Eternal food paradise

Chapter 72 Enhanced taste

"There is a 'treasure' inside!"

Listening to Yan Xian's lines, Admiral Li was stunned, a little suspicious that there was something wrong with his ears.

However, Yan Xian is not a dummy, he is sitting across from the round table in real life.

Moreover, although he is in the opposite camp, this king of the dark cooking world has an upright character. He will not be possessed by drama and praise anyone's bad feet, and no one can make him forcefully violate the concept of food and praise it. A piece of waste that should have been thrown into the trash.

"Did I really not eat it?" Admiral Li was confused.


He caught Yan Xian's gaze and locked on one of the sauce dishes, and it wasn't the soy sauce dish he had just dipped in which ruined his appetite.

In that plate was a thick sauce that was more like hot sauce in color.

In fact, judging from the pervasive taste, it is sour and sweet, not a spicy or numbing sauce.

"This sour taste is..."

Admiral Li was about to analyze the ingredients from the taste when he saw Yan Xian across the table. He stretched out his hand and touched his arms. He took out a pair of silver chopsticks from somewhere and put the strips of fish on the fish plate. With chopsticks, one chopstick after another moved towards the sauce plate.

In just one or two seconds, most of the fish silk was caught.

Admiral Li's hair stood on end.

"Stop!" He didn't care about the integrity of the high-ranking official or the palace's chief chef. He stood up and went to take back the sauce plate, "This is what I ordered!"

Yan Xian was very naughty, or rather free and easy without the airs of a big shot. He held the sauce tray in his arms, winked and said with a smile: "You didn't plan to stop eating just now, so why waste it."

"Who would have thought that every piece of food on the plate is hard work, and it is not easy for a carp to be so fat."

One is to protect and the other is to rob.

When Ju went downstairs to the lobby, something suddenly went wrong with the scene and style of painting.

The attendant was dumbfounded: "..."

Liu Keling’s face was filled with confusion: “???”

Yan Xian!

When the distinguished guest named Admiral Li revealed the identity of the second guest, Liu Keling was a little confused at that moment.

How could she not have heard of this king of the dark cooking world?

As the eldest daughter, Fairy Bei told her the funeral affairs in bed, such as the origin of her biological father and how Ju Downstairs would manage the business in the future. Anyway, she knew many secrets, but she kept them tight-lipped and never revealed them to Liu Pleiades.

Including his own family, something deeply involved in the dark cooking world.


Admiral Li recognized "Blue Heaven".

Yan Xian, you should know better where this delicious taste comes from.

But what's even more strange is that the Dark King didn't pay any attention to the fish and fish shreds.

Could it be that the sauce is the real thing?

Liu Keling's confusion and confusion were quickly explained.

"Here you go, here you go -"

Yan Xian laughed loudly, and poured half of the shredded fish meat that had been thoroughly mixed with the sauce into Admiral Li's bowl. Then the two people who were losing their sense of moral integrity a second ago quickly separated and took their seats. And at the same second, he held the chopsticks and ate the food.


Admiral Li had a completely different reaction than when he dipped it into the soy sauce base.

Each shredded fish is covered with sweet and sour sauce.

"On the tip of your tongue, there are all jumping fish fry!" The muscles on Admiral Li's entire face were twitching. The moment the fish meat balls bloomed in his mouth, the impact was amazing, and he felt his appetite was ruined. The moment came back.

"The sour taste comes from hawthorn fruit? No wonder it can boost appetite!"

Yan Xian was also chewing.

"Is it sweet? Is it tomato?"

Savor the texture of the fish with your tongue.

The feeling that if you don't pay attention, it will slide over the tip of your tongue, penetrate into your throat, and quickly swim to the depths of your stomach.

After slowly chewing the first bite, Yan didn't take the second bite, and looked at his old acquaintance across the table with a hint of shock.

“If it’s tomatoes and hawthorn fruits, so sour and sweet, why do they fit so well with ‘Blue Heaven’?”

After eating, the "blue kingdom" appeared in my mind. In that cold kingdom, there are hawthorn fruit trees and a harvest scene of tomatoes filling baskets.

“The key is the extremely smooth and delicate taste!”

The two looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

"Um, this is carp meat, right?" Yan Xian looked up and asked Liu Keling as if he was unsure.

"Yes, it's carp."

Hearing this, Yan Xian stood up suddenly.

"Take me to the back kitchen. I'm going downstairs to you. The newly recruited chef is very curious. I have a lot of questions about this sauce!"

Not to be outdone, Admiral Li also stood up.

"Yes, in terms of meat quality, where does the infinitely enhanced 'smoothness' and 'delicacy' come from? I must ask for advice!"


One is a big boss in the Guangming gourmet world who represents the royal cuisine school.

One is the king of the dark cooking world.

The two of them walked almost side by side to the back kitchen.

Liu Keling opened her mouth and wanted to say something. When she saw the background left behind by the guests, she stamped her feet anxiously, bit her lip and trotted after him to explain: "Um, actually, the spoon chef..."

Ju goes downstairs to the backyard.

Xia Yan silently dumped the other two sauce dishes, then drank a glass of water, rinsed his mouth, and washed away the salty and fishy smell in his mouth. Then he took a breath and patted his chest, secretly complaining about the next time. I will never "test poison" again.

He turned around and saw Liu Pleiax looking at him with admiration.

“What a great sauce!”

Liu Pleiax clenched his fists and was so excited that his whole body was trembling: "This is a taste that I don't even remember in my tongue's memory. It's very unique!"

"It turns out that beating egg yolks with sugar and stirring them with tea oil can create that ultimate 'smooth' and extremely 'delicate' taste? It's comparable to the umami realm of the Blue Heaven. I would like to call this taste , for another kind of heaven!”

Before Xia Yan could explain, Liu Pleiades was there by himself, his face changing. Every ingredient, technique and process, he had completely analyzed Xia Yan's sauce recipe.

Hold the grass!

Xia Yan was just shocked, but he didn't feel any loss of blood as Liu Pleiades remembered the sauce he prepared casually using local ingredients.

This is just an extension of "The Wind of Escape", a small branch line, a small episode.

On the contrary, he was extremely jealous of Liu Pleiades' ability to rely on taste memory and deduction in his mind. Xia Yan suddenly patted his head and said to himself: "It's even easier to use than the 'God's Tongue'. Can I..."

A very bold idea!

So Xia Yan asked: "Aang, can you make Mapo tofu?"

For other cuisines, Liu Pleiades, who has just learned the art, would shake his head violently, but 'Ma Po Tofu' is such a classic recipe among Sichuan cuisines. It is a must-learn item: "I know it!"

"That's simpler than Mapo tofu, 'roasted tofu with bean paste'. Do you want to learn it?"

Liu Pleiades' eyes immediately lit up.

"Tofu roasted in bean paste? Is this your recipe, sir? If it also has the texture and taste of heaven, I want to learn it!"

Xia Yan said: "Then I will go back first to get the exclusive secret 'doubanjiang'."

After saying that, before turning around, the kitchen door was slammed open.

A voice said politely:

"Excuse me, who is the new ladle master?"

Two people entered the house one after the other.

Yan Xian, who was walking in front, paused, opened his mouth, and looked at the young boy who turned around and faced the door: "It's you!"

"It's you!!"

Sorry, I have been busy until late at night. I took a bath to refresh myself and stay up late. I want to adjust the jet lag and rest time, so I can only work harder╰╯﹏╰╯

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