Eternal food paradise

Chapter 519 Super Demon Modified Version

A delicate fragrance floats in the Loulin ship.


Smelling the smell, Liu Maliu took the lead and rushed towards Xia Yan's kitchen counter.

Behind him followed Kaiyu.

Admiral Li and Hu Lixing, who had been dancing naked to each other just now, suddenly stopped dancing. They didn't care about the sweat on their bodies. Sweat splashed everywhere when they walked, full of strong masculine smell, and they followed the first two people. .

four-course meal!

I saw Xia Yan serving the completed dishes one after another and closing the lids of each dish.

It is a perfect copy of Kaiyu's "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations".

At this time, Kaiyu, the "Cloud Dragon" who was imitated, had an uncontrollable burning feeling on his face.


Kaiyou snorted disdainfully: "It's just a show of force!"

To the ears of others, especially Liu Maliu, Admiral Li and Hu Lixing who had regained their consciousness, these words sounded like lust and jealousy.

At this moment.

It's like changing sides between home and away, switching between offense and defense.

The host became Xia Yan, the very young Chef Long.

He used the dishes that imitated the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" as a sharp blade, intending to pierce the last weak defense in Kaiyu's heart.

Then, the defender is undoubtedly Kaiyu.

He had just lost in a formal confrontation and was left with only a pair of crotch.

If the opponent's special skill dish "Eight Demon Breaking Formations" is perfectly learned by the opponent, it can be said that one is better than the other.

I'm afraid that Kaiyu will return to the original death path and commit suicide on the spot in shame and anger.

One attack, one defense.

It even involves all the dignity and even life of one of the world’s top chefs!

Everyone held their breath and stared at the four dishes with stainless steel lids in front of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't delay on purpose, smiled slightly, reached out and opened the lid of the first dish on the right side.

It’s standard again, Kaiyou’s process!

"First course, liver and fish."

“Sichuan flavor.”

The original first course is beef liver and catfish meat, Sichuan flavor.

This is what I will say this summer.

The liver slices were bloody and uncooked.

The fish meat also has silvery white scales.

Seeing this so-called double spell, the 'chat group members' almost collectively complained:

"Hold the grass!"

"Isn't this dragon eel meat and dragon eel liver? Shuangpin, are you kidding me?!"

These two samples come from the same raw material.

However, Kaiyou's original beef liver and catfish are taken from different species, and the inner five elements properties are changed through "qi", which strengthens the food's mutual restraint and poisoning effects.

When the members of the chat group saw the smile on Xia Yan's face, it didn't look like he was joking, and it was impossible to joke in this situation.

As a result, everyone felt like a hurricane was in chaos.

elder brother!

Demon King Xia, where are you playing?

But among the big guys on the field, except for Liu Maliu, who had a subtle expression as a member of the group, the other three people did not recognize that this was dragon eel's liver or dragon eel's meat.

They looked at the ingredients that smelled strange.

"It's the mysterious side again..."

Admiral Li and Hu Lixing, the old rivals who had just performed a naked dance with each other, seemed to have broken out of their brotherly friendship. They picked up their chopsticks in a tacit understanding and ate liver slices first and then fish slices.

Compared with beef liver and catfish meat.

It has a completely different fresh taste. As soon as the ingredients are in your mouth, there is a "crash", as if falling from a super high altitude into a fantasy ocean of blue gems.

Keep sinking, sinking, sinking again, feeling suffocating!

At this.

The audience also saw the difference between the two versions of "Eight Demon Breaking Formations" through the expressions of the two bosses who were so depressed that their faces turned red.

Kaiyou's version emphasizes "controlling people's hearts" and "moisturizing things silently", and does not blurt out words at first.

Xia Yan's version is a big surprise from the beginning!

"The second course——"

Xia Yan continued to uncover the cover with a smile:


Everyone:? ? ?

What a strange name!

However, when they saw the second pile of tender meat slices, like a rising volcano, everyone suddenly felt that it was not so inconsistent again.

Kaiyou narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "You are wrong in this second step..."

He was full of tirade, but Xia Yan waved his hand and interrupted:

"Don't you just want to say that with your original version of "The Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays", the toxic ingredients of this second dish, among which pork is cold in nature, crucian carp is warm in nature, and there are wine grains that aggravate the food reaction, will make the diners step by step. Drag it to the 'Peach Blossom Spring' you built?"

Kaiyou: "..."

His face turned gloomy.

Do you want to grab this line? What a bastard!

Xia Yan didn't pay attention to Kaiyou's look that seemed to be murderous, and continued:

"Don't look at my "Roshan", which uses the same kind of meat slices and the same ingredients, but I can create the 'poison' effect of the original eight demon-breaking formations."

The ‘chat group members’ continued to complain wildly.

Isn't this just frostworm flesh and blood?

Cold in nature.

They believe it.

But can we also create another completely different attribute?

This question was very convincingly explained in the tasting reactions of Admiral Li and Hu Lixing.

After eating the first dish, the two fell into the ocean.

When eating the flesh and blood of frostworms, ice appeared on the naked upper body at the first chopstick.

Chin, brows, corners of mouth.

Crystal ice particles shimmered in many places.

But the two of them ignored it and continued to eat with their chopsticks. This second piece of meat was padded at the bottom of the volcano. They didn't need Xia Yan's words to guide them, so the two of them subconsciously picked up this place.


The meat slices are in your mouth.

It is completely opposite to the icing phenomenon just now.

The two of them were steaming and sweating like they were in a sauna under a curtain of volcanic lava. The patches of skin were frighteningly red.

Kaiyou took two steps back in shock: "..."

Liu Maliu pondered:

"Cold in nature, hot in nature?"

"The same ingredient, or a mysterious ingredient, how can it be so shockingly transformed?"

Suddenly, a term flashed through Liu Maliu's mind. He looked at Kaiyou and then at Xia Yan.


The core of Kaiyou's "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" is essentially the mysterious and mysterious "Qi". It is another level of Kaiyou's understanding of ultra-high internal power, which can be smoothly applied and used to reverse the five elements attributes of ingredients.

Xia Yan said this was a "gourmet cell".

An ability that Liu Maliu only heard of its name but didn't know its essence.


Only "Gourmet Cells" can transform the mysterious ingredients in such a transformational way.

Just think of this.

Liu Maliu sighed and thought to himself: "Kayou will definitely lose from the beginning."

"Qi, how do you defeat the food cells?"

"Generations have changed!"


Liu Maliu looked at the third dish that had its lid opened, and saw Admiral Li and Hu Lixing eagerly trying to eat it with their chopsticks.


He sighed heavily in his heart again.

Sighing, Kaiyu, his former partner and the equally famous Dark Gemini, went completely wrong.

Didn't you see it?

Xia Yan, a young dragon chef, is using his own "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" to tell Kaiyou that it is wrong to pursue poisonous food, and there is no need to forcefully control people's hearts by inverting the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

I knew it was dark food, I knew it would be uncomfortable to eat it, and I also knew that Kibu would feel uncomfortable and bleed tomorrow.

But isn’t delicious food that essentially creates an irresistible interest in people pursuing it the origin and end point of cooking?

Admiral Li and Hu Lixing always remained sane.

The first suffocation of falling into the deep sea did not stop them.

In the second stage, the two heavens of ice and fire, the two people still struggled to overcome it.

The third way...

It is different from the original Chencang rice which hides its stale color.

The rice grains in this bowl of porridge were crystal clear, and it had an aura of harvest and abundance. When the lid was opened, everyone seemed to hear waves of wheat waves.

It was a harvest scene of valleys and wheat fields.

Eat it.

Admiral Li and Hu Lixing seemed to be on the other side of the "door", in that fantasy world of the Western Continent, in the 100,000 Mountains with similar humanities and customs to "Zhonghua Ichiban", undergoing long-term training and inhuman mountain cultivation.

The fourth way...

It cannot be called a finishing dessert at all.

It was a familiar big meaty wing, but this meaty wing had a big gap cut into it and was stuffed with golden minced meat.


Seeing the fourth dish, people who knew these two golden legendary ingredients couldn't help but gasp.

"Chichimok's Flesh Wings" + "Bulagu Wolf's Flesh Palms"?

The meat wings are grilled until they are fragrant, and the aroma of the meat is elegant and ethereal.

The minced meat inside has a different flavor.

Heaviness, the weight of the earth.

There is also a sense of sharpness, as if it can tear a crack in the sky at any time.

When the lid of the fourth dish was opened, Liu Maliu and Kaiyou in front of the kitchen counter were all frightened and their hairs stood on end.

Admiral Li and Hu Lixing, who had already arrived, looked at each other affectionately again.

Nod to each other and encourage each other.



High in the sky, to cliffs thousands of feet high.

He fell to pieces.

After the life-and-death test that felt like the whole body was split open, the delicious food hit the tip of the tongue and taste buds like a heavy rain.

The two of them knelt on the ground at some point. The two middle-aged men, with their masculine bronze bodies exposed, hugged each other tightly, bumped their foreheads, and cried bitterly:

"This is the true meaning of delicious food!"

"Explore, seek."

"The process is difficult!"

"At the end, the flower of success, food, blooms! Isn't this what we chefs and gourmets want to reach when we explore the wilderness of unknown ingredients?"


The two of them turned around and said to Kaiyu: "You are wrong!"

"Poisonous food can control us temporarily, but it cannot erase our essence and sincerity!"

"Xia Yan's "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" is a dark dish, a narrow escape from death, a shattered body in an abyss, and the ultimate pain of melting and disappearing when bathing in a sea of ​​lava..."

"Tasting his "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations", the feeling is very strong, very 'poisonous', very 'poisonous', but we are willing to become prisoners!"

"That's right! Just because his "Eight Formations of Breaking Demons" does not change the essence of food, the hint that after going through all kinds of difficulties and exploring to the end, you will surely taste the most delicious food in the world, we are willing to go there and go for it!"

"In the end, we were not disappointed or regretted. We climbed to the top of the mountain and saw the magnificent scenery!"

Hearing this, there was sudden silence inside the Loulin ship.

Kaiyou's pupils expanded rapidly, revealing a look of disbelief.


I'm afraid of comparison.

His "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" was defeated by another modified version of "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations".

Can the genuine version beat the pirated version? !

For a moment, he was so angry that blood rushed to his throat.


Suddenly he yelled.

Kaiyu suddenly raised his hands, raised his palms high, and used all his energy and internal strength. He was about to shatter the kitchen table and the dishes on it, as if he wanted to quickly destroy the evidence of failure. .


A dragon roared.

A cluster of breaths of fire.

Everyone felt that the temperature inside the Loulin ship suddenly rose, then dropped back to normal in the blink of an eye. The fine beads of sweat on their faces as the hot air wave swept over them were real again.

Some people even just set their sights on the violent Kaiyu.

Then, he saw a body that was so charred that it was no longer humanoid, lying on its back.


Torn apart.

Xia Yan faced a crowd of stunned and dumbfounded eyes.

He reached out and fanned the smoke near his mouth before closing it:


"Fortunately, we controlled it and didn't spray the whole ship to pieces."

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"It's not that I don't know martial arts, but don't force me to use force."

"Force cannot solve the problem, but it can directly solve the person who caused the problem!"

The charred corpse on the ground shattered: "..."

A miserable silent accusation——


It's a violation according to the law!

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