Eternal food paradise

Chapter 59 Publishing Tasks

"Curry powder is not the problem."

"The problem is that this recipe has a French version of gazpacho, which requires butter and fresh cream."

Xia Yan thought about it carefully and immediately gave up the idea of ​​making "White Soup Curry Udon".

There is no way, it will ruin the style of painting.

Players such as "Xingchenchen" Tang Ying, a professional who is already studying French cuisine, can easily see the essence of French cuisine contained in the recipes and thus doubt him. This involves the issue of ganging up on those behind the scenes.

Besides, the ingredients don’t allow him to make this recipe.


The prodigal son Yan Xian is not something that a mere 4-star recipe can handle.

"I'm quite curious about the 'Doubanjiang' you make."

At this time, Jiang Hu Ke, who had been drinking, suddenly said, pointing his finger at the astonished 'Zhiyuan Star' at the door: "This person must be very close to you, otherwise, you would not hand over this unique sauce to He uses... It is said that 'Doubanjiang' is the soul of Sichuan and Sichuan cuisine. It is a pity that the Sichuan cuisine fairy passed away and will never be able to eat her famous 'Juxiajiang', which is also a kind of food. A sauce with a strong Sichuan style..."

"But since you have come to Shu, you can't go in vain. It would be best if it is a dish full of Shu flavor."

The subtext is nothing more than that you must use that kind of 'doubanjiang' to cook.

Xia Yan: "..."

"Are you sure? If you eat super spicy dishes late at night, I might not be able to sleep at night."

He was stunned for a moment by his serious question, and then Yan Xian laughed loudly: "Don't worry about my sense of taste and tolerance. If I can successfully invade the mouths and bodies of people like us, it must be... …”

There was a sudden pause in the second half of the sentence, and he added with a meaningful smile:

"The best and most unique chef in the world!"

Emmm, I'm afraid Kaiyu, the leader of the dark cooking world, isn't crazy enough to say something as embarrassing as "I'm awesome" in front of you.

As for the uniqueness, Xia Yan was surprised. What a coincidence. As for the uniqueness, he seemed to be the one and only one in all the paradise worlds, including the players.


Xia Yan's eyes narrowed and he suddenly thought of something.

If the reason why Yan Xian appeared in Shu is indeed related to the death of Fairy Bei.

Shaoan was also taken away by Yan Xian.

So, can he exert influence on this line? Loot bias value?

Anyway, it’s always right to have a good relationship with Yan Xian. This is an important character throughout the story. Let’s start by satisfying his tongue and capturing his stomach!

Xia Yan planned to serve some of his best dishes.

"As for the ingredients..."


Were you named again? Chen Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment.

"Do you have tofu? Or, do you know where I can buy tofu at this time?"

Hearing this, Chen Zhiyuan slapped his forehead, without any hesitation or reluctance, and quickly took out things from his personal belongings: "Tofu, there is it!"

"There is also pork, one pound!"

The freshness and quality preservation function of the player's backpack is comparable to the [Lingzangku], one of the eight legendary kitchen utensils, but this legendary kitchen utensil can also give the ingredients the delicious characteristics of the blue heaven.

"Where's the beef?"

Chen Zhiyuan shook his head.

"I have -" a voice came from the side, and Tang Ying, who was 'Xingchenchen', had an extra piece of food wrapped in oil paper in her hand out of thin air.

【Are targets given? 】


So the ingredients were transferred to Xia Yan's hands, and they were passed on in the blink of an eye. Xia Yan couldn't help but look at the female player a few more times, and his acting skills deliberately showed recognition on his face.

[This person/role has opened his personal store to you. 】

After several players saw Tang Ying handing over the items, their pretty faces couldn't contain the joy. They murmured "special ingredients" and their eyes glowed. They immediately knew that this bag of beef had completely wiped out the NPC's favorability, so... Became the second among them to unlock the store.

Hold the grass!

Jerry's eyes turned red with jealousy: "Boss, what else do you need?"

It's almost like kneeling down and hugging your thighs.

Xia Yan was very satisfied with the test results and smiled inwardly. As expected, these horses still need to lose some fodder to drive them. "Well, I also need persimmons and pumpkin powder."

These two are relatively hard to find ingredients.

Jerry and the remaining "There's a Wicked Girl" and "I Want to Raise an Otter" looked at each other in confusion.

Just right.

Xia Yan quietly clicked on the hidden green ID button above their heads. This was equivalent to an option that could only be seen in administrator mode, but his template was rather special. He had experienced it carefully the day he met Chen Zhiyuan, and discovered Chen Zhiyuan at that time. Added a talent skill point to the 'tongue' field.

Therefore, there are almost no secrets in these players' personal panels under Xia Yan's nose.

Character level, talent plus point direction.

As well as the cooking skills and recipes currently mastered.

"Hey, can I still see all the information and processes of their recipes?" Xia Yan glanced at 'Zhiyuan Star' and 'Xing Shen Chen'.

One is a 1-star chef who has passed the assessment, and the other is a 2-star chef.

The recipes they passed the assessment task, "Borsch Soup" and "Ma Po Tofu" were both very interesting. Xia Yan looked at Chen Zhiyuan's recipe carefully and said, "Fuck, isn't this just a weakened and simplified version of the 'Six Flavors One Magic Mapo Tofu'" '?"

He couldn't help but cast an elusive smile on Chen Zhiyuan, and thought to himself: "As expected of the wall hanging who knows the plot, but he is still too weak and has not had any deviating influence on the world at all. Currently, even the Liu siblings who are running downstairs are even... , I haven’t even dealt with it yet.”

Chen Zhiyuan was so frightened by what he saw that he felt that his whole body was naked and there was no privacy.

Then, Xia Yan turned his attention to the people excluding 'Zhiyuan Star' and 'Xing Shen Chen'.

"Are you willing to help me find 'persimmons' and 'pumpkin powder'?"

Speak to several people in unison, and tap the [Publish] option hidden on their personal panels from a distance.

at the same time.

The task prompt pops up in the player's field of vision:

Normal (green) tasks.

Contents - Looking for 'Ripe Persimmons', 'Pumpkin Powder' available.

Time limit: 30 minutes.

There is no special explanation for the reward. It is nothing more than an ordinary amount of experience points, without money or physical things.

Jerry, ‘There is a wicked daughter in the family’, ‘I want to raise an otter’.

These three players, you looked at me, I looked at you, the atmosphere changed instantly.

They realized that this was an urgent real-time task. Once completed, the NPC's favorability would definitely skyrocket. In other words, it was equivalent to unlocking the prerequisite task of the favorability store!

"Don't grab it. I'm a senior, please give in." Jerry turned around and shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran away.


The female player "I want to raise an otter" made a disdainful face: "I'm sorry, I know where there are persimmon trees! Just look for 'pumpkin powder'!"

She also disappeared into the night.

Xia Yan randomly issued a small task to this group of people and found that the driving effect was quite good. He then browsed what he had lost by using this function:

[You posted a normal (green) task to ‘Crooked Fruit Chef Jerry’ and lost 100 system funds. 】

[You issued a normal (green) task to "The Evil Daughter" and lost 100 system funds. 】

[You posted a normal (green) task to ‘I Want to Raise an Otter’ and lost 100 system funds. 】

The funds should be converted by the system into experience points to subsidize players. The quota is controlled by the steward of the system. Xia Yan tried to issue a high-level task to Chen Zhiyuan, thinking of passing on the malice from the system to the players. The content was disgusting. Fully written as:

Challenge Shao An to a duel and defeat him before the cooking competition to determine the next chef of [Ju Downstairs].

As a result, the system prompts like this——

"Publish failed."

"You can only publish side quests (not involving important plots or characters)."

"Note that advanced tasks require physical rewards other than experience points, such as kitchen utensils, recipes, ingredients and other miscellaneous categories."

learn! Xia Yan turned around and returned to the kitchen, planning to cook his best dish first.

‘Roasted tofu with bean paste’.

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