Eternal food paradise

Chapter 520 Capturing the New World (Complete)

The humanoid charred corpse is definitely Kaiyu.

Liu Maliu looked at the charred spit mark on the ground that stretched about ten meters away.

Smell the lingering fragrance in the air again, maybe his own hair has also been burned?

Look intently at the body on the ground.

An all-powerful boss in the dark world...

So gray...



Liu Maliu was a little unstable, let alone the others.

After the indigenous people in the "Zhonghua Ichiban" world reacted, they screamed and made an uproar.

What's even more tragic about Kaiyu's death is that his flag fell. The original brothers looked at me and I looked at you. They either ran to the other "Five Tigers" to seek shelter, or they asked for help. His eyes turned to the former "Jade Unicorn" Liu Maliu.

Although Liu Maliu has become a "hidden dragon", he was originally from the dark world, and he was the deposed prince in the past.

"Kayou is dead..."

The reaction of the group members and players was also one of confusion and shock.

Perhaps Zhiyuan Star Chen Zhiyuan is one of the few truth emperors besides Xia Yan who knows the trajectory of the original work and grasps the truth.

Is Kaiyou's death ridiculous?


But I secretly compared it with the original Death in the Forbidden City duel.

Chen Zhiyuan felt able to accept it again.

In the original work, Kaiyou was forced to death by the "Mother Sun Ball", and finally rushed towards the Queen Mother of the West with a will to die, and was shot to death by random arrows.

To Chen Zhiyuan, the death in the original work is outrageous. A master who is the best in the world died in a deep palace, in a rain of arrows. He fought fiercely to the death just to contaminate those legendary kitchen utensils with his blood...

And now death.


At best, it was sudden. Maybe Kai didn't feel any pain until he died, and died peacefully.


"Dragon's Breath."

Chen Zhiyuan mourned in silence. It was so tragic. Fortunately, the carbonized body was left behind instead of evaporating directly.

In this way, Lou Lin Jian Tian Xia will end in a bizarre way.

Kaiyou, the "Cloud Dragon" who sent out invitations to summon all the heroes in the world, died suddenly on the ship.

No one dared to hold Xia Yan responsible. Whether it was his cooking skills or the strange force that transcended the law, people were deeply afraid and impressed.

Let’s talk about the results.

Eight legendary kitchen utensils unified into one.

In other words, it belongs to the alliance between Xia Yan and Liu Maliu.

[Legendary Kitchenware has been included. 】

The Paradise Mall pops up a prompt.

As a result, on the small store interface of several group chats, everyone can see the rental information of eight legendary kitchenware.

Rental rules -

1. The cooking skill level is not lower than Lin.

2. The level of group members should not be lower than level 3 (a total of 6 levels, accumulated according to total points)

3. Each rental period shall not exceed 7 days, calculated on an hourly basis, and 500 points/group will be awarded per hour.

Seeing the rental conditions, a group of people looked away and sighed.

No matter how interested you are in the magical effects of legendary kitchen utensils, you can only put it down for the time being and try your best to improve your own cooking skills.

early morning.

The Loulin ship returned to the Modu Pier and docked.

The building was empty.

On the dark deck, Xia Yan and Liu Maliu put their hands on the railings of the ship's side, looking at a group of officers and soldiers hurried away below.

Admiral Li, Prince Jiang and several veteran chefs from the Imperial Kitchen Department were among them.

"The first one, the Liangshanbo headquarters side has also been cleared. Kill those who deserve to be killed, bury those who need to be buried, and surrender those who need to be surrendered. I only need you to go there in person to decide on a new surname."

An old man, who looked like a general manager, quietly stood behind Liu Maliu and reported.

"Got it." Liu Maliu waved his hand, and the old man disappeared.

Xia Yan withdrew his gaze: "I also saw him behind Kaiyou. I didn't expect that the old housekeeper who Kaiyou trusts so much and dares to entrust all matters to him is also yours."

Liu Maliu didn't have any scheming thoughts, and smiled cheerfully:

"The time I spent in Liangshanbo and the time I spent in business far exceeded that of Kaiyou. At the beginning, he was just a bullied little guy."

Xia Yan then pointed to the group of Admiral Li and Prince Jiang who had left only their shadows in the distance:

"What are you going to do?"

This sentence has a profound meaning.

It's not about how to deal with Admiral Li and Prince Jiang.

Instead, he pointed the finger at the capital in the north, the Forbidden City, and the Queen Mother of the West who listened behind the curtain and was in charge of the country.

"Are you willing to help me?" Liu Maliu asked seriously.

"I've thought about it. With Subaru's character, he can't be the master of the country. And your fate is like mine, or even more like a true dragon than mine."

Xia Yan immediately shook his head and sternly refused:

"No, no matter how beautiful the beautiful rivers and mountains are, I don't want to be bound. What I yearn for is the freedom of endless worlds and endless planes."

"I don't need Jiangshan Sheji, but I can help you, and you are still young and strong, so just sit in that position. As for your daughter Keling..."

The two looked at each other, and Liu Maliu slowly revealed his father-in-law's happy smile.


A few days later, Xia Yan gathered friends and relatives, including Liu Maliu, Lu Yi and others.

It went towards the deep mountains in a mighty way.

In a secluded place.

Finally met Liu Maliu’s master, ‘Master Yuxian’.

The old man, who was so thin that he only had a skeleton, sat cross-legged on a rock and pointed to the cave behind him:

"The place where meteorites fell from the sky in the past."

"Also known as Falling Star Cave."

I saw several people around me, each of them holding a piece of kitchen utensils wrapped in silk cloth, eight pieces in total.

Master Yuxian couldn't sit still anymore, and with a look of deep anticipation, he patted his butt and stood up:


"What will happen if eight legendary kitchen utensils are combined into one?"

"Is the secret of immortality true or false?"

The group of people, including the elderly Master Jade Immortal, continued deep into the Falling Star Cave.

The cave is very deep, like a ten thousand year cave, and the terrain is steep all the way down.

After walking about a hundred or two hundred meters, we were already very deep, the air had become thinner, and some of the weak people in the team were already suffering from hypoxia.


A starfall crater appears ahead.

At the bottom of the pit, there are traces of a stone, but this Star Drop Stone was taken away by the famous chef Xu Ling in ancient times and cast into eight legendary kitchen utensils.

After tinkering for a while, someone suggested taking out all eight kitchen utensils and placing them naked at the bottom of the pit.

Sure enough, it worked, and the Starfall Pit suddenly lit up like a magic circle.

Xia Yan felt this most directly.

He received a prompt from the park system:

【warn! The coordinates of an abnormal world are invading! 】

[Do you want to activate the isolation defense system of the main park? 】

Xia Yan thought carefully and chose "no".

[The coordinate world continues to approach...]

[Dimensional docking! 】

[Whether it is captured as the new main paradise? 】


【Capture successful! 】

[World information is being quickly searched and organized... Ding, it is initially estimated to be a super-high force plane, with cutting-edge combat power that can destroy stars and destroy the world... The detailed information of the "Gourmet Hunter" profession and "Gourmet Cells" has been collected and can be confirmed. For the world of "Prisoners of Food"! 】

Xia Yan: "..."

"Prisoners of Food"?

A superb food plane was successfully captured and turned into the main paradise?

At the same time, the eight pieces of legendary kitchen utensils are the key to eternal life, which is related to "The Prisoner of Food".

Xia Yan exhaled and understood:

"No wonder you are said to live forever!"

"Yes, after all, the world opposite has all kinds of incredible ingredients and gourmet cells. Not to mention immortality, it is not impossible to directly become a god-like existence by eating ingredients that are close to the characteristics of gods."

He looked around and saw that all his friends and relatives were among his own, and they were all chatting in groups.

There is no need to hide this information, just wave it and forward it to all group chat channels.


Friends who haven't started exploring the fantasy world of "Isekai Cafeteria" yet.

I'm scratching my head again.

Request online!

How to quickly reach the exploration threshold of the new world!

The book is finished, let’s spread the flowers, and the next chapter is "Prisoners of Food" which will inevitably have a lot of fighting content, which is somewhat inconsistent with the style of the previous content in the book.

The author has tried his best to control the protagonist's use of force to brutally destroy the style of food painting, and also tried his best to rely on pure food writing, so even "Zhonghua Ichiban", which is full of martial arts masters, does not have many world martial arts scenes.

But if I continue to write "Prisoners of Food" and start writing about food cells without writing about cooking skills or fighting, the taste will be wrong again.


This is where the pure fantasy food journey comes to an end.

I wrote two books in a row about Food and Humanity.

The author's next book will try to write a Tokyo upgrade flow. The style of painting is closer to games and monster farming. The title of the book is "I Pick Up Scraps in Japan". Friends who are worthy of the radio wave may wish to support it. I will still write books. No Will disappear suddenly~~

Thank you all for your support over the past year!

Especially the two alliance leaders...


I can only sit down and kowtow!

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