Eternal food paradise

Chapter 43 After-dinner refreshments

Dojima Gin patted the box in his arms:

"The commander-in-chief told you to use these two ingredients."

There was more than one footstep.

Natsu Yan and Nakiri Erina looked back in surprise, and after seeing Dojima Gin's burly back, they stretched out a few shaking hands to say hello. Isshiki Kei and Kuga Teruki came.

Nito Hisako was also waving weakly.


Several people got out of the way. Nakiri Senzaemon crossed his arms and entered the door coolly, looking directly at Xia Yan:

"It's still early, and we're just chatting while sitting at the food booth. Why don't we go to the kitchen and watch your performance up close. I think you should be used to being watched by others for every move you make while cooking."

Xia Yan sighed and nodded.

There is no need to explain the commander-in-chief, we all understand the reason.

"Where is your recipe? Do you have any ideas?" The old man continued, "I will have someone deliver the ingredients and kitchen utensils you need as quickly as possible."

At this moment, everyone was watching intently, including Erina Nakiri, who was holding a strange kitchen outfit.

"I had no clue..."

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth curled up slightly and he pointed at the 'one juice and three dishes' prepared by Erina Nakiri on the long stainless steel table.

"Now, let me bring this family dinner to an end."


Everyone looked at each other.

"It's tea!" Nakiri Erina quickly reacted and said, biting her lip.

"End with "sweetness"? "

Nakiri Senzaemon showed a clear look on his face. For a formal Japanese banquet, "sweetness" is the finishing touch. To put it simply, it is nothing more than drinking strong tea after the meal, with "Japanese confectionery" on the side.

In short, just eat some exquisite Japanese snacks.

"Can you make wagashi?" Isshiki Hui and Kuaga Teruki looked at each other strangely.


Xia Yan shook his head very simply.

"But I can make my own 'snacks'!"


Immediately, Dojima Gin applauded and said: "Haha, it's great that you have this momentum to make dishes full of your personal characteristics and unique characteristics. I'm really looking forward to it!"

He sat down at the simple dining table in the kitchen, put the box down, and took out his cell phone as if to make a call: "Tell me, what ingredients do you need?"


Xia Yan scanned the number of people present and said, "As a refreshment at the end of the meal, each person will have two or three pieces to satisfy his taste. The amount of flour does not need to be too much."

Dojima Gin smiled: "Understood!"

"A pound of beef."

"If you can, give me about 200 grams more pumpkin powder."

Pumpkin powder?

Seeing that Xia Yan was not out of breath, Nakiri Erina fluently explained the ingredients she needed, and stood at the place where she had been cooking before, holding her chin in thought, with a mixed mood and still a little annoyed, "We have all the flour, Why ‘pumpkin powder’? These are two completely different snack ingredients!”

Thinking of Xia Yan's initiative to finish the family banquet and take charge of the after-dinner refreshments, he obviously stepped forward to smooth things over and prevent the banquet from ending hastily.

The anger in my heart was almost gone.

"Hey -" she woke up Xia Yan, "don't you need some kitchen utensils? The Nakiri family's kitchen only has kitchen utensils for Western and Japanese snacks. There is no kitchen utensils for making Chinese snacks. You need to get them from the warehouse or the Totsuki Logistics Department. send over."


Xia Yan said casually: "Do you have a baking pan? It's a frying pan for pancakes. Just a more modern one with electricity."

Pancake pan?

Nakiri Erina muttered the key word "flapcake" in a low voice, highlighting the key points secretly. She felt that she had captured Xia Yan's idea and the recipe he was going to show, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on the corners of her lips.

"Wait a minute." He turned around and was about to say to Dojima Gin who was on the phone.

"Uh, forget it."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, he waved his hand. Nakiri Erina stiffened, and her mood was not very beautiful again. She looked at him pacing angrily. She went to a wall in the kitchen, reached out and took off the shelf full of kitchen utensils. A black and gold 'cast iron skillet'.

"This pot will do." He said, weighing the pot a few times, Xia Yan nodded frequently, and it was obvious that he was quite satisfied.

Dojima Gin, who had just put down his cell phone to end the call, witnessed this scene.

He couldn't help but exchange a look with Nakiri Senzaemon, who had his arms crossed and a calm expression on his face.


Dojima Gin sat upright without locking his phone. He opened the LINE chat interface and sent a message to his friend named "Joichiro":

【Yeah (Scissorhands)~】

[I’m very lucky that today, I’ll be able to see the ‘legendary heat’ you described, Joichiro~]

On the interface, there are two good friends, Gin Dojima and Joichiro Yukihira. The chat history is displayed late at night. The content is closely related to Xia Yan's "Teppanyaki Tamago Tofu". If you scroll up, you can see the latest Starting with the food pictures posted by Joichiro Yukihira, it was this high-definition picture that aroused discussion among gay friends.

"whispering sound."

Issekui heard Kuaga Teruki sitting next to her and complained to herself: "Are we going to show that kind of thing again? Yes, the heat is simply the link that injects the soul into Chinese cuisine, and in the commander-in-chief, In front of Commander Dojima, you cannot abandon your sharpest weapon..."

Complaints are complaints. The Yuanyue genius who secretly vowed to surpass Xia Yan immediately shook off his lazy expression and sat upright with sharp eyes.

Isekhui nudged him with her elbow, "Hey, Kuga-kun, do you know something?"

Kuga Teruki looked steadily: "See for yourself, you will know after a while..."

In less than ten minutes, all the ingredients were ready.

About half a bag of flour was poured into the stainless steel mixing bowl. Xia Yan grabbed a handful of flour and pretended to observe the quality of the flour. In fact, he was a little bit embarrassed in his heart.

Hold the grass.

He's really not good at making noodles.

Although in terms of kneading and kneading dough, a passing score does not require a sophisticated or in-depth background in cooking. Moreover, the system tasks do not set requirements for recipe star levels. As long as 70% of the cooking is completed, the standard is met.

But now that the recipe has been decided, Xia Yan doesn't want to be perfunctory.

If you can, why not just go ahead and add a powerful recipe for yourself, and then use this recipe as the content to continuously hone your cooking skills, killing two birds with one stone!

"The system didn't say that you can't enable the kitchen assistant——"

After waiting quietly for a second or two, but not hearing the system prompt, Xia Yan let out a breath, turned his head to look at the Shiji characters present, and quickly thought of a righteous line in his mind: "It's getting late, I don’t want everyone to wait hungry for me for too long, so I need a helper as a cook.”

"Help me complete the process of mixing and kneading the dough, saving time and speeding up the pace."

The Nakiri kitchen was quiet for a few seconds.

"I——" Yise Hui asked Ying.

"I can."

Dojima Gin's hands were all on his suit tie, and he wanted to take off his tie and jacket.

"Let me do it!"

A clearer, more powerful and responsible voice made everyone's eyes change slightly.

Nakiri Erina, who was being watched, had a serious face and said seriously: "I was originally the chef of this family banquet. It was my dereliction of duty as a chef to leave all the tea at the end to Xia Xia and Xia Yanjun. , I have an obligation to contribute my own strength to make the family dinner end successfully."

Xia Yan: "..."

Seeing the "God's Tongue" girl's expression remained unchanged, her lines were calm and composed, and the blush in her ears did not dissipate but turned into the color of a ripe apple, Xia Yan felt secretly amused, and felt funny.

Don't guess what the girl is thinking.

It's impossible to guess.

Before I knew it, it was 100,000 words long, and I gradually regained some feeling as I wrote it~

Please cheer for me (_)! !

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