Eternal food paradise

Chapter 70 Guest Chef (Part 2)

For a young boy who has just recently embarked on the path of culinary practice, Liu Pleiades felt extremely strange in his heart when he witnessed Xia Yan's process of killing fish. To be precise, he was unfamiliar with this cooking method. After all, he was currently I can count the familiar dishes on my ten fingers.

The dishes were one thing, but what Liu Pleiaxing showed to Xia Yan, such sword power and aura, was inexplicably shocked.

Cut crosswise, cut straight.

The knife went down again without encountering any obstacles, and the fish head was chopped off smoothly.

It was as if the fish were made of paper. Liu Pleiaxing had killed fish more than once. He knew that fish bones could not be easily cut off, and he was also very familiar with the ordinary knives at home. To put it bluntly, the knives were not as sharp as cutting iron. , it is just a practice knife that is occasionally sharpened with a whetstone for daily use.

Then there is only one possibility left.

It's sword skill!

"He's making 'fish dumplings'..."

Liu Keling was several years older than Liu Pleiax. When she saw Xia Yan carefully scraping out the internal organs inside the open abdominal cavity of two pieces of fish with a knife, she realized what kind of dish Xia Yan was going to present. , or rather, what kind of recipe.

"But his sword skills..."

The girl herself was stunned for more than ten seconds before she lowered her voice and asked the young man next to her who was also in a daze: "Subaru, do you feel familiar?"

Liu Pleiax nodded subconsciously.

"It seems that Dad has used it before."


There was memory and warmth on the young man's face, and the figure of Fairy Bei appeared in his mind.

His mother, a female chef known as the "Sichuan Fairy", seems to have also cooked fish and soup to entertain guests. This does not mean that Sichuan restaurants must prepare local dishes. For regular customers, there are always some things that are not disclosed to the outside world. The secret recipe was published, and in his memory, his mother was cutting fish and meat for a distinguished guest, or serving it in a pavilion next to the pond.

"If it's that kind of knife technique, sister, you will definitely capture that 'umami' flavor!" Liu Pleiaxing said, "The umami flavor... prime time!"

"Well, the umami realm is like the blue heaven!"

Yuqi is a fish that has been handed down from ancient times in China. In modern fashionable terms, it is sashimi.

Carp sashimi is nothing unusual.

Xia Yan still knew how to cut. He scraped out the internal organs, then aligned the knife edge with the rib layer on the inner wall of the abdominal cavity, and gently removed it. There was not a trace left, and the precision was comparable to surgery. The surgeon in the room is a miracle doctor.

After such operations, the originally plump carp was almost dismembered into two tender pieces of fish meat.

The size is greatly reduced.

At the same time, the meat pieces still have fish skin.


The knife made a cut. Xia Yan grabbed one end of the fish skin and cut through it with the blade, thus peeling off a whole piece of fish skin.

Turning the fish over again, you can see that the meat is delicate and there is no trace of black fish skin left!


Here, Xia Yan suddenly put away his knife and looked at Liu Keling: "Go and ask the guest if he wants to eat fish fillets, one by one, or Qiansi Yu."

This involves the subsequent knife skills and cutting techniques.

Fish fillets and shredded fish.

However, Xia Yan suddenly discovered that whether it was slicing or squid, he could not avoid a question that was crucial to his cooking skills -


Hold the grass! Xia Yan suddenly felt that his old headache had returned.

Damn it, the uncontrollable feeling of "Escape Wind" seems to have brought him back to the time when he clicked on the first advanced "Flower Knife", the unpredictability of things happening accidentally. sex!

"He said he would serve the food casually, as if he didn't care much about the delicious food when he returned to his old place." Liu Keling sniffed her nose and did not hide the sound of her inhalation.

Liu Pleiaxing has also smelled the sweet and fresh taste.

Moreover, this umami taste is endless, and after being inhaled into the nasal cavity, it almost accumulates on the physical and mental level.

He stared blankly at the carp meat on the table.

It was like discovering freshwater fish for the first time. It was so rich and delicious. The original muddy and earthy smell was suddenly invisible and did not exist at all!

Suddenly a hand was stretched out to grab the carp meat. Xia Yanyou noticed something was wrong with Liu Keling and intercepted her hand in mid-air. He stopped the girl who wanted to grab the carp meat with bare hands because she probably hadn't washed her hands.

"Hey, what are you doing? You're grabbing fish without washing your hands. When cooking, I'm afraid of dimensionality-reducing attacks like yours from outside! The umami taste is greatly damaged!"

"elder sister……"

Liu Pleiades also looked startled.

This girl had a rosy face, shortness of breath, breasts rising and falling, and her waist seemed to be tightly clamped in an awkward position.

Is she really the sister he knew?

“Golden flavor!”

With her eyes fixed on the delicate carp meat on the chopping board, Liu Keling had a complicated and unspeakable expression on her face.

That's right.

It's that sword skill.

In an instant, it felt like I was back to Ju Xia downstairs eleven years ago.

At that time, the buildings in Juxialou were no different from what they are now. The only thing that had changed was the people.

Of the surviving parents, one was in the pavilion, holding a newborn baby in her arms, and the other was a man whom she had a vague memory of. That man was named Liu Maliu. He was on the edge of the pond. He placed a chopping board on a stone and killed her on the spot. Fish, a bowl of fish soup was cooked on the spot.

At that time, a girl with braids and a runny nose, a cute accent, and a milky voice said to the man: "Daddy, is it another carp?"

"Carp, salmon, trout, catfish, crucian carp."

"Mr. Carp is first..."

The girl Mengmeng listened with her eyes wide open, even though she didn't know what kind of fish it was.

"Carp is the originator of river fish in this land of China, and it also carries the legend of jumping over the Dragon Gate. I really hope that A Subaru and Xiao Ling Dang will grow up healthy and disease-free, so I named this dish It’s called ‘Koi Soup’ haha.”

At that time, Liu Keling never thought that carp was a freshwater fish with many spines.

Because that man who always had a gentle smile would always cut off the big thorns when killing fish and then remove all the small thorns, and then use them to make fish soup and fish porridge. Now I think back to those things. In the picture, when the carp is dismembered with one knife on the chopping board, the rich umami flavor that rises straight to the sky seems to be shining.

Of course.

Liu Keling also heard the words "golden deliciousness" and "blue heaven" from her father named Liu Maliu.

Ju goes downstairs to the lobby of the main building.

Only one door of the main door was opened. The guests sitting in the lobby cast their eyes out of the half-open door and saw that the street outside was deserted and quiet. There were no pedestrians for a long time, let alone carriages and sedan chairs.

Compare it to the bustling situation in the past when Fairy Bei was the chef.

This middle-aged male guest, who seemed to be quite calm and self-confident, sighed softly.

"grown ups!"

The attendant behind him was about to say something, when footsteps came from the passage in the direction of the back kitchen.

"Here, the food is served!" Liu Keling ran over in small steps and put the tray down.

Just a plate of fish and meat, a bowl of rice and a pair of chopsticks.

Liu Keling put down the tray with her other hand and pointed to the three sauce plates on it, feeling very embarrassed: "Well, the master spoon chef couldn't tell your taste, so he mixed three kinds of sauces for you."

Fact, is this really the case?

There was a hint of weirdness in Liu Keling's eyes. She thought of the guy in the backyard kitchen just now, who had proved to himself that he had a slight relationship with her father. She spread her hands and announced helplessly:

"I can't control the sauce!"

"To be precise, I can't predict what the sauce will taste like. Anyway, I'm short of time and can't test the sauce myself. You move all these plates over. If you dip into something unpleasant, throw it away. If you dip it into something delicious, oh haha, That’s great luck and double happiness…”

ha? !

Liu Keling and Liu Pleiades were simply stunned.

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