Eternal food paradise

Chapter 58 Collision with ‘Supersonic Cooking Technique’

Outside the store, Chen Zhiyuan was knocked against the wall.

The friends, one on the left and one on the right, surrounded him in the corner.

Chen Zhiyuan simply raised his hands and surrendered: "You can just say whatever you want to ask."

‘Xingchenchen’ and ‘Crooked Fruit Chef Jerry’ looked at each other.

"How did you get your special ingredients?"

Chen Zhiyuan secretly thought that it was true.

Anyway, it seems that he can no longer hide this point. Originally, he planned to keep this secret, and only he knew about Manager Xia's ingredient store.

And now, the 'prodigal son' Yan Xian has been brought here.

After a while, Manager Xia is very likely to use ‘Doubanjiang’ himself, so he has no choice but to make it public.

In fact, when he planned to use special ingredients and rely on them to pass the cooking test of a strange person, Chen Zhiyuan was ready to be exposed: "It's like this..."

After roughly telling the whole story, a group of people were surprised: "The store of a super boss?"

"What about us."

"How do we unlock the store?"

Well, this can be considered as asking Chen Zhiyuan. In fact, he is still a little confused about unlocking the store by himself. He thinks that there are hidden mechanisms such as favorability, but after talking about it randomly, he is afraid that he will point the wrong way and let his friends. Surrounding Manager Xia as a licking dog, licking him all day long...

Thinking of the character of Manager Xia who was as silent as gold and didn't talk much, Chen Zhiyuan was secretly worried for his friends.

I'm really afraid that by the end of the lick, I'll have nothing left.

"We'll talk about this later."

Chen Zhiyuan pointed to the 'strange man' who entered the store and said: "This is also a big boss. If you follow him closely, you won't be afraid of making nothing in vain."

'I want to raise an otter' reminded him coldly: "This man is very dangerous and wants to take us to Liangshanbo."

"Let's join the world of dark cuisine."

On the way back, several people exchanged intelligence and information with each other about the place name "Liangshanbo".

"What's wrong with the dark cooking world? Isn't it just a camp issue?"

The 'evil daughter in the family' had an indifferent attitude: "Didn't you listen to what others said? Only by passing the test can you be qualified as a handyman. Otherwise, if you go to the headquarters of the dark cooking world, you won't even be a low-level minion."

Chen Zhiyuan helplessly glanced at the group of friends who were arguing for the dark and light camps, but did not stop them. Anyway, these players will have to face the choice of camp sooner or later.

Is it light or is it darkness.

It’s not about good or evil, right or wrong.

It’s an attitude towards food and cooking skills.

In the original plot, Kaiyou, the leader of the dark world, commits suicide, but it does not say that the dark cooking world has perished. There are also silent watchmen like the prodigal Yan Xian. Moreover, Liu Pleiades' father is still alive, and he is also a member of the dark cooking world camp. A ruthless character.

As everyone approached the store, they heard a cheerful voice:

"...I came here because of my admiration. I want to eat the local delicacies before leaving Shu."

"It's too late. It's too late to cook in the dark." A voice without any emotion answered.

"Just make something to eat."

Then, the store fell into dead silence.

Chen Zhiyuan couldn't help but worry about Manager Xia. A super boss who showed the map of the Land of Abundance could be considered a ruthless character, but in front of the prodigal Yan Xian, one of the "Five Tigers", he was completely unworthy!

He has reason to think that Yan Xian is the top chef Lin or even chef Long.

I remember that in the original work, Explosive Chef Asia, there was a comment about Yan Xian: "This guy is the strongest among the Five Tigers."

Therefore, in Chen Zhiyuan’s mind, the ranking of the ‘Five Tiger Stars’ in the dark culinary world should be as follows:

Kaiyou, the leader, and Yan, the prodigal son, come first, in no particular order.

The following are Yakan, Mila and Zhu Qi.

Xia Yan looked at the 'prodigal' Yan Xian who sat down and didn't intend to leave until he was entertained.

What the hell!

The corners of his mouth twitched violently.

Who am I to blame? I just wanted to catch some small fish and shrimps, but who knew I caught a prehistoric giant crocodile?

Staring at the players who were poking their heads in front of the store, Chen Zhiyuan scratched his head with a guilty look on his face.

Xia Yan: "..."

Now he also understood that the "strange person" these guys were obsessed with was the prodigal Yan Xian.

He opened his personal store to Chen Zhiyuan, which indirectly caused the current situation.

Do you really blame yourself for not being able to predict things like a god?

Think carefully and seriously.

As the owner of the park, he seems not to have explored the world of "Chinese Ichiban" as much as this group of players.

In other words, he knows the story, the trajectory of the world, and the general context, but he cannot control what happens every day in the real world. It is normal to think about it. I am afraid that only the true creator can control the world in this way, but if the scope is narrowed down to one City and place, exploring and discovering some information...

For example, the ‘prodigal son’ Yan Xian.

If there are camera and video functions, as well as an embedded online forum, can I use the players' "eyes" and "ears" to monitor this information at all times?

At least ruthless characters like Yan Xian won't come to my door at night for no apparent reason.


Xia Yan was sighing, and the hospitality mission appeared on his field of vision:

[Mission - The first collision with the ‘Supersonic Cooking Technique’]

[Content: Make a dish and let Yan, one of the Five Tigers of the Dark World, use the chopsticks first and eat it thoroughly. 】

[Reward: "Rules Talent Experience Card"*1. 】

"Reminder, 'Prodigal Son' Yan Xian is a high-risk character, and it is not easy to gain his approval. Therefore, there will be no penalty for failure of this triggering task."

Hey, this "rule talent card" is a bit interesting.

Does it refer to talents such as super hearing, super smell, super touch, and super vision? Random experience?

"Currently, what helps me hone my cooking skills the most is..."

Xia Yan was moved.

It's all dry when you stretch your head or shrink your head.

Moreover, looking at this posture, 'Prodigal Son' Yan Xian is the kind of bad guest who doesn't want to leave, and there's really nothing you can do about it.

The task has a high degree of freedom. There is no requirement for what recipes he uses or what recipes he creates. There are no indexes or star ratings at all.

However, what seems simple is also the most difficult...

Let Yan use the chopsticks first and eat cleanly...

Xia Yan sighed inwardly: "It's so late, the market has long been empty, and there is no food to buy."

"I said it's free, as long as you can drink."

Yan cast a glance first.

Thanks to Chen Zhiyuan's diligent maintenance these days, and this guy also practices in the kitchen, there are still some daily ingredients.

Shredded pork with green pepper? The problem is there are no persimmons.

In the words of "Fake Crispy BBQ"...

The main ingredient is potatoes.

No problem, there are reserves.

The Chinese background of Zhonghua Ichiban is a bit confusing. Anyway, it does not belong to any known dynasty. The clothing and hair accessories are quite confusing. And even if we talk about history, potatoes were introduced to China in the Ming Dynasty. As for 'butter' and 'cream' These have always been the traditional performances of the nomadic people. The Huns were good at eating dairy products, but they habitually called them cakes.

"The problem is, there is no oven, and there is no substitute for bacon. Even if there is, such as bacon, why would I bite the bullet and make this dish? The background of this recipe was that Yao Wang had to deal with Minenosaki Yaeko's request to eat meat dishes. .”

On the other hand, "White Soup Curry Udon" is a bit exciting.

Several parts of the recipe, udon noodles, curry powder, etc.

First of all, udon noodles, it is true that they are native to Neon, but it must be understood that Neon’s pasta culture originated from cultural exchanges during the Tang Dynasty. In fact, Xia Yan believes that China’s native ‘cut noodles’ are not the same as udon. What a difference.

As for the curry powder.

"Well, it's essentially a combination of spices. Use simple combinations, such as turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, etc., just pound and grind..."

It’s a new week, please vote for recommendations~~~

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