It wasn't just Hu Lixing and Liu Maliu who noticed something strange after Admiral Li took down his chopsticks and tasted the food.

"It's only the second dish, can't Admiral Li do it?"

Off the field, Yakan, Yan Xian, Zhu Qi and others looked at each other with strange expressions.

In stark contrast, even though they knew it was poisonous food, Hu Lixing and Liu Maliu noticed the abnormality and were willing to eat it with chopsticks, but there was nothing strange after eating two chopsticks.

There was a commotion in the Loulin Battle Arena.


"Admiral Li ate a lot!"

My eyes were gleaming. After finishing the second course of "Crust Fish and Pork with Liquor Grain", it was not enough. The royal chef, who was wearing official uniform, showed no official dignity and demeanor at this time. He turned around and went back to eat the first course of "Sichuan Style Catfish and Beef Liver". "Double Pin", and he directly picked up the plate and ate it, his face was oily.

Soon, the second plate was empty again.

Holding the empty plate, Admiral Li had an elusive smile on his lips and muttered something:

"I saw the Peach Blossom Spring."

The crazy eating look on his face was immediately replaced by a feeling of refreshment and intoxication. Perhaps the picture in Admiral Li's mind was that of standing under a peach tree in full bloom, looking out at the otherworldly realm in the valley.


The vegetable juices and stains on my mouth and face were not wiped off, and sweat was still dripping from my forehead.

Admiral Li's smile seemed inconsistent in the eyes of outsiders.

It can even be said to be scary!

Perhaps there was only one person on the scene who had already predicted the changes in Admiral Li.

"Enter the Cloud Dragon" Kaiyou glanced at Admiral Li lightly, and then glanced at Liu Maliu and Hu Lixing, who also had the second dish, but were still calm and calm.

A trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

They are said to be of the same generation and level, but there are differences after all.

Kaiyou thought secretly:

"Admiral Li sank in the second pass, so what about Hu Lixing? He will definitely sink in the fourth complete "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations"."

"Only Liu Maliu, I couldn't see through him before, and I can't see through him now!"

In Kaiyou's heart, he got the vote for Admiral Li.

If you get any vote from the other two people, this person will most likely be Hu Lixing...

Then he is guaranteed to win.

"The best and most magical food in the world is the poisonous food that controls people's hearts."

Kaiyou looked at the young man across the table with indifferent eyes. This young chef must be named Xia Yan. Like most people in the world, he still leaves the outcome and fate in the hands of others besides himself.

In other words, because of other people's opinions, judgments, or even a thought, you will fall into the abyss and be in a state of eternal destruction.

But the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations", his poisonous diet, will never hand over the lead that determines victory, defeat and destiny.

Judging or something, a joke!

This thread must be held tightly by him!

Manipulate according to his thoughts!

This is the root of Kaiyou's creation of "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations". Essentially, he never trusts anyone except himself, and he even feels that the world itself is deeply malicious towards him.

"Control people's hearts, let them become my puppets, act according to my, two, a large group! Haha, the fate of the entire world is in my hands!"

Kaiyou's mouth opened and closed silently, as if conveying this sentence to Xia Yan's heart across from him.

After speaking, Kaiyou introduced the remaining two dishes to Hu Lixing and Liu Maliu, who were still awake:

"The third dish is called "Horse Meat Porridge"."

"The fourth dish, "Shaobing"."

The last two dishes, arranged according to a certain pattern and order, are not only ordinary, but the layout on the plate is also extremely simple.

"Horse Meat Porridge" is really light porridge, refreshing and not greasy.

"Shaobing" is like a classic Chinese dessert, the end of a delicious meal.

The leader of the Taiji world started to eat light porridge, said "not bad", rinsed his mouth with ginger water, and continued to eat the fourth sesame seed cake.

After chewing and eating, it was a strange stuffing made of red bean paste stuffed into the sheep's stomach. Hu Lixing's expression gradually became serious, "It has an indescribable and mysterious taste..."

After saying these words, Hu Lixing chewed them carefully, but the face of a living person in front of everyone suddenly became numb and hollow in the next second, as if the soul was instantly taken away by an inexplicable force, leaving only a shriveled face. body.

Under the field, there were gasps and low screams.

"Chief Hu, he's also been tricked!"

Gangbang Jieqi covered his head with both hands.

Beside them, Ren En, Liu Pleiades, Liu Keling and others were also moved and shocked.

"Then father -" Liu Keling pursed her lips tightly and looked at her old father Liu Maliu with great worry.

At the same time, in the Tai Chi camp, the eight Phoenix chefs who had not left the stage could not help but look at each other.

"The leader -" someone whispered.

Shopkeeper Lan and Sun Erniang looked at each other.

"It's just a temporary sinking."

"Of course, if the leader cannot come back on his own, we have other secret techniques and recipes to restore his consciousness!"

As an extremely secretive culinary circle, the Tai Chi world naturally has its own secrets. After several Phoenix chefs expressed their opinions, they became quiet one after another, and the commotion only lasted for a few minutes.

Then it was Liu Maliu's turn.

The whole audience was watching.

Liu Maliu saw that Admiral Li and Hu Lixing were in strange states one after another, but he did not hesitate at all. He took down his chopsticks to eat the porridge, and then picked up a sesame cake stuffed with sheep tripe and bean paste to chew.

I drank half of the porridge and ate all the sesame biscuits.

After eating, Liu Malu rinsed his mouth and looked at Kaiyou calmly:

"Your great cause and ambition."

"Is that all?"

The words came out.

Kaiyu, the deep-thinking "Cloud Dragon" in people's eyes, for a moment showed his ability to destroy defenses.

Kaiyou's face was a little distorted, but returned to normal after a few seconds:

"I have... won this victory."

"The next one is a direct confrontation between you and me, Liu Maliu, this decisive battle that has not been seen for twenty years... Do you know how long I have been waiting and how long I have been preparing? I never identify with the twin stars of the dark world. There has always been only one person’s flag on the precious chair in Liangshanbo in the Dark Realm! That’s me—Kaiyou!”

After listening quietly, a hint of sarcasm appeared in Liu Maliu's calm eyes:

"You can't wait to declare that you have won?"

Kaiyou sneered: "Look at the people next to you, they are the 'puppet' of my will."

"I got two of the three tickets. I still need to announce it. Is it necessary to taste another person's dish?"

Liu Maliu just looked at Kaiyu quietly with eyes filled with sadness and pity.

Kaiyou's mentality fluctuated violently as he watched, and he was on the verge of breaking his defense.

"You're scared."

"Am I afraid?" Kaiyou clenched his fists.

"Yes, you are anxious, really anxious, as if you foresee a big defeat and see an invincible mystery."

When Kaiyou opened his mouth to argue.

"When did the outcome of a gourmet showdown not be judged by delicious food, but by who can control the 'heart' better?"

Another long voice said.


Kaiyou and Liu Maliu looked at Xia Yan with different expressions.

Liu Maliu high-fived and smiled: "Yes, I agree with you. In a food duel, deliciousness should speak for itself."

Kaiyu narrowed his eyes:

"My "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" are infinitely delicious. Hey, young man, do you want to compete with me on the essence of delicious food?"

He finished speaking, and his eyes, which he had just narrowed, suddenly straightened.

In front of countless people, pairs of eyes.

Xia Yan finally uncovered the food on the plate in front of him.


A giant claw that held up the sky, as if it had been sealed for a long time, directly tore open the dome of the Loulin Arena. The broken wood fell in a circular fan-shaped area around the two kitchens, but the one in the middle The dining table is spotless, as if it is protected by some kind of power.


There was dead silence.

Several pairs of dull and shocked eyes were staring blankly at the big hole above their heads.

At this moment, the building boat is sailing on the vast Yangtze River, and the bright moon shines on the river.

The moonlight shone through the hole, shining on everyone in the venue, especially the dining table in the middle of the hole. Xia Yan, Kaiyou, and the three big judges Liu Maliu, Admiral Li, and Hu Lixing were all bathed in the moonlight. middle.


Behind the lid, there are dinner plates and delicacies that complement the bright moon and moonlight.

The fleshy palms that almost fill the white ceramic dinner plate have been sloughed off by tedious and meticulous heat treatment, leaving only the crystal clear texture after being cooked thoroughly.

The moonlight shines slightly on the thick braised sauce that has covered the meat palm, and there is a hazy beauty that raises a faint mist on the dinner plate.

As for the claw that tore the roof apart just now, it seemed like it was really a dream.


The two figures collided with the corner of the long table. They lost control of their strength, and the plates on the table shook significantly.

Hu Lixing and Admiral Li, who had been "puppetized", actually swooped close to the dinner plate with meaty palms!

The empty, numb eyes were filled with a new wave of appetite, very strong.


The venue was filled with unexplained exclamations.

As for Kaiyou himself, he was shocked and angry. Looking at the two puppets who had begun to break free from the shackles of his "control of people's hearts", his eyes were full of disbelief:

"My "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations", how could this happen!"

Hearing this, Liu Maliu looked at Hu Lixing and Admiral Li, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and then he raised his head seriously to look at the large hole above his head where the moonlight was shining.

"That claw also tore the chains in my heart." Liu Maliu exclaimed, "So domineering, sharp, mysterious...indescribable!"

Finally, after Xia Yan cut the meat with a knife and fork, put it on a small plate and handed it out, Hu Lixing and Admiral Li both started chewing on the thick slices of meat that dripped with juice.

Hu Lixing suddenly pinched his neck, his face flushed with both pleasure and discomfort:

"Completely, completely filled!"

When Admiral Li put on the official robe of a high official, it was shattered to pieces on the spot.

On the stage illuminated by the moonlight, a naked man performs a masculine and elegant beast hunting dance, "Ouch~~"

I am the most handsome boy in the hunter tribe on that ancient plain in another world.

A strange and difficult place name appeared in my mind inexplicably, and a distant and unknown hometown seemed to vaguely appear in my mind.

Admiral Li transformed into a naked male dancer. The more he danced, the more strange melody he played.

The dance gradually transforms into a ritual ritual.

It's like calling for the existence of different time and space.

Jumping and jumping.

An unknown breeze blew in the Loulin Battle Arena.

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