didn't answer. He turned around after a moment. Seeing that the girl's ears were red, he thought she was angry, so he explained casually: "I'm here to cook."


Nakiri Erina was stunned.

"Are there any aprons or men's kitchen clothes?" Xia Yan asked.

The girl bit her lower lip, stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly turned around, leaving a trail of fragrant wind.


Xia Yan observed with great interest the banquet dishes that "God's Tongue" had just made.

Several bowls and plates had been arranged, and the largest rectangular plate contained grilled fish. He recognized it as half a piece of mackerel, and the spring season was the time when mackerel was at its fattest and meatiest.

How to make it, just bake it with ordinary salt, put a piece of lemon and a lemon leaf on the plate.

As for the other bowls.

His eyes passed one bowl filled with rice, and the second bowl contained a stew-like stew, including mushrooms, radishes, and shelled shrimps.

The content of the third dark brown bowl, which is full of Zen, is even more simple. It is simply a few pieces of white tofu, placed in miso soup based on kombu bonito flowers.

"I've already served a dish of 'thin-cut Akashi sea bream' before." Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing his original smile, "Arakashi sea bream sashimi, let's count it as 'Xianfu', now it also has cooking, juice and Grilled fish and a bowl of rice are very classic..."

"That's right, it's 'one juice and three vegetables'!"

Behind me, a faint hum from the girl came: "This is a simple meal and a tea kaiseki. Anyway, I think this is enough. I have tried my best to make up for it. All the advanced banquet procedures prepared before have been cancelled." .”

Nakiri Erina deliberately pretended not to care.

But it was obvious that the feast had gone wrong at the beginning and was almost forced to be changed to a simple meal. This was a complete defeat for the chef of the banquet, and she must be in a terrible mood at this time.


Sensing an aura of resentment coming towards him, Xia Yan wanted to spread his hands innocently and say, I won't take the blame, so you can go find Yuan Sindojima Gin.

It’s true that whoever you say will arrive.

"Young man, why didn't you bring the ingredients with you?" A relaxed and smiling voice came in from the unclosed door. Gin Dojima, who was wearing a suit, held a box of specialties in one hand and waved at the door. .

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