Eternal food paradise

Chapter 518 Breaking the Domain

The breeze blew, and an unknown rhythm appeared in the Loulin ship.

Admiral Li transformed into a hunting chief and began a passionate and masculine dance, with a lot of sweat shed on his bronze body.

Another person who moved to the melody was Hu Lixing, the leader of the Tai Chi world.

He clearly resisted.

The consciousness is also very clear.

But there was a thought in his mind and he told him, dance, dance, hunt, this is a ritual to witness the hunting, bring back the ancient mythical beast prey for the tribe, you will be the most handsome boy in the village.

What's the most handsome boy? I am already a leader in the Tai Chi world, okay?

Hu Lixing continued to resist with a face full of resistance, but his body was no longer under control. He spread his legs and raised his hands, making a snap here and a stimulating buttock shake there.

"Tear off——" The robe was completely torn into pieces, showing a serious naked man.

What was originally a solo dance by one person turned into a duet and a duet.

The audience was collectively stunned.


These two big guys are so knowledgeable!

Admiral Li's face was already flushed. Hu Lixing, the leader of the Tai Chi community who joined next, had eyes filled with aggrievedness and shame, but his aura was clearly approaching and entangled with Hu Lixing.


Two naked men dripping with hot sweat suddenly bumped their arms and looked at each other "affectionately" at close range.

Admiral Li was very hostile to Hu Lixing who suddenly joined the group, and he bared his teeth. His performance in dancing was far from his usual calmness and restraint, as if he was venting all the anger deep in his heart.

"Come on, will you dance with me?"

His eyes showed provocation.

Hu Lixing was also frightened by Admiral Li's unfamiliar face. He pursed his lips tightly and was about to yell, "You're crazy" or "Who wants to compete with you in dancing?", but suddenly, there was another burst of strange melody lingering in the Loulin ship. Gradually become stronger.

At this time, Liu Maliu, Hu Lixing and Admiral Li were not the only ones standing in front of the dishes.

Kaiyu felt it.

The other members of the ‘Five Tiger Stars’, Yan Xian, Yakan, Zhu Qi and Mila, all shook their bodies and were instantly involved in the inexplicable melody circle.

The four of them formed a circle, holding hands and dancing around, as if there was a bonfire in front of them for roasting prey, and the aroma of the barbecue was so real and smellable that a light sniff during the dance was full of energy. The delicacies of the wilderness.

The hole above the head is illuminated by the moonlight.

"Cloud Dragon" Kaiyu showed a shocked expression.

"My "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations"..."

no doubt.

The performance of Admiral Li and Hu Lixing is that the essential links of "Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays" have completely collapsed.

The two people who were still in a state of ecstasy a moment ago have entered other realms.

And this field.

Kaiyou felt the factors gradually gushing out of his blood, and his eager desire was reviving. His current state was like being possessed by a heroic spirit from an ancient hunting tribe, and he also wanted to sacrifice and pray to a great being with a passionate dance.

"The realm is broken." Liu Maliu breathed out.

"Broken by another realm..."

It can only be said that Liu Maliu is worthy of being a man whose cooking skills are the best in the Chinese world since he came out of the abyss. When Kaiyou stiffly swayed his hands and feet and danced uncontrollably, he still stood firmly in Xia Yan's kitchen. at the table.

"Please cut a piece for me!" Liu Maliu solemnly requested.


The sharp silver knife cut down on the thick and translucent meat palm, cutting off a piece of meat, which was covered with sauce.

Liu Maliu took the chopsticks, picked up the whole piece of meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and propped up his cheeks.

Hey, the entrance is as stunning as a high-voltage electric shock.

What followed was the shadow of sharp claws that could always be seen from the strong smell of meat while chewing.

A claw that tears the sky apart!

So every time he chewed, his gums and mouth seemed to be in the chaos of tearing and collapsing. Every time Liu Maliu pressed down his teeth, trying to taste a deeper taste of the meat, every time he made a sound that was both enjoyable and cracking. A low groan of pain.

"Humph, um, delicious." Liu Maliu stopped breathing.

In this regard, Xia Yan expressed his innocence:

"I have tried my best to remove the 'mystery' from the ingredients and make them taste harmless to you. Only the purest delicious food."

Liu Maliu successfully extracted the key information and whispered in surprise: "Is suppressing or erasing the 'mystery' the first rule for controlling mysterious ingredients?"

Xia Yan has already paid attention to the cooking information that just popped up:

"Unknown Burning Bull Wolf's Palm"

Soul ingredient: "Bulagu Wolf Meat Palm" (Golden Legend)

Core technology: "Gourmet Cells-Death Flame" (Legendary)

Traits: "Magic" (Temple), "Darkness" (Temple), "Drug" (Temple)...

90% completion


Using the control of indescribable ingredients as a sharp blade, it is enough to catch up with the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" and "Mother Sun Ball" of its predecessors.

After reading it, Xia Yan was both happy and a little depressed.

His own cooking skills level is still Dragon, not as good as Kaiyu and Bei Xiannu, and even worse than Liu Maliu. This is a basic known fact.

Therefore, this is the first palace-level recipe in life because the golden legendary ingredients are too powerful and the upper limit is forcibly raised.

Because of the reasonable control of the golden legend, the "magical" characteristics were naturally pushed to new heights, and the "darkness" that coexisted with it was also exposed to light. Finally, the "drugged" was also taken on a high-speed speed towards the realm and the palace. train……

After recalling all the details of the previous cooking process, reviewing and deliberating, Xia Yan received the reward from this battle——

[The recipes and secrets of the transformation-level "Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays". 】

Something above the palace and realm.

Xia Yan was just secretly happy, but other people and countless pairs of eyes were shocked by the three copper coins that all fell into his bowl, and the atmosphere in the Loulin Battle Arena turned deadly silent.

"Three, three copper coins, got them all?"

"Kayyou Zero Vote!"


“This is the only time I’ve ever seen a ‘Ruyunlong’ swallow a duck egg! Super defeat! "

Of course Kaiyou couldn't accept this result.

"I lost?" He looked at the three people who stood still after tossing the coin in disbelief.

Liu Maliu and Hu Lixing looked indifferent. Even Admiral Li, who had become an ally not long ago, did not intend to respond to any of Kaiyou's questions after his defeat. After all, they had almost fallen to Kaiyou's "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" just now. "In ", whether he can be saved or not is still a matter of debate.

Witness this scene.

Xia Yan expressed on the spot that he wanted to put his hands in his trouser pockets and eat bubble gum to calm down his shock. Of course, he was wearing a kitchen outfit that fit the world background of "China Ichiban". There were no trouser pockets and the bubble gum was nowhere to be found. So there was no costume or props. I can only rely on words to output.

"Hey, hey."

Seeing Kaiyu's anger level is not enough.

Xia Yan raised his hand and shook it. When Kaiyou looked at him with ferocious eyes, he said calmly:

"Actually, I can also do the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations"."

Kaiyou:? !

Liu Maliu, Hu Lixing and Admiral Li stared at each other:


Xia Yan started to shake his head:

"But my version of "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" will be linked with mysterious ingredients. It will definitely not be an ordinary combination like beef liver and catfish."

These words are like pointing at the loser Kaiyu's nose and saying, your choice of ingredients is mediocre.

Kaiyou's forehead was tense, and he was furious:

“There is no other chef in the world who can do the Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays, and there is no so-called mysterious version!”

Xia Yan snapped his fingers, said, "Wait a moment," and turned around to get busy.

Not long after, the fragrance slowly floated up in the hole-broken Lou Lin Ship Arena again.

You can hear the needle drop in the field.

This book is coming to an end, and I don’t plan to continue after the length of "Chinese Ichiban", because after "Shokuji", two consecutive worlds are penetrated, and the next one is the completely fantasy and imaginary food world of Food Captives. I myself It’s not very easy to write something that is very fantasy and too far from reality. Readers who come here for “food” will probably find it weird. The rest of the book lovers will probably just read it as a fun article or an ordinary fantasy food article.

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