Eternal food paradise

Chapter 71 Admiral Li

Three plates of sauce?

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, feeling strange.

If there are no special requests from customers, generally speaking, restaurants will not provide extra sauce plates. Not to mention the trouble, some operating costs will have to be paid for it.

"A regular soy sauce dish."

"Well, is this a spicy dish?"

"The third one is sour and sweet..."

Look at the plate piled high with sashimi.

The round plate, flakes of fish, and strips of fish were arranged symmetrically in a Tai Chi pattern, and two lemon slices were cut and placed on one side to serve as the yin and yang of the Tai Chi diagram.

"Is it a fish?" A look of nostalgia appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

At this time, the attendant following closely behind him naturally stepped forward and asked Liu Keling for another pair of chopsticks: "I need to taste the food for my master. If it is convenient, please give me another pair of chopsticks."

Liu Keling has followed Fairy Bei over the years, running up and down the stairs of Juxia, and has developed her eyesight. She can distinguish the distinguished guests. Although these guests are generous, they are also difficult to entertain. For example, if they have mysophobia, they need tables and chairs. You have to wipe it several times before you are willing to sit down, or just like now, servants who are always worried about poisonous food when dining out have to taste the dishes first.


When she opened the door to welcome guests, Liu Keling noticed the attendant's "sir" address and secretly paid attention to it.

"A second pair of chopsticks for tasting food?" Just as she was about to turn around, she saw the middle-aged man waving to his entourage, saying "No need", and picked up the pair of chopsticks on the tray.

He picked up a thin piece of fish.


When the fish fillets are dipped into the first soy sauce dish, the tender surface is stained with the color of soy sauce.

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly froze, staring at the fish fillet on the chopsticks. A faint cold mist seemed to rise in the air, and the sauce seemed to tear away the invisible protective film of umami on the surface of the fish fillet.

In an instant, a plump carp swam quickly in the field of vision!

"It's like a real 'umami'..."

The guest was startled and froze on his chair, frozen and motionless.

The attendant stepped forward vigilantly, first cast a sharp look at Liu Keling, and then asked in a low voice: "Sir, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man suddenly woke up from his memories, shook his head, and the silk-thin fish fillets were reflected in his pupils, and suddenly laughed: "If I hadn't known that the man had died eleven years ago, and that Fairy Bei had also died of illness, I would have I really wonder if the kitchen will be the same as before after Ju went downstairs, with a master chef with special skills in cold dishes sitting in charge..."


Does this person know that this plate of fish and meat has the kind of "blue heaven" delicacy given by the dark world's special skills?

Liu Keling was surprised.

I carefully looked at the middle-aged man's face, which had experienced many vicissitudes of life and had a story to tell. I vaguely felt that the face was a bit familiar, like an old friend.

However, she didn't worry too much.

Her parents are the chefs of Juxialou. It can be said that their family has put the Liu family's mark on Juxialou in the past ten years. During this period, many famous people came here because of its reputation.

There are too many old memories from my parents’ generation.


I saw a middle-aged man, full of expectations, putting the fish fillet into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he had a look of surprise and surprise.


I just had a little taste of the 'Blue Heaven' on my tongue, and all the delicious and luxurious palaces collapsed into ruins in an instant.

A devastating salty storm took over the tip of the tongue.

That terrible sense of déjà vu!

Demons and ghosts have invaded the heaven!

"Cough, cough..." The middle-aged man's face instantly turned red, and he looked like he was about to die from being suffocated. Upon seeing this, the attendant quickly gave him a pat on his back and kept asking in low voices.

After a long time, the guest regained his breath, and pointed at the sauce plate he had just dipped in angrily and amusedly:

"What kind of soy sauce is this? It's so...cough, it's too salty!"

Swear words broke out.

The middle-aged man frowned when he noticed that Liu Keling was also confused.

If Xia Yan were here, I'm afraid he would have said lightly, "I'm sorry, I'm very unlucky. The saltiness of the soy sauce has been intensified, so I ran away if I couldn't bear it."

Looking at the two remaining sauce dishes, the middle-aged man seemed hesitant.

After all, the taste just now was too destroying the appetite.

He smacked his lips.

The aftertaste in his mouth was still full of salty fish, and the original taste of the 'fish breast' was not tasted. Not to mention, the destruction of the 'Blue Heaven' made him feel like he had eaten a salted fish alive.

What a terrible experience!

"Is there any major flaw in seasoning if you only have knife skills?" The middle-aged man sighed, but not too angry.

Think about it too.

He knew exactly what was going on in the kitchen after Ju went downstairs.

It turns out that all three top master chefs left, and the kitchen team was disbanded. Even if a chef was hired in the past two days, he was just a small fish and a shrimp. No wonder he had major flaws in his cooking skills.

"such a pity."

Putting down his chopsticks, the middle-aged man shook his head and stood up.

"I can't taste the familiar taste anymore." He glanced at Liu Keling, "In the cooking competition in two days' time, your brother will compete, right? Let him work hard and practice more of the recipes of the old Bei Fairy."

Liu Keling was keenly aware of the hints in the guest's words.

Suddenly, a hearty laughter came through the half-open door:

"Admiral Li, Li Hongyue."

"You have been in charge of the Palace Catering Department for so many years and have been in officialdom for a long time. It seems that your taste for delicious food has also declined greatly."

Another door opened.

A tall man dressed as a rogue cast a shadow over the store.


The attendant put his hand on the handle of the waist knife and carefully approached the middle-aged diner. From his nervous demeanor, it was not difficult to tell that this uninvited guest was not a troublesome person.

A ruthless person who has to be dealt with on tenterhooks.

"Yan Xian! It's you!"

The man named Admiral Li looked at the visitor in surprise, and soon started laughing: "I didn't expect that one of the majestic 'Five Tigers', the king of the dark culinary world, would also appear in Shu, in this chrysanthemum. Go downstairs."

"You can come, why can't I come?"

Yan Xian wielded his golden sword and sat down opposite Admiral Li.

In addition to his top cooking skills, this guy is also a master of martial arts. Admiral Li waved to the attendant and told him to put down the hand holding the knife. He wanted to see a peaceful and peaceful situation. If there was a real fight, the real person lying on the ground would Can't tell who it is.

Compared to Yan Xian and his own dark and light opposing camps.

At this time, Admiral Li was even more considerate and concerned about what Yan Xian said about his declining taste.


After noticing Yan Xian sitting down, he ignored him as an "old acquaintance".

For a moment, he stared at the sauce tray.

The interest on his face was gradually replaced by the surprise of discovering a treasure.


"It's quite interesting, such a novel sauce technique!"

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