Eternal food paradise

Chapter 69 Guest Chef (Part 1)

Liu Pleiades, Xingping Chuangzhen.

By comparison, Liu Pleiades seems to be the most ruthless cheater. His sense of taste, imagination, and ability to deduce images in his mind are simply better than Kaiyu, the leader of the dark world who has all the god-level talents of super vision, super taste, and super touch. It seems even more outrageous, he is so domineering!

Xia Yan touched his chin and looked at Shota, who was harmless to humans and animals. It was really hard to imagine how many undisclosed kryptonite gods existed in his body.

Anyway, he is worthy of being a fierce man who went to Yangquan Restaurant in Guangzhou and passed the special examination in his first year of formal training.

Just be awesome and that's it.

"A Subaru, we have guests." Liu Keling went to open the door and returned in a hurry.

Liu Pleiades looked puzzled.

"Sister, aren't we closed and closed for business?"

"That man said he could just eat a dish and leave." Liu Keling held a silver ingot tightly in her palm. She noticed Xia Yan's gaze on her palm and immediately retracted her hand into her sleeve.

Do you have money-loving attributes? Xia Yan cast an extremely suspicious look.

However, it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. Their mother died of illness and their eldest brother defected, taking away all the gold and silver. The siblings are probably struggling on the line of poverty recently.

Uh, that's not right, this poverty line...

Xia Yan raised his head and looked around at the large house with carved beams and painted edifices. Putting aside the fact that this place was a restaurant, the size of this backyard house would probably make the county magistrate cry and the provincial governor be silent.


Liu Keling put her hands on her hips, her eyes and words showing deep doubts:

"Didn't you say that you and my father are from the same school? Just make a dish and have a look."

Are you from the same school as your dad?

Liu Pleiades opened his mouth wide after hearing this. He couldn't care less about the worries about the approaching competition and shouted excitedly:

"I was only 2 years old when my father died of illness, but I still firmly remember the taste of my father's nutritious porridge. It was a pure, pure and refined taste!"

Xia Yan could not wait to roll his eyes.

My mother is the "Sichuan Food Fairy", and my father is a strong man with the title of "Jade Qilin", who was trained as the leader of the dark cooking world.

As for my son, listen, he has clear memories of everything he ate when he was 2 years old. It can only be said that it is an inexplicable existence hanging on the wall.

at the same time.

Xia Yan was alert

Oh my god, it seems like you can't play tricks on the Liu siblings. Liu Pleiades' "taste memory" will make it easy for the protagonist to see through lies, and Liu Keling is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Don’t forget, after the battle with Shao’an, his younger brother Liu Pleiades started his culinary journey. Liu Keling is actually the chef and chief helmsman of Juxialou, silently operating and cultivating the food passed down from his parents. restaurant. Later, this girl was attracted by Zhu Qi, one of the "Five Tiger Stars", the Feitian Great Sage, which also triggered a scene of a bloody aunt.

It seems that the only way is to show off your true talents and learn, and gain trust with the real stuff in your belly.

"Just use that one!"

Xia Yan, who secretly made up her mind, spread her hands to the Liu siblings and said, "I'm sorry, I can't cook the taste of your father, but the cooking skills and techniques I will use later may look familiar to you... …”

Hearing this, siblings Liu Keling and Liu Pleiades looked at each other.


Liu Keling made a fist with one hand and hit the palm of the other hand.

"Listening to your words, if your cooking can prove it and convince A Subaru and I that you are really a junior in my father's sect, then you must be a very powerful chef."

The girl showed a bright smile: "In this case, it's no problem to use your food to entertain the guests who just came to the door!"

Xia Yan: "???"

Before he could reveal the girl’s shrewd plan, the system triggered a task:

[Task-Ju Xia downstairs’ friendly guest appearance. 】

[Content: Please make a guest appearance as the chef who cooks for Ju downstairs. He will entertain the guests as much as possible, so that Ju downstairs’ back kitchen can resume its usual busyness within this day. 】

[Reward: Closing time is 5 p.m., and the reward depends on the rating, with the highest ‘S-level’ reward! 】


Xia Yan looked a little strange and glanced at Liu Keling and Liu Pleiades.

Hello system!

This cliff is a disguised way to increase your favorability! Strategy strategy!

He only had a few words to complain about, and his mind turned to the word "S-level" reward, which was firmly attracted to him.

Most likely...a treasure chest?

Get a super treasure chest or something and get a [Beichen Sirius Sword]? Xia Yan shook his head again, no, no, this knife has its own wear and tear problem. After a few uses, the body of the ice soul will melt. If it is a kitchen utensil, please bring in some sparkling famous weapons, such as Xiang En's big weapon. The sword, Ren's machete...

Seeing that Xia Yan's expression was not right.

Liu Keling stared at him, with a playful curve on her lips: "What, you've already entered, do you still want to retreat?"

But he saw Xia Yan suddenly flirting with him.

The girl hesitated and took a few steps forward.

"Is there any fish? I want it fresh."


Liu Pleiades raised his hand to interrupt.

"My sister just helped me catch some fish from the pond this morning and asked me to practice fish dishes. They are all big carp. Look -" He hurried back to the house and brought out a wooden bucket.

I saw clear water and plump carp, slightly sticking their heads out to breathe.

“Is carp okay?”

"It's okay, but I'm afraid the water quality is not good enough."

A sneer and dissatisfied voice from the side said: "Hey, these are the fry that my mother sprinkled with her own hands when she was still alive. She adjusted and monitored the water quality. It is basically equivalent to raising it with living water."

Thinking of the half-acre small pond that he saw when walking across the covered bridge when entering the backyard, Xia Yan smiled: "It turns out to be the fish raised by Fairy Bei, so that's no problem!"

Liu Pleiaxing followed him excitedly, carrying a bucket.

Seeing him standing in front of a kitchen table with his sleeves rolled up, Liu Pleiaxing was a talkative young man who couldn't hide his words: "Is it boiled fish? Braised carp? Or is it sweet and sour?"


Of course not!

Xia Yan actually doesn't want to show off the "Arhat Crystal Slash" if it's not necessary, but there's no other way. This is the only dark stunt he's ever learned. Can the Liu siblings be convinced of his status as a "student from the same school"? This is the only way to create a sense of trust.

After all, their father ‘Yu Qilin’ was born in the dark cooking world, and it is highly likely that he will be proficient in various dark stunts!

So Xia Yan drew a knife, held it with his backhand, and struck the big carp on the chopping board right on its head.

When the clang went down, the carp was knocked unconscious without struggling.


There is no normal disembowelment process.

Even the fish scales were not scraped off.

Xia Yan moved the sharp kitchen blade in his hand to the carp's tail, and gently cut it open. The blade made a "chi" sound, keeping it parallel to the chopping board, and just cut across the fish head!


Cut a live carp into two equal pieces directly along the keel and spine lines.


With another knife, cut straight along the rear gill of the carp, and the entire fish head is removed.


Liu Pleiaxing shouted, feeling a little surprised and a little confused.

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