Eternal food paradise

Chapter 57 Strange Man

Yunlai Inn, room A.

Everyone lined up in the yard with lanterns lit, and in the order of first come, first served, they opened the door and entered the house with their food boxes.

‘Stars sink and sink’ Tang Ying was the first, but within half a minute of entering, she came out with a sullen face.

"Failed, only tasted one bite"

She paused and reminded: "Also, don't try to go around the screen to observe. I felt like I hit a wall of air just now. It must be because of my energy. Anyway, that person is a master of martial arts."

Chen Zhiyuan listened and nodded secretly.

That's right!

In the context of "Chinese Ichiban", it can be said that all of the 108 generals in the dark cooking world are martial arts masters.

For example, the Explosive Chef Asian Magazine Burns the Yangtze River.

Even though Yakan relied on gunpowder buried at the bottom of the river, the key point is that he used his super internal strength, combined with the [Super Touch] and [Explosive Flame] cooking skills, to truly make the dishes possess the essence of the supreme heat.

In other words, young master Liu Pleiades, who has never shown any martial arts accomplishments and only simply cooks and cooks, is a rare species.

Others besides Chen Zhiyuan were not too surprised.

The youngest among them, the last to connect with "I want to raise an otter," has at least been playing around with the map of the Land of Abundance for a week. He also heard some legends from the various paradise natives.

At least they know about the ‘Five Tiger Stars’.

Moreover, the name of [Ju Downstairs] is so popular that in the message corner of the shop forum, everyone also discussed the Sichuan cuisine fairy who died of illness.

"If even you fail, I'm afraid only the owner of the dog group has any hope of passing the test."

Jerry looked at the next male player, ‘There is a wicked daughter in the family’.

The male player entered bravely, only to come out in despair within a few seconds.

"So fast!" Jerry complained

"Shoot in seconds -" Chen Zhiyuan nodded in agreement.

'The family has a bad reputation' had veins on his forehead and he roared angrily: "I'm not even a one-star chef. Isn't this result normal?"

After saying that, he looked at Jerry resentfully.

"The 'strange man' you are following is too strict and exaggerated. I just entered the house and put down the food box. When I was about to open the lid, a voice came from behind the screen, saying that's enough, that's enough."

"I can leave."

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, Xingchenchen Tang Ying couldn't help but burst out laughing: "It seems that my test results are not that bad. At least I let him take a bite."

It was Chen Zhiyuan's turn.

"Lord of the Dogs, come on." Jerry patted him on the shoulder, "You must pass the cooking test. This strange man told me that he will leave the Land of Abundance in two days..."

As he spoke, he sniffed and pointed to the spicy food box in Chen Zhiyuan's hand in surprise, just when he was about to say something.


The door to the room opposite them suddenly opened.

A figure faced the lantern in the yard, and the shadow reflected was dragged very tall.

The strong smell of alcohol hit my face.

Everyone looked at the "strange man" who appeared in astonishment. Their eyes were uncontrollably attracted by the giant wine gourd in his hand.

To be precise, it's a large wine vat.

"Qi Ren" drank heavily and laughed in a hearty voice: "I smell a familiar 'spicy' taste. My friend, is this your dish?"

When Chen Zhiyuan, who was named, came to his senses, he only felt that a huge mountain was standing in front of him.

He was not short, but he still had to look up at this "wonderful man".


The sound of generous drinking was heard at close range.

At this time, the "strange man" was raising his head, and the moonlight and the light of the lantern illuminated his face. Chen Zhiyuan looked at it, and he was suddenly stunned.

Hold the grass!

He knows this person!

Just a few days after landing in the park, when Manager Xia scared off Wang Fuquan with "roasted tofu with bean paste", he rushed out of the street to find the wanderer character!

"he is……"

Chen Zhiyuan tried his best not to scream or shout out a name.


Seemingly noticing something strange about Chen Zhiyuan, the drunken charlatan raised his finger to his lips, made a shushing gesture, and then winked at him: "Well, it tastes special."

"The application is good, but it is still very rough. If you pass the test and take you back to Liangshanbo, it will harm you."

Jerry, Tang Ying and others looked at each other.

They all keenly grasped the place name Liangshanbo mentioned by the "strange man".


It seems that in the market, those natives talk about the dark cooking world that has become perverted. This is the name of the headquarters of this organization.

Chen Zhiyuan felt as if his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

Prodigal son, Yan Xian!

He can be called the most mysterious master in the dark cooking world. He has a more powerful role than the leader Kaiyu. He has never shown his cooking skills or strength from the beginning to the end. At the end of the series, he silently returned to the headquarters of the dark world carrying Kaiyu's body. He is the watchman who cleans up the mess.

"I remembered that I smelled this unique spicy smell last time at a store near Juxialou."

"Take me there. I'm in a good mood tonight and I want to try some real special craftsmanship."

Chen Zhiyuan was confused.


In a small shop.

Xia Yan is reviewing several recipes from Shiji's trip.

"Fake Crispy BBQ."

2 stars.

"White thick curry udon".

4 stars.

Just looking at the star rating, these two recipes are unremarkable.

However, after all, it comes from the world of shokuji and has the medicinal effect of the 'Yao Wang style'.

And when he thought about the recipes produced in the world of "Zhonghua Ichiban", which had their own luminous effects, Xia Yan suddenly found it very interesting: "They say that the food that luminesces is the best food."

"But if there are no drugs and no benefits, it is quite boring and lacks a lot of fun."

The proficiency of "Fake Crispy BBQ" is almost complete.

He was looking up the recipe information for "White Soup Curry Udon".

"First is the soup part. Boil the potatoes with stock and curry powder, then pour the whole pot into a food processor and beat it into a paste, and season with milk and light cream..."

In the paradise world with an ancient background, it was very inconvenient to practice this recipe. Xia Yan didn't know where to buy cheese and cream.

Just as he was about to go offline, footsteps came from the door of the store.

It's a guest, not Chen Zhiyuan.

"Sorry, our store is closed and there is no in-store service."

He replied with a hearty laugh: "I came here because of my admiration. I want to eat the local delicacies before leaving Shu."

Xia Yan put his hands on his hips: "It's too late. It's too late to cook in the dark."

"Just make something to eat."

The visitor sat down at the bar.

Um? Xia Yan saw this guy's appearance clearly and saw that he was a wanderer-like figure. Furthermore, he felt a vague sense of familiarity. This face seemed to gradually overlap with the original character No. 1 in his memory.

He lowered his head to wipe the table in a disguised manner, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

This is so special.

Everything was fine, but here comes a giant man-eating crocodile.

"Prodigal son, Yan Xian!"

By the way, he remembered that in the original Land of Abundance chapter, after the cooking competition to determine the next chef of [Ju Go Downstairs], Shaoan, who lost, suddenly disappeared. His next appearance was in the showdown in the Lou Lin Ship chapter.

What a coincidence. Could it be that Shaoan was taken away by Yan Xian and joined the dark cooking world from then on?

And what is the reason why Yan first appeared in Shu?

It may be that the death of Fairy Abe caused a stir in both the light and dark worlds, so Yan Xian had to come over in person to take a look at the situation. After all, the Sichuan cuisine fairy and Liu Pleiades' life experience were deeply involved in the dark cooking world.

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